
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Farmers Market tomorrow

The Bloomingdale Farmers Market:
Date: Every Sunday May 18th- November 23rd,
Time:10am - 2pm
Place: In front of the Big Bear Cafe on First and R Streets NW.

We Welcome WIC and Senior GET FRESH checks at both markets.

Dear Fans of BFM

We hope you have been having fun over this holiday weekend. If you are still grilling this Sunday or if you prefer to watch Ted grill, stop by........ and stock up on corn, tomatoes and other great veggies (and FRUIT) for the barbecue. Or for the week.

NEW this week:

White sweet corn "Cream of the crop"
Rich May and Sweet Scarlet ~Yellow Peaches
Spring Snow White Peaches
Sour Pie Cherries for baking and jam
Spanish White Cherries
Queen Anne Blus cherries
Bing Dark Sweet Cherries
Tomatoes sunbrite & early girls & green
Green Bell Peppers King Authur
Purple sweet bell peppers
sweet banana peppers
Munchi mix sweet peppers
Green Beans Valintino

Garner's full of summer veggies that are perfect for 6th of July picnics: White sweet corn ("Cream of the Crop" Lots of tomatoes: cherry tomatoes, sunbrite,early girls & green tomates. Peppers. Peppers. Peppers: jalapaneos, yellow, purple and green sweet bell peppers to grill Hot peppers, sweet banana and Munchi mix sweet peppers for salads or to saute with their bunching onions, tomatoes and Truck Patch's sausages. Cucumbers, new potatoes in shades of red,white,yellow (think Potato salad spiced up with their hot peppers), Valentino Green Beans, squash (yellow, zucchini, eightball, one-ball, sunburst, and whites squash), cabbages to make your holiday cole slaw and....bushels of small, sweet cantaloup.

They grow great corn. Brush thick slices of their eggplant with some olive oil, then slap them on the grill. When they are done, sprinkle them with some chopped fresh basil and oregano and a splash of balsamic vinegar. You can do the same thing with their summer squash
Add some sides of sliced tomatoes, julienned radishes with lime juice and cilantro.

Chef Ted plans to do more off- the -grill cooking demos. Last week was Truck Patch sausages and pork shoulder BBQ. This week will be everything veggie for those of you who swing that way....

Reid: The big story this week: CHERRIES. Caitlin is going to have lots of Bing dark sweet cherries, Queen Anne blush sweet cherries, Spanish white cherries, and a nice supply of Sour Pie Cherries for everyone's pie & jam needs (the pie cherries tend to have a very short season). She'll also have apricots, their delicious yellow peaches (Rich May & Sweet Scarlet varieties), white peaches (Spring Snow), nectarines, blueberries, and red raspberries. Fruit salad time. And cobblers. Fruit cobblers are VERY easy to make:

Fruit salad time. Reid has everything: berries, peaches, apples, cherries. And think cobblers. Fruit cobblers are VERY easy to make:

TIP: Just stir together one-half cup of flour with one-fourth cup of sugar, slice one-fourth cup of butter into 1-tablespoon pieces and cut that into the flour and sugar until you have a crumbly mixture.
Slice the fruit into a baking dish and sweeten it slightly. You can add warm spices such as cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to either the fruit or the topping. Scatter the crumb mixture over the top and bake at 350 degrees until the topping is crisp and brown and the fruit is juicy and fragrant. (Thanks to Russ Parsons of the LA Times for this simple recipe!)

Breadline will have all the good bread you want to wrap around a sausage or grilled veggies or dip into ratatouille, rolls for hamburgers, muffins, cookies, loaves....

Enjoy the holiday weekend and the market.

Robin, Ted, Ben, Jess


1 comment:

  1. Excellent information! I have linked to this at The DC Feed.
