
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

seeking a French horn for a middle school student

See this message from a Bloomingdale resident:

I have a friend whose daughter is in need of a French Horn. Her story is below. I was hoping that someone might have a used one they would like to donate or know where we can locate one very inexpensively. Please post on the listserv and they can contact me via email at


My daughter’s name is Bree T. Johnson; she is 13 years old and currently attends Oxon Hill Middle School in Ft Washington, Maryland. She has a 3.68 GPA and I believe one of the top 3 students in her class.

Bree began playing the French horn last school year because Oxon Hill Middle School at the time did not have a band teacher for string instruments. Bree previously played the violin. As the school year progressed Bree’s skill level on the French horn increased and before the year ended she was well on her way to becoming a very strong horn player.

Bree has continued to practice on the loaner horn that we have borrowed from her school and in March of this year she received an invitation from her future band director to accompany the Oxon Hill High School Band to London to perform at the Festival of Lights program in June of 2011.

We are very proud of her accomplishment thus far and feel very confident she has the potential to continue to excel on the French horn and with the proper coaching may some day be a professional French horn player in a symphonic orchestra.

Thank you for all your support.


  1. Your friend can apply for an instrument from Hungry for Music, a DC-based group that gets instruments into the hands of people who need them.

    Otherwise, French horns are, unfortunately, rather pricey. I would suggest that your friend regularly check the DC Craigslist's musical instruments section ( or head to a music store and see if they do rentals. I hear Dale Music, near the Silver Spring metro, is pretty good, and it looks like they have horns for sale.

    It sounds like Bree is a talented young musician, and I wish her the best of luck!

  2. I so wish I could help. I attended Oxon Hill Middle School and High School and I also played the French Horn in the band. I agree French Horns with Joanna...French Horns are expensive...renting one for lessons might be the best option for now.

    Good luck to Bree (from Brie/Sabrina! lol)
