
Friday, February 19, 2010

snow removal request on 200 block of Florida Ave NW

Here is a request from a neighbor on the 200 block of Florida Avenue NW:
I live on the 200 block of Florida Ave NW- the even side.

Because half of the block has rear-facing R street NW houses and the Three D car lot there is a HUGE stretch of the block that never gets shoveled every time it snows.

I would shovel myself, but I have a herniated disk in my back and am not physically able to. I am BEGGING the residents of the 200 block of R street NW who have a back entrance onto the 200 block of Florida to PLEASE SHOVEL THE WALK.

Additionally - to the owner of 3D Motors, please shovel in front of your business. In order to get to my car (I park on the 200 block of R street), I have to walk with my back to traffic in the street....I have seen people getting off the bus and being forced to stand in the middle of the street because the bus stop is covered in three feet of snow. It is dangerous, to say the least, especially at night.


  1. Good request, I completely agree, especially since a good chunk of S. Bloomingdale gets to the Metro via R St.

    By the way, how is 3D Motors a legitimate business? They certainly can't be selling enough cars to justify the rent required for a corner lot with good visibility on Florida. The land value has to be at least $300K. What would be nice at that corner building with some small retail on the ground floor and a couple of residential flats above. Maybe there are zoning issues with building on it?

  2. Greetings! Unfortunately, most pedestrians discover a danger, only sadly, when victimized and so I wanted to inform you of, a timely and useful tool intended to reduce the year-round risk of injury and fatality from contact voltage. And so you are aware, I confer with Con Edison's Stray Voltage and Public Affairs and contribute to Wet Nose Guide and New York Dog Chat. Thank you in advance and stay safe.
    Best wishes, Blair Sorrel, Founder,

  3. Call 311 and report any failure to remove snow from a sidewalk. I believe a business can be fined for failing to keep its sidewalks clear.

  4. Call and complain to the Mayor's call center. 3D Motors is an eyesore. If they're fined out of business for being a bad neighbor, we'll all be better off.

  5. Well- the same day this was posted, the sidewalks in front of 3D motors were shoveled...they kind of forgot about the back part actually on Florida Ave NW, but the sun has melted all of that snow at this point. Now, if the good neighbors of R street would just shovel the BACK side of their houses, then Florida Ave would be passable after a snowstorm!
