
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

North Capitol Main Street Clean & Safe Sentinels Kick-Off Today

See this message from Garry Clark, Executive Director, North Capitol Main Street, Inc.:

North Capitol Main Street


On Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 11:00 am, 1703 North Capitol Street, NE, North Capitol Main Street will launch the first of its kind in the North Capitol Community -- its inaugural Clean & Safe Sentinels Program. The NCMS Clean & Safe Sentinels will be responsible for keeping the business corridors that surround Bloomingdale, Eckington and East Shaw/Truxton Circle
neighborhoods clean and safe for businesses, resident-customers and visitors to the area.

Services will be provided by Ready, Willing & Working (RWW), which provides work opportunities and supportive services to homeless and formerly incarcerated individuals. The program's holistic approach empowers men and women to break the cycles of homelessness, welfare dependency and criminal recidivism to achieve permanent self-sufficiency -- through gainful employment and life-skills training.

NCMS sought the services of RWW because of its excellent track record in providing maintenance, cleaning and landscaping services to Capitol Hill Business Improvement District as well as to Barracks Row Main Street.

RWW President Patty Brosmer says "With an emphasis on enjoying what we do and a philosophy that we are serving the public, we are looking forward to making a big difference for those who live, work and do business in the NCMS area."

"Once the program is up and running, we are urging residents to help NCMS make this program a complete success by sharing your comments and making suggestions on how we can improve in any area, says Pat Mitchell, President of NCMS." "It's going to take a united effort -- coordination with businesses, police, social services and residents -- to make the program a model of success and each resident can do his or her part by being invested in the idea of a clean and safe community."

Garry Clark, Executive Director
202- 905- 6039

1 comment:

  1. Excellent news! I know Ready, Willing & Working does GREAT work on Capitol Hill so I imagine Eckington/Ledroit/Bloomingdale will experience the same!
