
Thursday, October 07, 2010

candidate for ANC 5C07 in November: Barrie Daneker

See this message from ANC 5C07 Commissioner and Bloomingdale resident Barrie Daneker:


ANC Commissioner 5C07
Prosperity, Progress and Putting People First

Endorsed By:

Harry “Tommy” Thomas Jr., Councilman Ward 5
Mark Jones, Ward 5 School Board Member
Anita Bonds, Chair DCDSC and ANC 5C
Ronnie Edwards, Vice Chair ANC 5C
Mary Farmer-Allen, Commissioner 5C06
Denise Wright, Commissioner 5C05
Marshall Philips, Commissioner 5C08
Silas Grant, Commissioner 5C09
Timothy Day, Commissioner 5C10 &
Republican Candidate Ward 5 Council
Fred Allen, DCDSC Member and DC Union Leader

I’m excited to be seeking election to the ANC representing Stronghold, Bloomingdale, and Park Place communities. Together we have made great progress in many areas of our community: new alleys and curbs; fostering excellent communications with MPD over crime; Inter-generational Education Development Center in Franklin Place; to improvements at Washington Hospital Center.

My efforts with the Mayor resulted in all 5C07 city owned vacant properties being auctioned off , now rehabilitated and new families moving into those homes. With the support of active community members, CM Thomas, and I; we have had walkthroughs the neighborhood to point out issues for DOT, MPD, and DPW that needed attention. We have seen great results on a great many of those issues. By fostering relationships and communications with Howard U and Catholic U, we have seen great successes in reducing noise and public nuisance issues. With the help of the CAC along with Cmd. Green of MPD, there has been attention given to areas of the community with respect to drug related, auto-theft and home evasion crimes. The institution of the Visitor Parking Pass Program has also been a great success.

Let’s not lose site, the McMillan Sand Filtration development project which was acquired 30 years ago and has been revived again. I have spent the past 3 years working with other members of the McMillan Advisory Group, CM Thomas, Office of Economic Development, and VMP Partners, to help shape this site plan and to keep this project on track. The signs of progress are just now starting to show with the opening of Rustic Tavern and the soon to open Boundary Stone in Bloomingdale Center. My voting record attests to the support for local small businesses. My background in affordable housing and financial services along with my expert contacts in the areas of architecture, architectural preservation, water filtration and engineering have been a great asset to the shaping of the McMillan development.

If you desire a fair, equitable and balanced plan for McMillan and a Commissioner who represents the major interests of the overwhelming majority of our neighbors who have longed for development of McMillan. If you desire a development that provides jobs; integrated independent senior living; affordable work-force housing; service orientated retail meeting the needs and desires of our community; “smart” preservation of McMillan; and good urban planning and design with 1/3 green/public, 1/3 residential, and 1/3 commercial/office space then I ask you to support me November 2nd.

Much more needs to be accomplished, and the work is never done. This year is a very important election to ensure progress keeps moving forward here in DC and the country. I need your support and vote on November 2nd. This election I have an opposition for my seat, and the special interest groups have entered the political arena; out of the gate, the negative attacks have started. As in the past and now, I have stayed away from negative campaigns and prefer to focus on people, issues and continue progress in our community.

Many of my opponent’s supporters have used questionable tactics, threats and lawsuits to stop development of the site and to deny residents the amenities we have long sought in ANC 5C. I have worked hard with DC Economic Development Partnership to help attract first class retail to the area, along with being a strong advocate for reputable local small businesses looking to locate here in Ward 5 and in DC. So don’t let your voice not be heard or drowned out by outside special interest groups, their money. As always, to maintain integrity and transparency in my bid for office; I do not accept campaign contributions from special interest groups, political groups, or even you, my neighbors and voters of SMD 5C07. Let your voice be heard! I ask is for your support and vote on November 2nd, get the VOTE OUT!
Vote Barrie Daneker for ANC 5C07
202 - 986 - 8781.


  1. I don't really agree with all of what Commissioner Daneker says.

    "My voting record attests to the support for local small businesses." - Yet he has taken the anti-local small business position on every vote involving Big Bear Cafe. And it's not his position that I have a problem with, there were certainly other Commissioners who agreed with Mr. Daneker's position. But having attended several of these meetings, I find Commissioner Daneker to not be thoughtful or inclusive in his remarks. In fact, I found him very condescending and dismissive of opposing views.

    He admitted at an ANC meeting that he has never set foot in Big Bear, yet he had a very clear idea about how the business should be run. Wouldn't someone who "supports local small businesses" at least visited one of Bloomingdale's most public small businesses?

    I think that this SMD deserves a commissioner who is positive, considerate, and effective. And I've seen Commissioner Daneker be dismissive, rude, and inconsiderate when faced with people with whom he disagrees.

  2. @Nolan-Thank you for your comments. The "Big Bear" application had many issues with is submission. If you review my record, I vote in support of every single business application that has come before the ANC. I publicly denounced the petition attempt against Mr. Choe ‘s, “dry cleaning drop off” business. I’d ask you to not let one application in which "Big Bear", knowing there were outstanding issues on various permits; rallied people to an ANC meeting, sway your opinion. Did you know? I advised “Big Bear” to apply for a DR instead of a CR, as well as limiting operations to11pm and 12am closing times to help foster a compromise. Also the record will show, The Big Bear application was voted on unanimously by all the commissioners. I will also show, I placed the amendment on that motion for the words “not at this time”. Without it, the ANC would have permanently closed the door on “Big Bear”. Now, Stu can get the application together along with a voluntary agreement and bring it back to the commission for approval.
    Admittedly, it was a heated debate. However inappropriate insults, accusations, and frankly evil things were said about many people in this community that were not acceptable behavior. I am one who spoke up while others stood on the sidelines. I expressed at the very beginning of my first term that inappropriate language, racist comments, and hateful speech were not going to be the norm any longer at ANC meetings, this commission has agreed repeatedly and have taken action. I hope in the future we all can be more civil and kind to each other. We need to be our bothers keeper; we need to call our brothers out on bad behavior; praise our brothers on the good works they do also!

    It takes more than a village today!

  3. nolan,

    do you have other examples of danekar's anti business stance?

  4. I would just add that some of the comments made by "TheCommiss" during the Big Bear debates on this blog seemed a bit hostile - talking about "death to their application" and things like that.
    Hard to reconcile the vitriol against the Big Bear with a supposed support of business in Bloomingdale.

  5. is this the same Barrie Danneker who was so incredibly immature in blog comments throughout the Big Bear fiasco? "The Commish"? You must be kidding me.

    And for the record I have no connection to Big Bear at all - I find their coffee quite good but the service often fairly obnoxious.


  6. What ANC5c needs is more members with dignity, something Daneker is lacking. Replacing him will go a long way towards helping ANC5c get taken a lot more seriously.

  7. And, personally, I find the service at Big Bear a LOT better than the service at Windows, where the clerk behind the counter will regularly ignore customers for several minutes while he or she works on something else.

  8. The Commish, is a know it all, condescending person with too much time on his hands. I do not need someone telling me that DC is not New York and no one eats in DC after 10 pm (I like a late dinner, thank you very much), or going around all the blogs typing up lengthy diatribes attacking those with different opinions. take your decisive self back to rhode island, dude.

  9. Although I don't live in SMD 5C 07, I encourage my neighbors who do to vote for James Fournier, who has been thoughtful and respectful in our discussions about the community.

  10. When we need help with MPD we contact John Salatti - not Barrie Daneker.

    Salatti was the one who fought for the temporary parking pass - not Barrie Daneker.

    I'd bet Salatti supports James Fournier.

  11. BARRIE, YOU DO NOT REPRESENT PARK PLACE. THe Park Place community consists of over 200 residences, nearly all of which are located in 5C11. There are a maybe a dozen homes located in 5C07.

    As with McMillan and other issues of importance to our community, you continually (and shamelessly) misrepresent both yourself and factual information.

    As a Park Place resident, living in 5C11, I encourage my Bloomingdale neighbors to support James Fournier.

    I trust that Mr. Fournier will represent 5C07 and surrounding neighborhoods with grace, intelligence and integrity.

