
Monday, August 30, 2010

next CoVE candidate interviews: With Vincent Gray, Dorothy Douglas, David Schwartzmann and Timothy Day

COalition for Voter Empowerment

As you have undoubtedly read by now, a new Washington Post poll of registered Democrats in the District of Columbia, with just over two weeks left in the campaign, shows the following polls over the last year in the race for Mayor:

Gray Fenty Undecided
Nov 09 Clarus Research Group 41 37 22
Dec 09 Metropolitan Labor Council 43 39 18
Jan 10 Washington Post 35 31 20
Aug 10 BUDPAC 42 34 21
Aug 10 Clarus Research Group 41 36 21
Aug 10 Washington Post 53 36 11

What is clear from this polling is that 11% of likely voters have not decided who their candidate of choice will be.

Don't let the polling pundits decide your candidate for you. You get to say what polling means to you -- everything, something or nothing at all.

This Wednesday, CoVE is offering you yet another opportunity to take a look at a candidate in a new and different way: One-on-one (the candidate and the voters) in a question and answer session.

This week's line-up:

Vince Gray for Mayor
Dorothy Douglas for Chair
David Schwartzmann for At Large Council
Tim Day for Ward Five Council

(To hear what the mayoral candidate has to say, you must arrive on time; Vince Gray is scheduled to participate in another debate scheduled that night.)

Get answers to questions you have and be informed. Your vote is your power.

When: Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Where: Community Academy Public Charter Schools (at the former Armstrong Adult Education Center)1400 First Street, NW (First & P)
Time: 6:15 - 8:30 pm
(Stay tuned for Adrian Fenty`s interview date and time as well as other candidates!)

coalition for voter empowerment

Bloomingdale Civic Association
Bates Area Civic Association
Eckington Civic Association
Edgewood Civic Association
Hanover Civic Association

For more information email: Jim at .

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