
Friday, May 14, 2010

soliciting 1st St NW yards for sculpture for the 8/7/2010 North Capitol Main Street 1st on First Art + Music Walk

See this message from Pat Mitchell, President, North Capitol Main Street, Inc.:

2nd Annual 1st on
First - Art+Music Walk

Band Playing @ The Bear

Where & When
Along First Street, NW
(Between Fla & RI Avenues NW)
First Saturday
August 7, 2010

A Call for Yards
From North Capitol Main Street

... Get ready for the second annual 1st on First- Art + Music Walk 2010!

It's that time of year again... the dog days of summer will be upon us before we know it. But there's a light at the end of that long, hot, muggy tunnel--North Capitol Main Street is once again partnering up with The Pink Line Project to bring you our second annual Art+Music Walk on Saturday, August 7. (First Saturday) And we need YOU to make this event complete!

North Capitol Main Street is now recruiting First Street residents between R and Rhode Island NW, and we're looking for 15-25 houses. If you're willing to "host" a sculpture in your front yard from late July through the month of August, we'll cover the cost of insurance and The Pink Line Project will select and install the sculptures. All you need to do is admire "your new" art as you walk by... and be prepared for a bit more attention than you're used to.

Have you just finished some great landscaping out front or a maybe new paint job or is your front yard already the envy of the block? This is your chance to show it off--along with the work of a local artist!

Bigger & Better
First St. Yard Art "Gallery"

Last year's Art + Music Walk attracted 400+ people from Bloomingdale and beyond, raising the visibility of the neighborhood and local businesses District-wide.

Please help make our second annual 1st on First Art + Music Walk an even bigger success by playing a fun role in this festive event!

Interested or have questions? Contact Juli at ASAP, ideally by Friday, May 28th.

North Capitol Main Street
1703 North Capitol Street, NE
Washington, D.C., 20002

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