  12. @ Ms. Buck-- I do represent some of the voters in Park Place. As for the comment on misinformation; it is has mainly stemmed from you and your attempts to set up an organization of outsiders to push your personal agenda, i.e. along with the petition which is full of people from outside of DC. It was Park Place’s HOA who dismissed you from representing them on the MAG, due to your failure to represent their interests verse your own special interests.
    As for my Mr. Fournier is wish him the best in his bid, but this community wonders why he is even running since he never attends any ANC meetings, CAC or civic association meetings. It wasn’t until you, Mr. Norman and Mr. Mansouri put him to task on your threatening lawsuit and pressured him to run. As special interests group do, they push their agenda without regard for the people of 5C07. It's apparent to the voters who will represent their interests and have done so over the past 4 years.

    @Devoe—I hope that you would consider my record and service over the past 4 years and not one issue in which BBC attempt to garner support knowing they had big issues with permits.

    @Elle—I wonder who he’s talking to because he has made no attempt over the years he has lived in Bloomingdale to reach out. He didn’t even attend the last ANC meeting. I would think that if you declared and filed your petitions, you would at the least attend a meeting. I have review the records during my terms and the sign in sheets don’t show Mr. Fournier attending any meetings.

    @ Anonymous— Let me state first and foremost; I publicly let people know who I am when I respond. As for your comment about “New York”, now I know exactly who you are. I have answered this question before, but it seems again you are taking it out of context then and still now. The comment was made to point out why BBC in an R-4 zone, should have conceded on it’s operating hours in order to forge an agreement with the opposition. DC consumers don’t typically eat a late night dinner, so from a business model aspect, BBC doesn’t need to be open until 1am on weekdays was my point, but some how you missed that point and continue to. Furthermore, my blog comments were to set the record straight for a ton of people who were being misinformed. It’s is the duty of Commissioners to inform those in the community. As for your comments and tactics, I understand your passion, but frankly your outbursts at the ANC meetings were not appropriate and caused even more of a divide, as these types of tactics don’t work and usually end up working against you. I recall one resident even had to ask you to step away from her, because you began to show violent tendencies and she was intimidated. The Sergeant at Arms even had to address you. I’ve even tried to reach out to you, but was faced with a militant response and you turned away.

  13. @ Anonymous— if you are contacting Mr. Salaitti and you live in 5C07 then you are calling the wrong person. I can’t possibility help you unless you reach out to me. I return all calls and emails and try to address every resident’s concerns. Mr. Salatti has been stepping outside of his SMD and it has been a reoccurring issue in Ward 5C. He has repeating been asked by commissioners, the chair, and CM Thomas to refrain from doing so, but is defiant. Hence is lack of endorsement by the CM Thomas and many others in the community. It seems Commissioner Salatti doesn’t seem to know where his SMD is. Frankly, I applaud Mr. Salatti for some of the great works he’s has done, but the ways in which he self promotes and tears down SMD boundaries it not a good way to lead nor been a team member.

    @Justme—Again one heated debate on one issue is what you base your opinion on, I would hope that you might consider my 4 years of service and my overall record instead of the BBC application in which the commission vote unanimously to opposed “at this Time” in which I ensured the phrase was added to allow BBC to resubmit the application instead of closing the door on them.

    One last thing...not one of these bloggers live in 5C07, which makes my point that specail interests groups, republicans, tea party, and outsider are attempting to influence this year's election. I ask for your vote and support not your money like these gropus are pouring into this election.


  14. @Ms. Buck--you are correct I represent part of Park Place. As I recall Park place removed you from representing them because you failed to represent their views and choose to use that seat on MAG to represent the interests of your special interest group Our McMillan. It's also fact that it was the urging of you, your group, and Mr. Norman and Mr. Mansouri who involved Mr. Fournier in your lawsuit and encouraged him to run opposing me. That is definitely not in the interests of residents of 5C07. It's also true that your group lending financial support to Mr. Fournier, unlike my campaign that doesn’t accept any contributions to maintain integrity. It’s also true you have been running a business out of you home without a HOP permit. Just like my opposition! I would think Mr. Fournier, an attorney would know the DC law that requires all home based businesses to obtain a Home Occupation Permit at the cost of $33 per year.

