
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

McMillan Sand Filtration site development: YouTube videos

See this message from Bloomingdale resident Eva Hambach.

Sent: Fri Sep 10 16:51:42 2010
Subject: Re-McMillan development videos

Hello Thomas Street and neighbors,

Herewith the links to four short videos and interviews meant to help shed some light on planned development at the McMillan Sand filtration site uphill from us.

Please take a look; these videos are meant to introduce or re-introduce residents to a heated debate that has been raging for years and that we all should be aware of. I wasn`t aware of any of this until our friendly ANC Commissioner John Salatti told me about the development plans about a year ago.

McMillan-The Synopsis

McMillan-The Case for Historic Preservation

McMillan-The Case for Development

Bloomingdale-Toxic Overflow

These videos don`t tell the whole story as it is continuously evolving. Please take some time to get more information from various other sources and also visit:


  1. Scott,
    I wasn't aware these shorts were being filmed! I think it's great that you have posted them. It presents great insight and ideas as a start to a conversation about the development of McMilan, the returning of land to the people that will take an old industrial site and turn it into something that will benefit all of the residents especially Ward 5. It will add 8 acres of public space, along with providing for affordable and independent senior housing, much needed retail which hopefully will spark revitalization of the North Capitol St Corridor, both construction and permanent jobs and a property tax base that has been shirking in the District for years. This development can be a win win for all, but not without their involvement and support. McMillan is going to be a great development for our community, but only if all the people that over the years I have been Commissioner, come out and support the development and help shape what is to be. As you know there are those individuals and groups that have now and over the past 30 years been successful in stopping progress at McMillan at a grave cost to us all. It's my goal to promote “prosperity, progress and putting people first” here in 5C07. Thanks again for all you do for our community in keeping people informed.

  2. Did you watch the same videos as I did? Despite being VERY pro-development myself, I can't see ANY benefit to developing this site unless adequate and drastic measures are taken to change the current failing sewer system anf traffic nightmares that we currently have.

  3. I agree.

    Barrie Daneker, the current ANC commissioner, is consistently full of crap.

    He has an agenda that is different from what he is saying.

    He should not be representing us.

  4. Yeah..tell me about it.

    Is he on the ballot in Nov?

    I wish there was a pamphlet sent to every ditrict resident detailing the unique heirarchy of government that exist and when/how often these elected officials come up for a vote.

  5. I see that Tony Norman and Robin Buck are on the agenda of tonight's Eckington Civic Association meeting with a presentation on the proposed development of McMillan Sand Filtration Site.

  6. @Chris--I agree storm water management along with water run off will be addressed and are sure to be dealt with prior the first shovel going in the ground. But also consider that McMillan's current impervious surfaces are sending 25 acres of water runoff now down the street. The use of pervious materials on the site with some of those underground structures being removed, especially over the 8 acres of public space, it will reduce runoff from the current levels now.
    @ Anonymous....It's obvious you have not heard a word I have said or been involved in McMillan and the public meetings, I suggest you attend to get some better information. Where do you live matters as if I represent you, do you live in 5c07? Thanks for you opinion and comments...
    @ Anonymous...Yes I am on the ballot in Nov. May the best, most honest and equitable person win...stay tuned! As for the document of elections and when they occur, you might check out DCBOEE.ORG. Get out the VOTE!
    @ Scott--thanks for the info!

  7. Was a beautiful page. Thanks to the designers and managers....
