
Monday, January 12, 2009


Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
i have a lot of painted wood in my house that i'd like to strip. these details were easily removable and i used a heat gun on them.
having once had a house burn down that left me homeless for three months ( during that blizzard of 1996.. yeah it freakin sucked.) , i'm totally paranoid about heat gunning piece in place. and i dont want to remove all my trim to do this.

i've used chemical strippers in a former job while refinishing furniture, but i'm not a huge fan of toxins, so i won't revisit that.

i thought i'd try this thing out:

The Silent Paint Remover™ is a high quality tool for removing paint, varnish, adhesive, silicone caulk etc. The tool uses infrared heat to soften paint and varnish adhesive, silicone caulk etc.
more info here:

any one have one ( that i could borrow???) or use one? what did you think?

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