
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

car broken into in alley between S & Seaton NW

See this late evening 04/20/2010 message from a resident on the unit block of S Street NW:
Last night, my roommate`s car was broken into and rummaged through. Nothing was stolen (as he had nothing of value inside), but this is still something we should be aware of (as it is apparently still a problem in the neighborhood). He was parked in the alley between S Street and Seaton Place NW. Just giving a heads up.


  1. I talked to a lady this morning on the 100 block of Seaton Pl NW who had her tags stolen last night.

  2. This also happened to me about a week ago. I My car was parked in our parking spot in the Unit Block of Randolph (alley between Randolph and R) and someone had come into my car (I forgot to lock it!) and compeltely rummaged through everything. I dont' believe anything was stolen probably because nothing of value was in there.

  3. Anthony Wallace, 58b Seaton PlaceSaturday, May 01, 2010 9:47:00 AM

    Someone broke into my apartment on Seaton Place between 1st & North Capitol and stole both of my bikes and iPod. I believe it's the "crowd" of boys that hang on my street and run through the alleys. I do see them hanging in someones garage that resides on S street. I printed flyers about the thefts (included your posting) and left copies in mailbox of all neighbors on my street.

    Posted a description on blog labeled "brotheradinkra" and on craigslist
