
Monday, September 27, 2010

candidate for ANC 507 commissioner in November: James Fournier

Dear Neighbors,

My name is James Fournier and I am running against Barrie Daneker to be the Commissioner for ANC 5C-07. I know this position is important to the direction the development for the McMillan Sand Filtration Site and the development of neighborhood businesses, so I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I am available to talk.

You can read my public statement at my website at .

Soon I will be having a couple of meet and greets at supporters` homes. I will be in contact again and I hope that you can come.

I know you all have been working hard to get your voices heard over years. I look forward to working with you and the neighborhood in a positive, respectful, and open way.

I think we have a lot to look forward to.


James Fournier
Fournier for ANC 5C-07


  1. James, that is great news! we look forward to supporting your campaign. Bloomingdale neighbors. :)

  2. Flagler Place NW
    If I was in your section of Bloomingdale, I would certainly support you with my vote. A change in leadership is needed in ANC 5C-07. Good Luck!!!

  3. I agree.

    Thank you for running, James.

    With all due respect to Daneker, we need more professionalism in ANC 5C-07. The comments on all the blogs from the "commish" is not good for us. We need someone less divisive.

    I live downhill from your district, but I posted my donation!

  4. If you don't know what Daneker looks like, your only chance to see him is on election day. Like too many "public servants", he wants things from you (your vote) and loves all of the trappings of office. Just don't bother 'The Commish' on weekends (or week days). You may get some BS, but you won't get any help.

    James, thank you for running. Liked what you have said so far and hoping for someone like John Salatti who is a workhorse, not a showhorse.

  5. what exactly are the trappings of an anc rep?

  6. Dear Channing Street Resident---

    I am available day and night. My number is listed as is my email address and on many web sites. I am at every civic association meeting, and every ANC meeting. I also attend MAG meetings, Ward 5 Dems meetings, Ward 5 leadership meetings, Ward % Economic Summits, DCDSC executive and DCDSC general meetings. I am very involved in the ANC, Ward and District and have been so since moving to 5C07, unlike my opponent, who has attended but a few meetings over the years he has lived here. I have returned all messages, calls and emails. I have received over the past 4 years and have kept a log of all of them. As you can also see Channing Street has seen many improvements during my terms: new alleys, tree have been trimmed, several meeting with MPD. If you are still having an issue or concern, please reach out it's the only way I can help.

  7. Dear Anonymous--

    I’d like to know the trappings too? As far as I know there are none! It’s a non paid nonpartisan position, in which persons give a great deal of time for the rewards of ensuring “Prosperity, Progress and Putting People First” Get out the Vote Nov 2nd.

  8. commiss,
    no good deed goes unpunished.

  9. Mr. Fournier has started his campaign off extremely negative. He has failed to appear at any ANC meetings in the past four years. Since he achieved ballot access he had not appeared at the last two ANC meetings. It's a shame that he fails to understand the needs of the community, but would rather let special interest groups from outside our SMD influence his options instead of the very people who live here in SMD 5C07. It's in an attempt to push the agenda of the special interest groups who have endorsed him. I have worked hard in this SMD on a variety of issues for the past four years and my record and experience speaks for itself. It's a shame that Mr. Fournier has to resort to these tactics. It's especially sad to see that he operates his law practice in DC without a HOP permit, fails to register his car in DC after 11 years of living in our community. Do we really want a lawyer to represent this community? One who has been involved with the McMillan Park committee's lawsuit against the city? A lawyer who skirts the law to save a few dollars! Character is everything and Mr. Fournier's actions speak for them.

  10. Here is the quote Ms. Southerland used to attempt to stop the eductional center at Franlin Commons..

    "The main reason is that the posting for the public hearing was not posted so as to be legible to the public. It was placed some 12+ feet high on a column facing away from the complex. Instead of the sign being placed near the actual site of the facility at eye level. Hence, we did not know the date of the public hearing"

    Really now! did someone get a cherry picker and place the sing that high. Maybe it was Micheal Jordan or the jolly Green Gaint? This is who you are depending on for advice on who to vote for?
