
Saturday, July 11, 2009

studio sale. cool art. great jewelry

One of my favorite neighborhood artists is having a studio sale tomorrow..
here's here message:

Hi all,
For those who don't already know, in a few weeks I will be leaving DC for 2 years of study and nature immersion in California. If you are in town this Sunday please come by to say "see you later" and help me clean out my studio! I will have some great deals on both my wall hangings and photographs, and of course will have my jewelry as well.

There will be plenty of cold refreshments, but dress for heat. Also FYI while I am gone I will still have someone selling my work at Eastern Market. Hope to see you!

(202) 550- 3629

52 O Street, NW #307/308
Sunday July 12, 11 to 5

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