  15. @Elle- It’s funny you mention Mr. Fournier has been talking to you, while you don't live in our SMD 5C07. He declared his candidacy and filled his petitions, but hasn't attended an ANC meeting. He missed the last one on September 21st, 3 weeks after gaining ballot access. I reviewed the ANC sign in sheets since my election and not one shows his attendance. He recently attended the SCA meeting and people were questioning who he was. I would think if you are running for ANC and have lived here for 11 years you would have attended at least several community meetings during that time??? Did you also know that Mr. Fournier is supported by special interest groups like OurMcMillan and the infamous Mr. Medhi Mansouri that some many have heard from on this blog. Di you know that they have threaten lawsuits against the MAG members, CM Thomas, the Mayor, and other public officials? Are you aware Mr. Fournier is involved with them and their effort to stop the development of McMillan, again! I don't know who he's talking to but it's not the residents of 5C07 who know my record. Ho have seen my involvement in this community for years, representing the best interests of all and not just the special interest groups.

  16. I think we can all see the need for more dignified commissioners on the ANC.

  17. @Devoe—I would ask that one vote over the many that I have cast in support of local small business not sway your opinion. It was I who came out against a petition opposing Mr. Choe’s Dry cleaning business. I voted for every small business’s request that has come before this ANC. One vote was cast against BBC ABRA application due to the disarray of the application, it was voted unanimously to oppose it. Do you also recall and the record will show that I ensured Big Bear Cafe would be able to present it’s application again once permits were straighten out. I’d call that a huge support for small business. I have worked with DC Economic Development Partnership over the years and recently when the Safeway let this community down to try to attract an IGA grocer to that store front. I vote to support the Friehouse, Windows, Rustick Tavern, Boundry Stone, etc.

  18. @Anonymous—Again you are taking my comments out of context. The comment was made to help foster a compromise between the parties and BBC about operating hours. Since most DC customers don’t dine late night, unlike New York diners, would it not seem reasonable that BBC close at 11pm weekdays and 12am weekends if food service was the real intention? Again and again you mention this and I attempted to clarify with you after that meeting, but your militant attitude didn’t afford me the opportunity, which once again showed it self at a follow-up ANC meeting in which one resident requested you stay out of her personal space. Your tactics verged on getting out of control and almost turned physical when the Sgt. at Arms had to call you out on your inappropriate behavior. Those tactics most certainly allow for your message to not be heard and the reaction from the public showed that your opinion was not well received if heard at all.

  19. I'm really not seeing any evidence to contradict the claims that Danker is condescending and boorish. I, too, like to eat late, and it's nice to see places like the Rustik tavern staying open until 12am or 1am in order to poke people like Daneker in the eye over that. His supposed "support for small business" comes from a misguided belief that he should be able to dictate how other people in their businesses and a belief that he should be using his station to tell people when they should and shouldn't eat, dine, and drink, which would be fine were it not for the fact that he can clearly not take the initiative to shut his mouth, leading to creating an overall embarrassment for Bloomingdale residents. He thinks he's a power broker and policymaker, not a guy with a position as a neighborhood volunteer.

    His problem is that he just doesn't know when to keep quiet. ANC5C07 deserves a dignified adult representing them, not a manchild with a bunch of petty resentments.

  20. @Just Me--What this community needs is an honest representative of the voters of 5C07 who will represent their interests, and not the special interest groups; someone who is not taking money from groups to push an agenda; someone who has no problem with facing the opposition and speaking up. Too often there are many who complain but take no action. Complaining without offering solutions make you part of the problem not part of the solution.

  21. @Just Me--It's obvious that you again are taking things out of context. Do you not think that the neighbors near BBC have a say in what happens? Do you think it would have been better for BBC to be open unitl 11 or 12 with a DR permit in an R-4 zone? Do you think that compromise is an option that should be considered? Did you also realize that Rustic Tavern is in a commerical zoned building and didn't need to compromise on their operating hours as a matter of right, and there was no opposition to the applciaiton. It's apparent you are not aware of all the issues that were present in the BBC applicaiton. Did you notice I voted in support of Rustic Tavern, and The firehosue, and Boundry Stone?

