I dont even live in his ANC but i know that John Salatti is one of the more active and vocal ANC reps. He sent out this message for a "Neighborhood Safety Walk" that you might want to be a part of.
Here's his message:
The Bloomingdale Public Safety Initiative
Invites You to Our Next
Neighborhood Safety Walk
Join with your neighbors and walk the streets of Bloomingdale! A strong, diverse community presence will announce that this neighborhood does not tolerate: crime, drugs, violence, and prostitution! We also encourage a caring community where neighbors look out for neighbors and who appreciate what everyone brings to the community table.
THURSDAY, MAY 21TH, 7:00 p.m.
Meet at the corner of 1st and V Streets, NW
(kids and dogs welcome!)
We can do it!
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
(202) 986- 2592
jsalatti @ earthlink.net
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"
Based on what happened today, this is even more important and necessary!: http://dcist.com/2009/05/multiple_shootings_in_bloomingdale.php.