
Saturday, August 30, 2008

pig smoking/ smokers needed

saw this message recently:

We need to borrow your Meat Smoker.

On Saturday, September 13th we will be having a massive Pig Smoking at the Big Bear Cafe, and we need all the smokers we can pull together.

So far we have 2 smokers on hand, two promised by "friends of the Bear", and Ted McGinn has supplied his plans for the fire pit.

If you know of where to get a smoker we could definitely use it.



  1. Scott's email list has a vast reach compared to this blog. Why regurgitate his email content here, where the readership is so much smaller?

  2. because this site is publicly available and is a web footprint for bloomingdale.

  3. it also serves as a bookmark for me to note things i find interesting.

    if you've got content you'd like me to post, send it on.

  4. I'm glad you post this stuff on here, Sean. There is so much info and so many postings on the listserve that it can be quite overwhelming. If something important is going on in the neighborhood, I can count on you to at least mention it on here. I sure appreciate that, and I know a lot of folks in the neighborhood do as well.

  5. thanks. its good to know not everyone thinks of my posts as puke.
    ; )

  6. Thanks for the update, and for keeping those of us who are (voluntarily) NOT on Scott's "list" informed... though I am deeply, morally offended by pigs on spits.

    (I am also deeply, morally offended by uppity people who don't know the power of the 'delete' button, too.)

    Maybe I really am a snob, after all.

  7. sean,

    your blog, my blog, scott's listserv...there's no reason we can't repeat things. nothing wrong with a little multiplier effect, says i.

    keep up the good work, and thanks for informing all of us!
