
Thursday, March 18, 2010

addressing a notice of violation of trash in the rear of one's property in the alley

See this message from a property owner in the Stronghold:

As a property owner in the Stronghold), I would like to know if anyone in the community has had experience with getting a notice of violation for trash in rear of their property. And how they were able to resolve it without paying the penalty, if so.

It is fairly clear to me that someone other than myself or my tenants chose the alley right behind the fence of my property as the dumping ground.

So two things -

1) I’m curious, if as property owner if I am responsible for this – it does appear to be in the alley, which I understand to be public property

2) Who I can contact (with the least amount of time/effort/money) to resolve.

Any help from the community is appreciated!


  1. Unfortunately, illegal dumping is a common problem in some of the alleys in Stronghold.

    Without knowing all of the details, I would say that you are not responsible for trash and debris dumped in a public space.

    Please feel free to contact me. I also live in Stronghold and would be happy to work with you to resolve this matter.

    Kenyan McDuffie

  2. I don't know where the 'stronghold' is, either. However if it's anywhere near the alley between Seaton PL and the unit blk of S Street NW I say LET THE TICKETS FLY! Several piggish 'neighbors' leave little room for ganging up on the city when they routinely: 1) leave garbage bags on the ground for cats, rats and others to pick and claw through-esp. when city cans are free, 2) they opt to relocate THEIR garbage to YOUR gate or driveway because they're too freakin' lazy to move them before and after moving their own cars from their own parking space (the writer should check out his/her neighbors...unfortunately) and 3) leave the garbage cans in the alley all week, making everyone else run an Olympic slalom course just to get home. Unfortunately, the writer is caught up in someone else's inconsideration and I hope they get proper resolution. In the meantime, we must all be vigilant and report all violations until they get the message. Idiots!

  3. Call or e-mail 311 they are very responsive. I live in trinidad and this happens pretty frequently but I e-mailed 311 about it happening on my block and the city was right on it.

  4. Please feel free to call me about this matter, As your ANC Commissioner, i may be able to help in getting this matter settled.

    Barrie Daneker

  5. Stronghold is the tiny neighborhood west of the tracks, south of michigan, east of 4th. north of franklin

  6. i've also been led to believe that stronghold is the neighborhood west of the cemeteries, east of north cap, and between rhode island and michigan.

  7. Stronghold:,_Washington,_D.C.

  8. it's wikipedia can't trust that too much. i prefer something that's better documented.
