
Thursday, August 14, 2008

car break in last night

i received an email asking me to post this:

My name is ( name withheld) and last night my car was broken into. It would have happened between 10PM when I went to sleep and 445AM when I went out to the car. The front passenger window was busted, my radio was stolen and my car was trashed. I don't think they took anything else and I filed a police report but I was wondering if anyone saw anything last night. I am sure someone would have called the police but just in case I thought I would ask around. I don't care so much about the radio but (this may sound cheesy) I think if we show that we notice these things and attempt to report the criminals then they will leave our neighborhood alone. My car was parked in front of 227 S street (near the BP end). I live on Florida but park behind the house. I am sorry if this is rambling but I am just a bit shaken and upset. I hope this helps but with something so minor I doubt it will. If anyone tries to sell an alpine radio CDA-9853 to any of the local shops then don't buy it or get their info and report it.

Thanks so much


  1. There is no 'club'. People spend a lot of their good money on their own property, so the event certainly shan't be minimized. I live within a two block radius and have had this happen - although they didn't do as much property damage. In the end, I threw the factory radio back in and put a sign in the window that "there is nothing here" and to "move on!" This has seemed to work.

    Sorry about your bad luck though!

  2. I wasn't making light of the situation. I have had my car broken into as well and it isn't fun coming home from work and finding your window bashed in and the front passenger ajar and to add insult to injury nothing was stolen. It was probably just some indignant DC punks who broke into my car. My suggestion is to move elsewhere. Crime is acceptable in this part of the city.

  3. Unfortunately, it's not just "this part of the city". One of my first overnight visits to the city back in 1992 was at 16th and Corcoran, NW and my car was broken into. It was also broken into in Adams Morgan and Capital Hill, so no part of the city is immune.

  4. 16th Street in 1992 was still superghetto. Basically what North Capitol would be today...

  5. I'm willing to predict that North Capitol will still be "superghetto" ten years from now. This area isn't near metro and it borders the projects.

  6. several friends of mine have had repeated car break-ins on 15th and 16th streets, i also used to frequently see (at least weekly) broken car windows when i lived in adams-morgn. i have not personally known anyone have their car broken in to in bloomingdale, nor have i seen any evidence of it. perhaps 16th st was "super ghetto" in 1992, but in terms of car crime, it's still there.

  7. Over in eckington you have to worry about the children breaking your car windows in and eating sunflower seeds on YOUR front stoop. It's very annoying when your steps look like hens have been there all night pecking at seeds.

  8. 16th and Corcoran has never been "superghetto"... south of U on 16th has always been a pleasant area of Washington. The fact is, a car can get vandalized anywhere.... and if we all took your advice and "moved elsewhere" instead of standing up against petty street thievery (the note is a good idea), we'd all be in the suburbs. I'm willing to bet 10 years from now, this area will be the new Logan.... but only with the support of those who think it can...

  9. well now i'm part of the club. my driver's side door window was just smashed... and they took my GPS charger. not the GPS! i'm not stupid enough to leave that in the car. why would they think i did?

    anyway, if anyone sees this... is it worth it to report it? i don't see the police giving a crap...

  10. oh and it was on seaton, right near 2nd. about an hour ago. if anyone knows anything, i'd appreciate any info...

  11. definitely report it to the police. how can we expect them to do anything if we don't even bother to report crime?

  12. I live on Seaton, and in the alleyway, when there were people outside at 9pm, someone jacked my roommate's small moped/vespa - she had left it for one second to bring the trashcan in. When she came back out to the alley, they were sitting on it and threatened her when she tried to grab it. They then drove off. . . Yes, it has been reported. Just don't leave your vehicle with its keys nearby . . . ever. It's easy to get lazy and forget.

  13. just happened again. last night. apparently they had time to rummage through the entire car.

    didn't get anything, though. which is awesome. all i get is another $200 window.

    i'm starting to wonder wtf is up with the police around here.

    or if there are any.

  14. I just woke up and found my window smashed in. If it happens to you, CALL AND REPORT IT. If enough reports happen in your neighborhood, the cops will get off their ass and use their bait car. They used it in capitol hill with good results.
