
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

National Organization for Marriage endorses Delano Hunter, candidate for Ward 5 Council

Did registered Democrats in Ward 5 receive the large postcard in the mail last week from the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) promoting the Ward 5 Council candidate of their choice, Delano Hunter?

If not, here is the text from the large postcard:

Text from side #1:

WARNING: Outside Special Interests are Targeting Delano Hunter

Thousands of dollars from homosexual activists outside Ward 5 are attacking Delano Hunter because he supports our right to vote on whether the District legalizes ‘gay marriage.’

Radical, gay marriage activists are flooding Ward 5 with money to defeat Delano Hunter, not because they don’t like his plan to improve our community, but only because he supports the Biblical definition of marriage.

The outside gay activists don’t care about our right to home rule and right to vote on gay marriage. They only care about their agenda to redefine marriage. Don`t let them target Delano Hunter.

Vote to Elect Delano Hunter
Respecting our Past, Working for Our Future

Text from side #2:

Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage
2029 K Street NW,
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Brian S. Brown, President, Neil Corkery, Treasurer
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee

Delano Hunter Shares our Values

A third generation Washingtonian and lifelong Ward 5 resident, Hunter graduated with honors from Delaware State University with a degree in Business Management.

Delano Hunter worked for Nike Inc., where he created the Nike Production Creation Experience that provides mentorship to innercity youth and teaches them business skills.

Delano Hunter works closely with community residents on career development, education and empowerment initiatives designing and supporting ongoing programs such as Operation Truancy, which promotes regular school attendance and scholastic achievement.

A Plan for DC

In the past two years, unemployment in DC has more has doubled, pushing growing numbers of residents into poverty. The current leadership has failed to take action. Delano Hunter has a plan for improving the quality of living in DC.

- Job creation! Provide funding for microloans to existing businesses on key Ward 5 corridors
- Expand recreation in at-risk communities
- Create employment opportunities for youth
- Provide special services for families with at-risk children
- Establish an H.I.V./AIDS prevention task force

Delano Hunter Supports DC Home Rule
Full voting rights in Congress
End Congressional meddling in DC issues
Right of DC residents to vote on homosexual marriage
Vote Delano Hunter for Ward 5

I Emailed Mr. Hunter, asking for his input on National Organization for Marriage mailer.

Here is his reply:

Hello Mr. Roberts:

The mailer was not authorized by my campaign. I had no advanced knowledge of the content or distribution. Quite honestly, I didn`t agree with elements of the mailer including some of the incendiary language. This is something that I am addressing with the appropriate persons.


Delano Hunter

I appreciate his reply and acknowledge his statements. I, too, find the tone of the message from the National Organization for Marriage folks a bit offensive.


  1. In addition to its tone, the content of the mailer isn't true. There is no money against Hunter coming into the race from "outside activists."

    The Washington Post explained: "Campaign finance records show that there have been no contributions from San Francisco deposited into the Thomas coffers. He has accepted $2,150 from individuals and groups from New York City, but there's no evidence of the gay agenda -- $500 came from pharma giant Pfizer, another $500 came from the Service Employees International Union, and $500 from midwifery advocate Ruth Lubic."

    Ironically, it's NOM that's the outside activist spending money in the Ward.

    "NOM itself reported making $82,446.40 in independent expenditures in July, with all but $4000 of that going to King & Associates for production and distribution of flyers attacking the mayor and councilmembers who had voted for marriage equality legislation. (A campaign finance report from June had shown another $60,900 going to King & Associates, which is run by Ward 5 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Bob King.)"

  2. Looks like the Washington Post has endorsed Delano Hunter for Ward 5:

    Here is the paragraph of the Post council candidate endorsements editorial that mentions Delano Hunter -- and his position on same-sex marriage:

    Both Mr. Hunter, a community organizer with Brookland Manor, and Mr. McDuffie, a lawyer who worked in the Justice Department civil rights division, are better alternatives. We give the edge to Mr. Hunter, an engaging newcomer who is running a grass-roots campaign. He has an intimate knowledge of the needs of the ward and has smart ideas on how to tackle issues such as truancy and joblessness. Mr. Hunter is not a supporter of marriage equality, but he is not the homophobe his critics make him out to be, but rather someone who thinks there is a way to provide equality for gays while respecting the beliefs of religious groups. He said he would not seek to change the law.

  3. Well, let me also post this YouTube video of Delano Hunter explaining his position on same-sex marriage: . FYI.

  4. I must say that I received a Robocall from NOM asking me if I supported the right for DC residents to vote on Gay marriage and outed Councilman Thomas for voting against putting it on the ballot.

    When I said "no" it should not be put on the ballot, I got a dial tone.

  5. The video might have done more harm than good. I get that Hunter is opposed to religious marriages being performed for same-sex couples. However, a civil marriage is a different thing. I have not heard anyone say that they are going to force a church to perform a marriage of a gay couple. He may claim to be about "equality," but I am not buying it. If he really cared about how this has tarnished his reputation, he would return NOM's money and send out a mailing to Ward 5 correcting the alleged inaccuracies of their mailing and apologizing for the incendiary language.

    As for me, this is reason enough to not vote for him.

  6. Delano's campaign is a side show. I predict the final ballot will have Harry Thomas Jr. (DEM) vs. Tim Day (REP).

  7. Let me pass this along for those who might like to watch: Ward 5 Democratic council candidates discuss same-sex marriage on the Kojo Nnamdi show on 09/10/2010:
