
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Public Safety Meeting

Ward 5 Councilmember
Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr.
Invites You to the
Public Safety Meeting
with PSA 501 Residents

Councilmember Thomas is personally chairing the PSA 501 meeting so that he can hear directly from you regarding your public
safety concerns, as well as share with you key information he recently received from a MPD briefing for council members.

WHO: Ward 5 Councilmember Thomas
WHAT: Public Safety Meeting with PSA 501 Residents

WHEN: 7 pm, Wednesday, July 16, 2008
WHERE: Harry Thomas, Sr. Recreation Center
1743 Lincoln Road, NE
2nd Floor Meeting Room


  1. Hello All,
    I'm considering moving into the neighborhood but am a little concerned that bloomingdale is directly bordered by two violent crimes focus areas. (euphemistically called hot spots by dcmpd),a,1239,q,545954,mpdcNav_GID,1538.asp

    How do people feel walking around alone after dark? Thanks for any and all responses.

  2. This is Scott Roberts, moderator of the Bloomingdale list. When I am asked (which is rather frequently) about living in the neighborhood -- if the * first * question about the neighborhood is about crime, then I usually advise that person not to live here.

  3. I don't walk around alone after dark. Too much opportunity for getting held up.

  4. Mr. Roberts,
    Would you simply answer the question and spare me your pap? It's a pretty wild and egocentric assumption that this is my *first* question concerning B'dale. Believe it or not, you're not the exclusive repository of all things Bloomingdale. I haved lived in Blagden Alley for about five years and know it very well, just don't know B'dale at all. ***Thanks to the other respondent for a sincere answer.

  5. anon,
    please be polite with your replies to other neighbors.

    i walk from the NY ave metro and from the bus stops along north cap and florida at all hours alone. at night, and alone, i'm always quite alert. it can be sketchy and crime isn't rare. There are places i wouldnt walk at night.

  6. Thanks, what places are to be avoided at night?

  7. This is Scott Roberts again. Anonymous -- you might wish to attend this Wednesday's PSA/public safety meeting in order to better familiarize yourself with the neighborhood crime situation. You would be able to speak with both residents and police officers. I recommmend attending the PSA meetings to potential new residents as well.
