
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 2010 Community Meeting

Below is tonight`s ANC 5C agenda for the ANC 5C community meeting at Catholic University at 7pm.

We hope to see you there.

Also, I`d like to say we really appreciate everyone`s commitment and involvement in this process with the Big Bear Cafe's Class C Restaurant alcohol license.

The more everyone can show respect and openness to one another`s ideas the better. The ANC 5C commission as a whole is working hard to ensure the decisions we make together are the right decisions, and we encourage a positive discussion where people`s concerns can be heard and addressed.

Again, thank you for commitment and patience.

We have a lot to look forward to.

Stuart Davenport


Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Catholic University, Pryzbyla Center

7:00 pm -9:00 pm 620 Michigan Avenue, NE

AGENDA (updated)

May 2010 Community Meeting

ANC5C participants are invited to bring suggestions and recommendations for community improvement to the meeting. However, please observe simply courtesies at all times -- wait to be recognized before speaking and do not speak over others or while others have the floor.Please limit your comments to give others a chance for expression. Following the Commissioners’ comments, members of the community will be recognized to speak. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall maintain public order during the meeting. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Part I: Administrative 7:05 pm

1. Call to Order .………………………………………… Commissioner Bonds, Chairman

2. Roll Call ...................…………………………………. Commissioner Edwards, Vice Chairman

3. Approval of the Minutes: 4-17-10 and 5-11-10 ……… Commissioner Grant, Recording Secretary

4. Community Comments ……………………………… Moderated by Commissioner Ransom

Part II: Outstanding Business

1. Review of Recent Action at COW Meeting of 5-11-10 …………… Commissioner Pinkney

Grants approved:

-- Metroball Program -- $5000

-- Byte Back Computer Program --$5000

-- Hanover Association Beautification Project -- $3902.13

Revised Support Letter for curb-cut at 1237 First Street (reference: 46 N St, NW)

Letter of Support to Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center

2. Grant Request: Eckington Historic Brochure Addendum ……… Commissioner Pinkney

3. Report of Grants Committee w/revisions ……… Commissioners Wright and Grant, Co-Chairs

-- Changes in Guidelines

-- Status of Outstanding Grants

-- Grants in Good Standing

-- Delinquent Grant Reports

4. Status of Replacement Plans for Closed Safeway ……………… Commissioner Phillips

Part III: New Business 7:45 pm

1. Big Bear CafĂ© ABRA Application Status and Vote ………………. Commissioner Edwards

2. Howard U. Campus Plan Filing Extension Request (from 6-10 to 6-11) … Commissioner Daneker

Part IV: Executive Session 8:30 pm

1. Treasurer’s Report ………………………………………………………… Commissioner Day, Treasurer

2. Pay Bills ……………………………… Commissioners Day and Commissioner Daneker, Financial Secretary

3. Agenda Plans for June 20 Meeting ………………………………………... Commissioners

---- Meeting Adjourn ---

Reminder: All Grantees must submit financial reports every 60 days through grant duration.

The 2010 grants season began March 16, 2010.


  1. Can anyone supply a recap by any chance? I was unable to attend last night, but I did attend the previous meeting last week. Thanks

    Flagler Pl NW resident

  2. City Paper's Housing Complex has a write-up. Bottom line: more procedural questions, no resolution or vote

    W St resident

  3. i went. my take and understanding is this:
    -Big Bear is applying for a class c restaurant license.
    -their application has been received by ABRA, just. its still being reviewed.
    - a voluntary agreement is being worked on with nearby residents, but its not finalized
    - Big Bear was going to apply for a Stipulated License, but withdrew that application based on community confusion over the process, and some loose ends still to be dealt with. A stipulated license would have allowed them to serve alcohol on a temp basis once the ABRA placards go in the window and would last until ABRAs final vote on the matter. this was considered by the ABRA rep and ultimately by the commissioners to be "pre-mature".
    - Stu asked for a timeline for the VA to be agreed upon. the neighbors seemed to think 2 weeks was sufficient for them to hash out details. (stu, can you post it here for everyone to read?)
    - The ANC vote to support Big Bear ( or not ) will be at the next ANC meeting.
    - Once the placards go up in the window, concerned neighbors have 45-60 days to protest the license and ABRA will take those into consideration at their final vote.
    - there were concerns over the zoning designation of the building, but there was no one from the zoning board to confirm.
    - from my perspective nearly all the ANC commissioners seemed to be on board, but all had concerns for the direction of anc5c as this was the first of an expected many ABRA applications.
    they all seemed serious about the implications of the precedent and wanted a good working protocol, because clearly, there was a lot of confusion as to how it plays out.

    i believe their hope was to review the protocol from other wards to shape one for us.

    since this issue is of high interest to me, i'll try to keep things posted and updated as i can.

    other issues mentioned at the meeting concerned the ANCs approval of Howard's expansion plans and an introduction by a UDC rep who said that the UDC community college campus moving to ward 5 would be open by august and would offer the full community college services and classes.

  4. what is going on with Big Bear's liquor license?

  5. also, any news on Boundary Stone's application for liquor license? and Baraki/Rustica Pizza?
