
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

more snow plowing needed in Bloomingdale ... ?

See this 2/9/2010 message from a household on the unit block of S Street NW:

My husband and I are new residents in the Bloomingdale neighborhood - hopefully. We purchased a house on the unit block of S Street NW and are supposed to be moving in this Friday, after 6 months of renovations. I'm getting more and more concerned that we are not going to make that deadline given that none of the side streets in Bloomingdale appear to have been plowed as of 11:50am Tuesday (today, right now). He and I have been making our way via Metro from our apartment over to the house everyday to shovel snow, and have not seen any improvements in our street conditions. It's slightly disconcerting considering nearby Rhode Island Ave and Florida are both completely clear. We even went so far as to flag down a plow and ask him to make a pass through that neighborhood. He said he was going off duty but would radio it in. We don't know for sure if he did, and I understand the magnitude of this storm, but if you check out this link to the DDOT Snow Tracking page ( ) you can see that there are some side streets off Eckington Pl. NE that have had multiple passes. We apparently have not had a single one. Is there someone we should be contacting about this? Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Last night, I called in this plowing request for the Unit block of S Street directly to a contact at DDOT. He said that they would try to get a truck out to that block last night before the storm really took off. I don't know if that happened. I'm checking back with him today about that block and others like Flagler Place (a perennial no-plow zone because it is so narrow) and Adams Street in an attempt to get them higher up the priority list when trucks are back out.

    Stay safe out there!
    John Salatti

  2. we've had one plow go through today (Wed Feb 10) on unit block Adams NW about 11 am and no more. there's so much blowing around the accumulation never stops.

  3. Why are you making such a big deal, is this not te worse fall of snow in 100 years. Just boil some water and throw it on the pavement and stairs to the front door.

  4. It is the worst snow fall in 100 years. I don't think people were wildly complaining. But, it does seem odd that the side streets are being passed up.

    Thanks for that DDOT website. It's cool and shows absolutely no activity on T street west of 5th.
