
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

C.O.V.E. interview the candidates -- Wednesday, 08/25/2010 -- Clark Ray, Kwame Brown, Kenyan McDuffie

See this message from Pat Mitchell, member of C.O.V.E.:

COalition for Voter Empowerment


Have you heard about the C.O.V.E Candidate Interviews? Who is C.O.V.E., you say? Well, first, C.O.V.E. is a community of neighborhood civic associations who came together to support the idea of having a forum for voters to engage in substantive dialogue with candidates that are running for public office in the District of Columbia.

Over the next several weeks you will have the opportunity to be a part of an interview with many of the leading and not-so-leading candidates for office. This is a critical election year and in today's economy, it's important to be engaged in the process to ensure the city is being governed by competent, committed public servants who understand who they work for.

The COVE interviews are not your typical political debate-style forums -- the gotcha' politics and reporting that is so common today. Instead, C.O.V.E. Candidate Interviews are designed to give the voter an intimate look at the candidate through thoughtful and relevant questions about your neighborhood specifically and the greater Washington community at large.

Already, several candidates have been interviewed and many of the audience members have remarked they have gained new and helpful insights about a candidate which will aid them in their voter decision-making process.

This Wednesday, COVE is offering you another opportunity to meet two front-runner candidates:

Clark Ray, Candidate for At-Large City Council
Kwame Brown, Candidate for Council Chair
Kenyan McDuffie, Candidate for Ward 5 Council.

Come out and check out these two candidates, get answers tob questions you want answered and be informed. Your vote is your power.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Community Academy Public Charter Schools
(at the former Armstrong Adult Education Center)
1400 First Street, NW (First & P)
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

coalition for voter empowerment

Bloomingdale Civic Association
Bates Area Civic Association
Eckington Civic Association
Edgewood Civic Association
Hanover Civic Association

For more information email:

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