
Saturday, October 18, 2008

car break in

i got this letter from a neighbor and wanted to pass it along:

This morning (Saturday, October 18th) our car was broken into in the back alley behind Quincy Place, NW (between North Capitol and 1st Streets, NW). This happened some time between Midnight and 6:00 a.m. Luckily nothing was taken, but our first aid kit was left open on the front seat and the passenger door was ajar. We usually keep our car locked but last night we were distracted when we came in and forgot to lock the car doors. This is doubly embarrassing since one of our neighbors warned us earlier this week that she had seen a man walking in between the cars parked in the alley one night, and when she asked him what he was doing, she noticed that he was inebriated and asked her for a cigarette.

Fast forward to a few days later, and someone was snooping around in our car only to open the first aid kit (probably searching for inhalants or other digestible drugs/medication), got distracted, and left the door open behind him/her. Not cool.

I just wanted to share this with everyone in the Bloomingdale community, to serve as a reminder that we are ALL responsible for keeping our neighborhood safe, and that ongoing vigilance of who, what, why, and where is still (unfortunately) necessary every day - and night.

With thanks,

Residents on Quincy

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