
Friday, August 13, 2010

neighbor spots burglar on S Street NW

See this Thursday, 8/12/2010 mid-afternoon message from a Randolph Place NW resident:

Possibly related to the 1st Street NW break-ins(?), yesterday I called MPD on a guy trying to break into the rear of 120 S St. NW, where renovation work has been occurring but not for the last week. This was about lunchtime, and after @10 minutes of working at the lock, the guy gave up and left. Cop showed @10 minutes later, pistol drawn and all. The guy was a black male, about 50, average height and build, maybe with some gray scruff about the chin/face. He was wearing a black hat with a brim and white band, and white or light grey pants. Also had on a blue shirt -- not a T-shirt, but like a maintenance man's, with tag or insignia or whatever you want to call them on each breast. Had a black and red backpack on him.

Sound familiar to anyone?


  1. Not to be critical, but why didn't you take his picture?

  2. Cross-posted to the MPD-5D message board: Saw this man early this morning (6am Sunday) crossing N. Cap and heading into the alley from Randolph to S Street. Wearing the same light blue shirt and hat, but this time with brownish/burgundy pants, brown flip flops and a black sports watch on his left wrist with short locs under the hat and a fairly slight build. He wasn't doing anything inappropriate, but is clearly at home in the neighborhood. If he is up to no good, the fact that he continues to wear the same distinctive clothing should make him easy to spot....
