
Friday, May 07, 2010

join the LeDroit Park/Bloomingdale Heritage Trail Working Group

See this message from Bloomingdale resident Cassandra Costley:

Come make history with the LeDroit Park/Bloomingdale Heritage Trail Working Group!

You are invited to join the LeDroit Park/Bloomingdale Heritage Trail Working Group on Wednesday, May 12, 7 pm at St. George's Episcopal Church (160 U St., NW).

Find out what a Heritage Trail is, what progress has been made on the LeDroit Park/Bloomingdale Heritage Trail, and how you can help. Bring your input, your stories, your photographs, and your neighbors!

Share this message with friends, neighbors, former residents, community organizations, churches, businesses, and everyone else who has a story to tell about LeDroit Park and Bloomingdale, or an interest in helping to shape the Heritage Trail. All are welcome!
For more information on the LeDroit Park/Bloomingdale Heritage Trail effort, contact Cassandra Costley at 202.462-3737 or You may also send relevant information or photos to LeDroit Park/Bloomingdale Heritage Trail Working Group, c/o Cassandra Costley 2006 First St, NW Washington, DC 20001.

To learn more about the Washington, DC Neighborhood Heritage Trails Program, contact Jane Freundel Levey at Cultural Tourism DC: 202- 661- 7581.

District of Columbia Neighborhood Heritage Trails are developed by neighborhood working groups and the nonprofit Cultural Tourism DC with funding by the District Department of Transportation, the Washington Convention and Sports Authority, and the U.S. Federal Highway Administration.

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