
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

tonight, a fast tracked emergency vote for Cook School

Other community based and focused arts organizations have applied for the use of the Cook School. We've got lots of charters schools and regular old schools nearby, but no arts facilities. Cook could potentially become an arts outreach facility that can touch all segments of our neighborhood and city.

heres the info on the meetings tonight:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Catholic University Pryzbyla Center
off McCormick Road, NE (behind the Columbus School of Law)
7:05 – 9:00 p.m.


ANC5C citizens are invited to bring suggestions and recommendation for community improvement to the meeting. However, please observe simply courtesies at all times -- wait to be recognized before speaking and do not speak over others or while others have the floor. Please limit your comments to ONE MINUTE so to give others a chance for expression. Members of the community will be recognized to speak in turn following the Commissioners. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall maintain public order during the meeting. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Part I: Community Concerns and Reports ------ 7:05 p.m.

1) Call to Order …………………………………………….… Commissioner Bonds
2) Roll Call …………………………………………………... Commissioner Daneker
3) Approval of the July 2008 Meeting Minutes ….………… Commissioner Salatti
4) Acknowledgement of Community and Guests ………….. Commissioners Day and Holloway
5) Treasurer’s Report ………………………….….……….… Commissioner DeFoe
6) PSA and MPD5CAC Update …………………..…………… Robert Brannum, 5D-CAC President
7) Community Comments .………….…………. Moderated by Commissioners Grant and Daneker
8) Remarks from the Office of Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas, Jr.
9) Comments by Alice Thompson, Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services

Part II: Outstanding Business ------- 7:30 p.m.

Commission Vote on PUD Request for St. Paul’s Housing Development (5C09)
Progress Reports on Outstanding Grants ……………………… Commissioner Day
Project Reports, Vote on WiFi Network Proposal (5c03) and New Proposals for Consideration
Part III: New Business ------- 8:00 p.m.
Emergency Vote Request: KIPP Public Charter School Proposed for Cook School Site (5C02)
Emergency Vote Request: PUD Extension for 4th and Rhode Island NE Project
ANC 5C Single-Member District Projects and Meeting Announcements --
Metropolitan Bike Trail Construction (5C03)
Youth Mentoring (5C05 and 5C09)
Operation Crackdown (5C05)
Traffic Studies (5C04 and 5C11)
Residential Property Emergency Identification Project (5C01)
Resolutions: Commemorative, Administrative, Programs and Issues

Part V: Committee of the Whole Executive Session -------- 8:50 p.m.

This portion of the meeting is reserved for COMMISSION ACTION ONLY, therefore audience comments will not be entertained. The audience is asked to hold their comments and share them with their Single Member District Representative at the conclusion of the meeting. Thanks again for your cooperation.

1) Pay Bills ………………………………………………………….. Commissioners Day and DeFoe
2) Items for October 2008 Meeting Agenda
Abdo Project CUA South Campus Project (5C10)
Update on Construction of City Charter School at former Armstrong Trades School (5C02)
Update on McMillian Project Planning (5C07)

Meeting Adjourns ……….. 9:00 p.m.

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