
Friday, October 03, 2008

North Capitol Main Street receives official designation


Washington, DC - October 3, 2008 - North Capitol Main Street (NCMS) received official designation as a Main Street Program, after having successfully submitted its application to the city to become certified on July 31st.

The DC Main Streets program was created in 2002 to support the establishment and implementation of lasting, comprehensive revitalization initiatives in DC's traditional neighborhood business districts. DC Main Streets' goal is to support retail investment in the District through the retention and expansion of existing businesses and the recruitment of new businesses.

"Under the Main Street Program, NCMS becomes part of the largest network of commercial districts in the world and official designation will build our capacity to assist businesses and coordinate sustainable community-driven revitalization within our boundaries", says Pat Mitchell, President of the Board of Directors.

North Capitol Main Street's success will hinge on its ability to improve the corridor by encouraging new business development, assisting current business owners with matching products and services to changing demographics and through physical improvements.

"I commend the Mayor for his commitment to support neighborhood business districts through the Main Street Program. We're excited to have been chosen and we intend to hit the ground running."

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