
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

who has a flooded basement this morning ?

It was great that DPW provided sandbags yesterday in preparation for the overnight heavy rains.

Nevertheless, I am sure that some Bloomingdale basements have been flooded.

Hopefully, there aren't too many tales of flooded basements this morning.... ?


  1. No *crossing fingers*
    Though I am a bit peeved after calling DCWasa to file a claim, I was taken aback by the foul "know-it-all" attitude of the representative on the line. She made it sound like floods are a fact of life and we need to just deal with them. In hindsight, I wish I jotted down her name so I can include it in the letter I'm currently drafting detailing our unique and desperate need for immediate action.

    It reminds me of the devastating flooding that used to always happen on Florida ave (between RI ave and Georgia) which is now a thing of the past after they updated the drainage system.

    Bottom line - this is an election year people - let's use our heads and make this thing happen!!

  2. I have faced the same situation last month and dont want to face it again.
