
Saturday, March 07, 2009

new york pizza and mexican.

someone on the eckington listserve mentioned that the old KFC at North Cap and Florida will become a "New York Pizza"

I've not tried them before, but there's one on Bladensburg NE and one on Pennsylvania Avenue SE for anyone interested.

Last night I tried to convince the owners of La Lomitas to open a place on North Capitol. They're looking to open a new location so if you go there, tell them to come to our neighborhood!

i always go to the one near potomac avenue metro ( a tradition since i moved to dc) but they have a location on the 300 block of penn, and a place on Mass Ave NE called La Loma.


  1. I love New York Pizza on Penn Ave SE. They are GREAT!!! Finally, some good news and a decent, well run restaurant is coming to Eckington. I've been waiting for a decent, non-chain pizza place for the last three years. The one on Penn Ave is great though. You should go check it out.

  2. How about something simple like a Julia's Empanadas on North Capitol? It seems as though if a take-out place like Julia's could establish a solid footing, then other restaurants would certainly follow.

  3. man, Julia's pear with almond paste empanada is the rocks!

    glad there's an endorsement for New York Pizza.

  4. It's really funny. The people that work there are Indian or Pakistani and they can make some really good pizza. I think New York Pizza will be really succesfull at the old KFC. No longer will have to order from Pizza Boli's (Brookland) or Papa Johns (downtown/Mass Ave). Eventually I'll be able to support a business right in the hood.
