
Friday, April 16, 2010

bicycle stolen from front porch on Bryant St NW

See this 4/16/2010 message from a Bryant Street NW resident:

Last Friday, my bike (red ladies` hybrid) got stolen on the 100 block of Bryant Street. It was firmly locked to the front porch of the house, so someone must have really made an effort to take it. And some nerve, as it was taken during daylight hours. I suspect someone who passes by regularly might have noticed that the bike is parked on that same spot often, and waited for a chance to grab it. From now on I`ll keep my bike in the house. I thought I`d alert other residents to this in case they want to consider doing the same. I didn`t report it to the police but, now you mention it, perhaps I should so at least they have it in their records.


  1. i'm sorry your bike was stolen. it is best to keep your things inside. sadly, everything outside is at risk. and with mothers day coming up, keep an eye out for your plants outside also.

  2. Sorry too. I walk my dog all over these streets and conistently see bikes parked on porches and stoops and just think it is inviting theivery. I would say the same in any neighborhood. Just have some city smarts.

  3. You should definitely report this stolen bike. By just letting this slide by you are letting thieves get away with it and therefore contributing to crime itself. If DCPD sees a spike in bike thefts they may be able to do something about it. But IF YOU DON"T REPORT IT WHO CAN DO ANYTHING?
