
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why Bloomingdale is a Fascinating, Yet Complex, Micro Real Estate Market

I could have titled this "Settled Residential Sales Bloomingdale January and February 2009", but that would not have been nearly as exciting, would it?

HERE are the reported settled residential sales for January 2009 for just Bloomingdale.

They are comprised of:
-1 high end condo
-1 foreclosed house
-1 very cute but kind of small house
-1 very large house described as needing work

HERE are the reported settled residential sales for February 2009 for just Bloomingdale, which are similarly diverse in nature.

-1 foreclosed house (bought by an investor who typically does very nice renovations)
-1 foreclosed condo
-2 condo units at The Gage School/Schoolhouse Lofts

In the market or thinking about it? HERE are the scheduled open houses in and around Bloomingdale.


  1. I agree--your title was much better!

  2. Hi Brandon! Gosh, it's nice to know that anybody actually read my post :-)

  3. Hey Bloomingdale !!!

    I really like your blog. I see that there is a tremendous amount of information on there but wanted to pass along a site that you may find useful for your neighborhood along with your site - you might even put the link on your page to compliment your information.

    I launched Household Network as a way to keep our neighborhood directory on-line as well as a forum for people to list items they have and would be willing to loan to another neighbor. Items that others would not know that I had, or would require a lot of calling and searching to see if another neighbor had an item (i.e. extension ladder, portable DVD player, card table and chairs for a party, inflatable bed, extra high-chair for visiting family etc....)

    It has now blossomed into the ability to list local service providers (that plumber you need at the last minute etc...). Who better to take a recommendation from than your neighbor? Neighbors can list potential Babysitters and even experience that they might have that they would share How To’s with a neighbor ( ex. tile installation or building a deck)

    Communication is also a key component. Members of a neighborhood or "network" can email individuals or the entire group. Or, they can "post" a note that remains on the homepage until a designated time (ex - the block party will be Friday, March 15th.).

    Some neighborhoods keep their same profiles etc...and break-down into book clubs, cigar clubs, wine clubs etc...all within the same neighborhood.

    Please take a look at ......IT'S FREE ....its designed to bring neighbors together!!

