
Monday, March 01, 2010

V Street NW cat found

From a resident on the unit block of V Street NW:

Does anyone in the unit block of V Street know anything about a gray cat hanging around the street? It's gray and fluffy and I think it's been out much of the winter. If anyone has any information, can you please email me at If no one claims it, I'm going to try to find it a home. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I would guess it's the grey one that hangs with the big group of cats around U & V Streets between 2nd and N. Cap. They're a tough little group, and they seem perfectly happy on their own. If he's one that is not yet fixed (check the ear for a clip), maybe you can grab him and take him to get it done and then let him loose again. I'm not sure he's looking for a people home- if he's one of the gang, he's living the good life with his friends already.

    Lindsey, Bloomingdale Ct.
