
Monday, July 07, 2008

Bike-In Movie Night

James Bond Film Festival Continues in NoMa:

“The Spy Who Loved Me” Thursday, July 10 --

First “Bike-In Movie Night”

Washington, D.C., July 7, 2008….The summer-long James Bond Film Festival, hosted by the NoMa (North of Massachusetts Avenue) Business Improvement District (BID) in Washington, D.C., continues this week with a free showing of “The Spy Who Loved Me” on Thursday, July 10 starting at sundown.

The film will be shown outdoors at the intersection of Florida and New York Avenues, N.E. The site is located directly across Florida Avenue from the New York Avenue Metro station on the Red Line and the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) headquarters. Attendees are encouraged to bring a blanket and walk, bike, or take Metro. Nearly 200 people attended the most recent film showing.

On July 10 and August 7, the BID has teamed with the Washington Area Bicyclist Association to sponsor Bike-In Movie Nights, with WABA volunteer bike valets parking filmgoers’ bikes for free. WABA also will have an information table with the latest edition of the DC Bike Map, a pocket guide to DC bike law, and safe cycling guides, and will offer special $25 discounted WABA memberships. WABA also is providing free bike racks for all the James Bond movie nights for the rest of the summer.

The James Bond Film Festival will be held each Thursday night through August 28, rain or shine, with each film showing preceded by an Odd-job and other Bond character look-alike contest. The film series will take place on the future site of MRP Realty’s Washington Gateway project, a one million square foot mixed-use project that will begin construction later this year. A movie schedule and map are available at

About the NoMa BID:

NoMa is an emerging mixed-use neighborhood north of the U.S. Capitol and Union Station in Washington, D.C. Private developers have invested over $1 billion in 2007–2008 alone, with plans to develop more than 20 million square feet of office, residential, hotel, and retail space in the 35-block area covered by the NoMa BID over the next 10 years. For more information about the BID, including an interactive development map, see the BID Web site at

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