
Sunday, November 23, 2008

junque no more

junque no more
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
whats happening here?


  1. What are you getting at here? The photo was uploaded in september. Has something changed? Is this on 1st street?

  2. getting at? i dont know. i was just asking whats happening here to see if anyone knows.

    it was actually loaded two Septembers ago.

    and yes its on first street @ seaton. nothings changed that i know of.

  3. It would be a great location for a little cafe (with ample outdoor seating space on Seaton). There is a little French cafe on 3rd St. SE just south of Penn Ave. Something like that would be perfect here.

    Although, this site has a few issues. It's probably the least desireable location in the "Bloomingdale downtown", as it has little visibility from Rhode Island and is a smaller, less dominate building. It also appears as though the building needs a lot of work - although I'm just guessing. Nonetheless, at the right price (and a healthy TI allowance!) maybe someone would be willing to go into it.

    Were you just throwing the question out there or have they done some work to it recently?

    By the way, has anything happened to the newly-painted green building next to Yoga District that you know of? Are they working on the interiors?

  4. i was just throwing the question out there.
    if i had noticed work going on, i wouldn't be sneaky about it.
    ; )

    i dont know anything about the newly painted building except that it now has a new lightbox over the door. i suspect we'll be seeing a sign soon.

  5. Sorry, I didn't mean it to come out like that. I was just hoping that there was some visible change you saw.