  22. I'm one of the residents in ANC 5C03 that opposed the liquor license for Big Bear Cafe. First and foremost, letme just say that the residents are not and have never been opposed to the Big Bear Cafe! We support small business and we support responsible economic growth and revitalization in our area. We live, work, pay taxes, attend school, and pay for residential parking. Is it not reasonable for us to ask for peace and quiet in our homes and a parking space near our homes? The Big Bear Cafe resides in a residential area and should be more respectful of the residents that live here. Perhaps, it's ok with you to have music blasting in your home until 2-3am. Well, for those of us that work, go to church, and have other activities that we need to attend to in our lives, we don't appeciate the loud music and we don't appreciate not being able to park near our homes. Perhaps you have not been a victim of a violent crime and cannot empathize with the dangers you face by having to park a distance from your home. Although Big Bear has patrons that walk and cycle to the cafe, there are many that drive and take up parking spaces that are scarce and sorely needed by the residents that live near the cafe. The ANC, including Barry, supported the concerns of residents. That's what the ANC is supposed to do! After all, it is the Advisory Neighborhood Commission! I applaud them for standing up for what is right and taking note of the Cafe's infarctions. All of the information is public. You can do what the ANC and the residents did in their fact finding, which is pull the permits. Occupancy change was in April 2010. Public Space permit for sidewalk cafe was September 2010. Big Bear cafe opened in Summer 2006. That's four years without the proper permits. Had it not been for the protest, it probably would have never been acquired. And to think that the owner is the Commissioner that was representing 5C03. What was done and what is being done was to represent ones own business interest. I'm grateful that there are ANC Commissioners that actually do what they were elected to do! I really wish that Barry was our Commissioner!!!!

  23. Barrie,

    You are making accusations that are damaging to all of us.

    If someone runs against you you claim they are a part of a Republican movement? or a part of the Tea Bagger movement out to skew the polls?

    Its disrespectful.

    Is this how the ANC 5C communicates with one another? Is this the way you want people to talk about one another when they have differing opinions?

    You also claim your opposition is supported by "special interests"? Why can't people just give $25 as a donation and have that be legitimate? Why do you have to attack them personally if they have a differing opinion to yours?

    $25 is the maximum donation. Are you really getting this adamant and damning over a $25 donation?

    Barrie, you are losing perspective.

    I think this is what happens when a person spends too many years in low level politics.

    You need to step down and get some perspective.

    Look at this entire conversation - and this type of conversation with you has been going like this for years. McMillen, Big Bear, your fight with Gigi Ransom, the laundry...

    This isn't good for any of us.

    I think you should step down.

  24. @Anonymous-- No disrespect! just pointing out that this election in DC and nationally is important to us all.

    As for the special interests in my race. It is true that Mr. Mansouri, and Our McMaillan group have support Mr. Fournier, he put it on his webiste, not my doing.

    As far as stepping down that will not happen, that is just what Mr. Mansouri, Our McMillan and Mr. Norman who are trying to vive for more power over McMillan to stop it's development by providing misinformaiton and attempting to introduce plans that have no viablity.

    We have to be fair and equitable here and not hide behind agendas.

    Thanks for your comments!

  25. BTW--why does everyone on here post as anonymous?

  26. @Grateful - Well, at least we know that the Big Bear opposition really is based on parking with some faux fears of non-extant loud music and pearl-clutchery about permits (permits!) thrown in as pleasant veneer.

    Since you asked, I don't think it's reasonable to handcuff a neighborhood's development so some people don't ever have to park "a distance" from their homes.

    But please, surely we can all agree that it's time to pause and note the irony inherent in the argument that "going to church" gives one the moral highground in the great parking debate.

  27. I knew nothing about the race or Baneker until reading these posts.

    I know nothing about Fournier, but it would be difficult for him to fall below the tedious, mean-spirited, egotistical, self-serving baloney spewed by this guy Baneker.

    I look forward to learning more about Fournier and hope to avoid ever having to listen to Baneker's BS.

    Thank God we live in a democracy...

  28. Flagler Pl NW Resident

    What a joke....

  29. Republicans are people too. They are different from Democrats because they believe that people need to help themselves, not look to government to provide for their needs:

    Revd William Boechter:

    “You cannot bring prosperity by discouraging thrift.

    You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.

    You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

    You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

    You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.

    You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.

    You cannot further brotherhood of men by inciting class hatred.

    You cannot establish security on borrowed money.

    You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.

    You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.”

  30. Unlike Baneker, I don't believe wearing a scarf in warm weather qualifies one for office.

    He's a dandy!

  31. I may be wrong , but I believe the allies that were beautifully re-done resulted from the efforts of our previous representative. I would like to know why the remaining allies were not completed? Barrie, I am a resident and I must say that I am disappointed by the comments/attacks you have posted. I find these attacks very childish and undeserving of my vote.

