
Friday, July 17, 2009

a dismal forecast

In Shaw notes that developers wont touch north cap.


  1. InShaw's post has a point, but there are a couple of encouraging factors of note for North Cap in the long (not sure how long) run. First, NoMa, whether you like it or not, is certainly bringing change to 1st St NE, and will eventually push development to the border of NW One, which will also eventually spring to life. Couple that with new retail, increasing property values, etc. in the Bloomingdale/Eckington neighborhoods north of Florida Ave., and you begin to create a sandwich of sorts. I can tell you that the development of the Peoples Building's parking lot along North Cap would completely transform the area. Sadly, I don't believe Douglas Development has any near or long-term plans for that site.

    Another foundational issue with North Capital Street is its freeway-style design. In order to create a walkable, pedestrian-friendly environment DDOT needs to slow cars down. Until that happens retail will struggle on N Cap no matter where it's located. One solution is rebuidling Truxton Circle. That would help!

  2. absolutely, truxton circle needs to be brought back, in addition to the calming of traffic and rationalization of north capitol street. make it a road for the neighborhood, not a traffic sewer for people from maryland.

    i never heard what came of the eckington civic association meeting that was supposed to be discussing this (among other things). ted mcginn, anything you could share?
