
Monday, May 31, 2010

mugging Saturday night, 5-30-2010, at 1st & T St NW

See this message received Sunday evening, May 30, 2010:

I own a house on Bates Street NW. I have had wonderful European tenants who were working on the Hill on human rights issues. As of last night, (Saturday) three young men have been mugged and beaten by teens who then robbed them. These three muggings and robberies happened over the past two to three weeks. Police were called two of the three times. I think the other two assaults were in the south side closer to New York Avenue.

Michele, the Dutch student, is now in the hospital with his jaw broken in three places and missing teeth from a mugging last night at First and T Streets NW. He has a concussion. It was nighttime. The other two muggings were on North Capitol Street in broad daylight. They were due to depart for Europe tomorrow after what they described as a great experience in Washington. Instead, Michele has to undergo surgery on (Memorial Day). I am very sad about this.

Please warn others in the neighborhood of what is happening, so they can be more vigilant. Where are the police?


  1. Where are the police? How' bout - where are the families and friends? Someone knows who these people are and should turn them in.

  2. any more details on these attacks?

  3. These weren't muggings. They were racially-motivated hate crimes.

  4. has anyone ever been convicted of a "hate crime" against a straight non-jewish white person in the USA?

    i don't think you will find many sympathetic ears if you call this a "hate-crime".

  5. Whoaa, hold on - no one has made any mention of the race of any of the assailants, and we only know that one of the victims was "European". What grounds do we have for asserting that any of this is racially motivated?

  6. might be mixing it up with this attack:

    "Commissioner Myla Moss (ANC1B, LeDroit Park) reports that there was an assault last evening on T between 4th & 5th before dark in which two teenagers attacked a resident. They did not rob him and it was apparently racially motivated. MPD was parked in the neighborhood, they were able to locate the alleged assailant and make an arrest."

  7. This is concerning. I walk North Capitol daily and have never felt unsafe. I'm tall and a big guy so I'm not the easiest target but some of these kids show no fear.

  8. "has anyone ever been convicted of a "hate crime" against a straight non-jewish white person in the USA?

    i don't think you will find many sympathetic ears if you call this a "hate-crime". "

    I got a laugh out of this. Deny reality on the street all you want; your denial won't change reality.

  9. "I got a laugh out of this. Deny reality on the street all you want; your denial won't change reality. "

    what does that even mean?

  10. I can't imagine something like this happening the day before going home. Please let us know if there is something we can do (donate money for food, flowers, or supplies).

  11. "what does that even mean? "

    It means people are often singled out and victimized based on their appearance. That's the reality on the streets in Washington DC.

    Denying it by saying 'hey, no one's ever been convicted of beating and robbing a white person because they white', doesn't mean that white people aren't singled out and victimized in DC. The police will be honest with you about that, even if you aren't honest with yourself about it.

  12. "There is a real sense among black Washingtonians that the city is slipping away from us. A few months ago, as I left a take-out on Georgia Avenue, a gentleman passed me a flyer. It invited me to a community meeting where residents planned to debate the question, "Is the Chocolate City turning Vanilla?"

    I pocketed the flyer, but didn't bother going to the meeting. I already knew the answer: Not if I have anything to say about it. "

  13. I'm sorry Anonymous "Is the Chocolate City turning Vanilla?" - So what if white people are moving into "Chocolate City" this is CHANGE - get used to it.

  14. hate crime guy,

    don't confuse the reality of the streets with the reality of a courtroom.
    as a person who has woken up the hospital because my skin color provoked an attack, i know as well as anyone that the reason for the attack is irrelevant. a violent crime is a violent crime and violent people look for any reason. and its just and dangerous to be black as it is to be white.

  15. THIS is why we have the term "Hate Crime"

    "Hill had a single gun shot wound to the head, his body was nearly nude and a rope was around his neck and upper torso, Foster said."

    "Officers followed a trail of blood and human tissue nine miles..."

    yeah, see, kids jumping people because they are undisciplined violent feral idiot thugs is really not the same thing.
    so we can waste thoughts and unity arguing that this mugging a hate crime, or we can agree that decent people need to take back the streets. which is more important to you?

  16. YAWN. We'll all be dead sooner than we care to acknowledge.

    Its how you spend your time between now and then that matters.

    Enjoy spending your time and energy on this B.S.
