
Monday, December 07, 2009

stray cat around the unit block of R St NW

See this message from Bloomingdale resident Nathaniel James:

There is a large gray and white male cat who ranges in the alley between 1st & North Capitol and R and Randolph NW who has been getting pretty familiar with me for the last few months. I believe he is pretty young (not a kitten, but not older than 3 years) and apparently in good health. If he's a stray, he's quite friendly, and I think others on the block are feeding him.

Last night, he ran into my house and didn't want to go back out for a while until I lured him out with food. As the cold weather settles in, I am beginning to consider fostering or adoption.

A couple of questions:

1) Is anyone familiar with this particular cat and its story? Does he belong to anyone? Is he getting regular shelter?

2) In general, does anyone know how the alley cats in the neighborhood fare over winter? Has anyone placed outdoor shelters for them, etc? Do the local groups (like Metro Ferals /) know about them?


  1. he has been around for a couple of years. i have fed him from time to time. very nice cat. he was 'fixed' by some charity group a couple of years ago. i'm sure he would very much appreciate a place to stay for the winter... Fred Carver 71 R st.

  2. I've seen him around for a couple years as well, very friendly cat. When I'm working in my back yard he'll often just sit and watch inquisitively.

    It's very kind of you to think of him as it gets chilly outside. Keep us updated on what you decide.

    -Bryan, Randolph Pl, unit block

  3. Is he ear-tipped (one ear is clipped or notched)? Marty King ( is very knowledgeable about stray/feral alley cats, especially in this neighborhood, and she could probably answer some of your questions.

  4. This cat is a sweetheart! I often see him in the morning in the alley between R St. and Randolph Pl. and he walks with me down the alley to my car.

    I'm not in a position where I can take a cat in, but I've worried about him. I'm so glad to hear other's have taken notice of him.

    -Corinne, 45 R St

  5. My wife and I used to live on the unit block of R St. NW. That cat spent a lot of time in our back yard, and we fed him daily.

    We trapped him and had him neutered by the Humane Society before returning him to the alley. (If it is the same cat, his ear should be clipped or 'tipped' as a result) We also had him treated for ear mites. We continued to feed him daily, and we placed a shelter with a heating pad in our yard for him during some of the coldest weather last winter.

    I talked with one of the men who hang out on the West side of the block about the cat. He's been around for a while. We called him "Scratchy" because his ear mites caused him to scratch his ears constantly. But the guys at the end of the block had other names for him too.

    He's a good cat, I have pictures of him if you want to confirm that it is the same cat. I credit him and other cats with the relative lack of rodents in the alley.

    Mark, Formerly of the Unit Block of R St. NW

    rooksm @ gmail . com

  6. (Hi Mark!)

    I feed a colony of alley cats between S and Randolph and have several winters' worth of experience with them. I used to put together primitive shelters made from cardboard boxes during the colder months. I've graduated to plastic stackable cubes from Target that have cat beds in them. It's under my porch so they don't get wet. They do pretty well and for the most part the cats that live outside don't want to be inside (even when it's cold). The most important thing in addition to feeding is to make sure they have water that is not frozen. Please feel free to contact me at hipchickindc @ yahoo . com.

  7. Thanks for all the great comments and history.

    I've posted 2 pics we got of him today on flickr:

    If you are following this thread, please take a look and confirm whether we're talking about the same cat. I don't think his ear is tipped, but I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for.


    Nathan 49 R

  8. (Hi Suzanne!)


    Without a doubt; we are talking about the same cat. It's good to see him again - and he looks relatively clean and healthy.

    The very tip of his left ear was clipped off by the Humane Society in SE. Take a close look, it isn't rounded off - it has a straight edge to it.

    We worked with some local alley cat allies to borrow a trap. We trapped him one night (I have a photo of him in the trap) and took him to be neutered the next morning. He was neutered and treated for mites, and his ear was tipped before we returned to pick him up. He spent another night in the trap while he slept off the anesthetic, and I distinctly remember opening the trap so he could run off on a rainy summer morning (2008).

    He eventually forgave us and returned almost nightly for food and shelter (I have a photo of him on a very cold winter day in January 2009)

    My pics of him are on my computer at home, so I'll make them available tonight.


  9. We call him Mr. Nimbus:

    Our landlord has threatened taking him back with him to Capitol Hill, but I could never let that happen.

    Although, he doesn't have white anywhere, so maybe it's a different cat after all...Who knows. I'm a dog person!

    (N. Capitol & Quincy)

  10. I feed a colony of stray cats in the alley between T and Todd, in the 100 block, NE. I converted an older covered litter box into a workable shelter, with an old blanket inside. My boyfriend also made the cats a wooden shelter with some spare wood, though it's only caught on with one or two of them so far.

    (Sue, T St & Summit NE)

  11. With all the spaces under porches, garages, etc. in the neighborhood, there are a lot of places for the cats to shelter. I was observing one of my outdoor guys sitting out in the cold on top of a lawn chair pillow and he looked very comfortable. Their coats thicken in the winter.

  12. I email some photos to Nathan earlier in the week. Here they are:

