
Monday, December 21, 2009

snow removal in Bloomingdale & LeDroit Park

See this comment from a Flagler Place NW resident:

It is imperative that we send the mayor letters indicating our displeasure in the way the snow removal in our neighborhood was handled this weekend. For an entire week or more, the City knew of the coming snow storm and to me, failed to prepare. Today, I watched as my neighbors took about 4 hours to dig out their car and then attempt to drive down Flagler; only to get stuck in the snow. It took them another 45 minutes to clear the snow from under the car and get it moving. I joined them in a ride to the supermarket and through a few other neighborhoods. Not surprising, the side streets of DuPont and Georgetown were cleared! This is unacceptable. We in Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park pay taxes too!


  1. Yes, but we don't pay as much in taxes because our property values are lower. Money talks. Life is 'fairer' to people with more money. Is this news to you?

  2. Dude, we got like 16 inches of snow. The city should focus on main arteries. I drove around the city today and many side streets not just in bloomingdale but on capitol hill and other parts werent completely plowed.

  3. The streets in the highly-taxed Maryland city I work in were much worse than Bloomingdales. Virginia was reported to impassible streets and roads. At least DC's major arteries were clear and many smaller streets were plowed.

  4. The name of the neighborhood is Bloomingdale. The name of the department store is Bloomingdale's. The name of the neighborhood is * not * Bloomingdales.

    == Scott Roberts, blog moderator ==

  5. 12/20/2009 message from Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr:

    “During my Ward Five neighborhood tours in which I saw many of our neighbors digging out, I would like to say that our snow removal efforts have been tremendous and as of 11am, our major streets have been cleared and most of our secondary roads have been treated and will be treated throughout the day. I encourage our neighbors to be patient and allow our crews to complete the outstanding job they are doing as this snow emergency ends."

    This is CM Thomas's Talking Point on lots of Bloomingdale issues:

    Be patient, I need to score more hits on Fenty, so you can just wait and watch while the city stops working your little community-guided Gage-Eckington park.

    Be patient, the snow-clearing pecking order has not finished with the homes of council members.

    Be patient, you will be told what the city and EYA have decided to do with McMillan in good time. No plan has been agreed upon, but I support any plan that favors EYA and my developer friends who have given me maximum campaign contributions.

    Look, I know my first duty should be to the people of Bloomingdale, but I'm running for mayor now. I'm against Fenty's school reform efforts, even though test scores are up dramatically. I'm on the side of Marion Berry-era teachers, not today's kids.

    A First Street Resident

  6. Hey Scott, I believe "Anonymous" meant Bloomingdale's, not Bloomingdales. It's just grammar, not diction.

  7. I have a Miata MX-5 Sports car - my ONLY vehicle, and with the lack of parking spaces, all that I can fit into a parking place on the street (if I am lucky). I spent over 3 hours on Sunday, digging it our from the snow, also the snow piled up in the middle of the street, so that the snow blowers would not rebury my poor little vehicle. Unfortunately, as of this morning (Tuesday 22nd) none of 1st nor 2nd Sts have been plowed neither Seaton, nor S. So, I am now in peril of my life, trying to get my car down these roads, so that I can get to work. This is now the THIRD day, and the only street cleaners that I have seen so far, have been the neighbors with shovels.

    Should my tires slip / slide & I cause an accident to either myself or damage to someone else or other people's property - do I have a law suit against the City ????

    Elizabeth Wilson / 2nd St. (auto presently languishing on S St.)

  8. The street cleaning is moving much too slowly.

    I do not agree that east of Florida Ave is being purposely neglected or forgotten. I drove down M St. west of Conn. Ave. all the way down through the West End n'hood to Trader Joe's on Sunday and it was worse off than we were here. I was also in Dupont yesterday and many of the streets look like V St where I live...untouched.

    I get the impression that everyone left early for the holiday and what the streets look like now are what they will look like until the snow melts.

  9. I encourage everyone to go to the Metro Regional Information Systems' website, type in your zip code, and get the year-over-year data on property values in your neighborhood:

    (I am not affiliated in any way with the real estate industry)


  10. Re Bloomingdales...It's actually not even's punctuation.

  11. My trash is due to be picked up on Wednesdays. As of today, Christmas, my trash cans are still full and seated in my alley. I called and complained yesterday. I was told that because of the snow, my trash will not be picked up, until earliest, Monday. Gotta love DC!

  12. The city staff must organize and tell the people the priority snow removal before any places. so that they will understand why is that it goes slow.
