
Sunday, May 02, 2010

at 69 S St NW: Meet & Greet for Kenyan McDuffie, candidate for Ward 5 -- Thursday, May 6, 2010

See this invitation from Bloomingdale resident Edgardo Guerrero:

Bloomingdale neighbors:

Kenyan McDuffie, candidate for Councilmember DC Ward 5, will participate in a neighborhood ‘Meet and Greet’ this coming Thursday, May 6 at 7:00 p.m. Your neighbors Ed and Pedro at 69 S Street NW will host the event.

Mr. McDuffie’s candidacy reflects his commitment to positively transform Ward Five’s future by focusing on education and jobs, community health & fitness, financial literacy and first-rate, responsive constituent services.

Come meet the candidate and share your vision for Bloomingdale and Ward 5.

Visit Kenyan’s website at .

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