
Friday, July 18, 2008

LeDroit Park & Bloomingdale HERITAGE TRAIL!

Make Some History!
LeDroit Park & Bloomingdale
Would you like to help bring a Heritage Trail to LeDroit Park and Bloomingdale? Do you have photos and memories to share?
Then plan to join your neighbors, representatives from Cultural Tourism DC and the Joint LeDroit Park - Bloomingdale Heritage Trail Working Group to learn more about the city’s Neighborhood Heritage Trails Program!
7:00 PM
160 U Street NW
St. George’s Episcopal Church
The Washington, DC Neighborhood Heritage Trails showcases Washington’s diverse neighborhoods for residents and visitors alike. A self-guided walking trail will be marked with poster-sized signs with text and pictures that tells our neighborhoods’ stories. A trail typically takes 90 minutes to walk, and begins and ends at a Metro station.
Please help us discover the most interesting historic events that happened here,
and the fascinating people who lived, played, and worked here.
Longtime residents, newcomers, and former residents are all encouraged and welcome to attend.
You can see Neighborhood Heritage Trails in Greater U St, Downtown, Southwest, Barracks Row, Shaw, Adams Morgan, Tenleytown, and Mount Pleasant. Trails are underway in Brightwood, Deanwood, Columbia Heights, Anacostia, Georgia Ave/Pleasant Plains and others.
Contact Cassandra Costley at 703-605-4089 or for more information on the LeDroit Park - Bloomingdale Heritage Trail effort. To learn more about the Neighborhood Heritage Trails Program, please call Jane Levey at Cultural Tourism DC: 202-626-1137.
Washington, DC Neighborhood Heritage Trails are developed by neighborhood working groups and the nonprofit Cultural Tourism DC with funding by the District Department of Transportation the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and the U.S. Federal Highway Administration

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