
Saturday, January 16, 2010

stolen mail

From a resident on the unit block of U Street NW in Bloomingdale:

It looks like someone stole my mail and is signing up for credit cards in my name. They also probably stole my credit card statement out of the mail.


  1. A gift card from Verizon that I was sending to my neice never made it to her. In fact, checking with Verizon, I learned that the card had been used at a Target Store. I had given that piece of mail to the mailman delivering mail on my street...just before the Christmas holidays. I brought this to the attention of another of my neices who is a Postmistress who advised me that was a federal offense and should be reported to the USPS Inspector General. I sent an email to the Inspector General. The matter is being investigated by the USPS IG and Verizon. If you have not done so already, I encourage to report the incident that you experienced to the USPS IG, as well.

    MAW, Bates Area

  2. I had a series of similar experiences and contacted the Post Office IG. Thet are now trying a ring of perpatrators for those crimes and others. Bloomingdate Resident

  3. Just got married; gift givers curious as to why we hadn't said thank you allowed us to learn just how often packages get stolen around 15th and Q.
