
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rustik Tavern -Menu and Hours.

Rustik Tavern
84 T St. NW

Sun-Thurs 4-12am
Fri-Sat 4-1am.
Happy Hour 4-7pm

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PDF version


  1. Two words to describe the food: AWE SOME!!!

    I do think they have plenty of room for a few more tables and can even pack the tables along the benches in closer to fit more people in similar to etete and coppis.

    This place will be a hit. Thanks owners.

  2. I love love love this place. Service is great, and I met a lot of new people in the neighborhood. My only complaint is that the pizza was slightly bigger than a Totinos pizza. Which wouldn't be bad had I not paid $16 and some change for it (I added two toppings at $2 a piece). I didn't mind that the toppings were $2 extra, that's the norm. However, I was expecting a pizza bigger than the one I got. After leaving a $3 tip, my bill was close to $20, and I was still hungry. Anyhow, if I had to have a complaint, that would be it, oh and that I wish it was bigger. Overall, this place is just what the doctored ordered, and I will continue to go there. A restaurant/bar is long overdue in this area. I'll just make sure that I don't go there hungry in the future :-).

    p.s. I didn't make it in time, but they have happy hour prices from 4-7 EVERYDAY.

  3. what's a totinos pizza?

  4. You only tipped 3 bucks? Cheap ass.

  5. Are me and my niggas welcome there? We've been living here for decades and we're happy there is a new sit-down restaurant and bar. I am ready to drink all of their henny.

  6. You only tipped 3 bucks? Cheap ass.

    A $3 tip on a $16 meal is 19%.
    Dumb ass.

  7. Hmmm, I wasn't expecting smart ass comments to my comment. I "thought" my comment was informative. Anyhow, a Totino's pizza is like a personal pan pizza, here's a link: As far as the person commenting on my tipping, well I apologize for being a cheap ass, if that's what you truly think. However, as the person above states, it is almost a 19% tip. I usually leave a %20 tip, but I didn't have a drink, and it was carry-out, since there were no seats available. So in all, I gave the guy a $3 tip when I really didn't need to. It's like going to Pizza Hut for carry-out and tipping. Anyhow, the place is still great. I've been back since, and actually got a seat this time at the bar. I plan on frequenting this place a lot.

  8. Are me and my niggas welcome there? We've been living here for decades and we're happy there is a new sit-down restaurant and bar. I am ready to drink all of their henny.


    This isn't necessary at all, it's people like you who give us a bad name. The use of the "n" word is completely uncalled for. And if this is a caucasian making this comments, shame on you!!!

  9. anon 8:15

    i assume the "nigga" word user is just a child testing his boundaries.
    no real man uses that word.

  10. What do you mean? I grew up in DC and nigga is absolutely part of my vernacular. The same as joe, moe, young, and everything else in between.

    The usage of the term niggas to describe my friends, is something that's cultural within my circle.

    Yes, i have a corporate job in IT. Yes, i can speak in "proper english" aka "english white people think is acceptable", but I choose not to.

    The fact that you're uncomfortable with the word is hilarious. I'll keep using it more knowing that.


    I guess me and my niggas aren't welcome since we use the word nigga. I'll make sure to bring 'em all over this week.

  11. 19% is cheap.
    Do you know niggas in the service industry?

    Drop that fresh 5 on a Dub, mayne.

    At least.

  12. Haha-

    IT - I think I know who you are.

    Do you wear a monocle when you smoke cigarettes in front of your stoop? Were people dancing in your house with $1 bills last weekend? Bikers out front?

    I think we were drinking Scotty punch together making astute observations of social class and golden retrievers.

  13. This whole "N" word dialogue is extremely whack. Please stop

  14. You can use your white privilege to say it's wack, right nigga?

  15. Wow folks, trying to talk about the place to eat in bloomingdale. Can we grow up

  16. We as in who? I stopped by there last weekend and there wasn't one person of color in the entire packed place.

  17. Hey Dumb Dumb,
    I'm black not white. White privilege? Ha haa haa. Please join me in the year 2010 and again, stop with the whackness. I bet your silly ass isn't even black. And if by chance you are.. why not express your concerns in a way that demonstrates your intelligence? You are not "droppin knowledge." You are not "deep." You are not as clever as you think you are and you are coming across as a straight jackass. Ok? Thank you and Goodnight.

  18. who is talking to whom here? it doesn't make any sense.

  19. I finally made it to Rustik Tavern yesterday!

    I must say that I felt a bit awkward. I am a black male and I was in there with another black male.

    The staff, which was about 7-8 people, all seemed to be looking at us like "When will they leave!?", immediately as we sat down. They continued to peer at us the entire time.

    I do not think I will be back.

    On another note, they didn't have Heineken, Stella, or anything of that nature. If I were to come back, I'll need them to start carrying Heineken.

  20. if you live in the neighborhood, please keep going back. bring more friends if it will make you more comfortable. seriously.
    and ask them to carry what you'd like.

    it needs to be our neighborhood place, regardless of skin color.

  21. And that I agree with! I will absolutely bring more friends the next time I go. I want it to be a neighborhood place for me.

  22. I just posted this comment under the post aying they are in Zagats (or will be)

    I went into this place on Tuesday. It's cute an all, but a bit pricey for a neighborhood spot. All I got was a glass of wine ($5.00) and a pizza ($9.00) after tax & tip, I ended up spending $18+ which sucks during happy hour pricing. The food was good, but the prices can be better. The location good, but I can go to Ella's during HH, and spend $10.00 for the same thing!!!!

  23. I'm am AA and went into this spot as well. Although it was me & another girl at the bar, I didn't feel uncomfortable, just disappointed that it wasn't more diverse seeing how Bloomingdale is pretty diverse (for the most part). I like that there are more options in the neighborhood & will probably go back, but my concern is that the pricing is a bit much. The service was fine, the atmosphere was fine, I just hope we continue to get options that EVERYONE can enjoy safely & responsibly. If there isa forum or place to go to advocate for more options & our neighborhood, please let us know. Thanks!