  32. do you mean alleys? or are you referring to alliances created by the anc?

  33. leaderless,

    why does his clothing style manner? or are you trying to make reference to his sexual orientation? are either issues that cause you to distrust someone?

  34. Barrie, an agitated hatefulness seems to animate your responses, causing you to spew wild accusations and blinding you to facts. Perhaps there is a better way for you to serve your community.

  35. @Leaderless on Bryant-- Thanks for your comment!
    @Anonymous-- Thanks for your thoughtful and insightful response. Glad to see there are residents who know the issues and stick to them. Thanks for you support!
    @Robin Buck--Pointing out the facts. This information is all of public record. It's in the best interest of the residents to inform them about the facts and sources of inaccurate information that is represented by the special interests groups. Residents might just be interested in who OurMcMillan and MPC have as it’s leaders and supporters.

  36. @Anonymous-- You are correct Diane Barnes started that process some 4 years ago. With the help of several commissioners, and civic associations along with CM Thomas who helped to get alleys repaved and mainly to help with storm water run off. However, let's not forget the work I, and SCA members and CM Thomas did to get alley work done in Stronghold that had been dirt for all these years! Yes DIRT! I have and will continue to press the city for pervious concrete alleys in DC to help with storm water run off and to keep this water from entering our combined sewer system to avoid costly water treatment at Blue Plains. Pervious concrete allows for storm water to enter the ground right where it lands, prevents alleys from winter- refreeze due to no more standing water, and cost no more than the normal concrete applications used today. Pervious Concrete is successful and proven to work in Chicago, Boston and many other cities.

  37. except for his way of dealing with big bear, i have found the comiss's responses to be professional. why bbc sparks his need to insult is a very strange thing.

  38. Barrie, to correct your story...

    As the Park Place representative on the MAG, for 2 years I persisted in requesting that the City and prospective developers (EYA) produce and release to the community promised studies and information necessary to make informed decisions regarding the development of the historic McMillan site. This became such a thorn in EYA's side that Aakash Thakkar of EYA approached our condo board to lobby for my removal. Readers can decide for themselves the ethics of such behavior.

    My stance from the beginning has been, and continues to be this:

    1) I believe ALL children deserve a safe place to play. McMillan is located in a part of the City pathetically devoid of public amenities such as public parkland, libraries, recreation facilities....

    2) McMillan is an historic site of established national significance, and as such deserves a development plan that celebrates its unique contribution to neighborhood, DC and national history and culture.

    3) McMillan lies at the center of about two dozen large-scale development projects. It represents the ONE opportunity for a unique and beautiful public landmark, a gathering place, a respite.

    4) I believe our community deserves more than the addition of gargantuan office complexes with their attendant congestion and pollution. Taxpayers deserve true community-enhancing benefits from their tax dollars, not just developer subsidies.

    It is a developers "job" to make money by construction buildings, flipping properties, etc. As (formerly) a member of MAG and a resident of the McMillan Park neighborhood, I consider it MY civic obligation to ask needed questions and demand answers in order to ENSURE THAT OUR COMMUNITY IS ENHANCED BY MAJOR UPCOMING CHANGES.

    Unfortunately, my observation has been that you are eager to simply rubber-stamp whatever suits the developers best interests / profit motives.

  39. I do not support Barrie Daneker and will not be voting for him in this election. It has nothing to do with clothing style, general demeanor, or party affiliation, in fact it's more facilitation, that is to say, my perception of his lacking of those skills which lead to facilitation.

    My comments above being noted, I still want to thank Barrie for his years of service thus far, wish him well in his pursuit of happiness, and wish him a good challenge in this campaign. Hopefully, some of the thoughts presented here and elsewhere will be cause for reflection.

    I've scanned Barrie's statement and the thread of comments above, and nowhere did I see Barrie list as a qualification, "wearing a scarf in warm weather". I have met Barrie on several occasions and never thought he was overly concerned with his appearance, denotative of the word "dandy". Of course the word is also used to suggest homosexuality or the tendicies associated with it. I don't know what Barries sexual orientation is, nor is it of any concern to me whatsoever in determining his ability to hold this elected position. It is unfortunate and regrettable that anyone would feel otherwise. The thing I love most about Bloomingdale are my neighbors and the diversity they share with me. Barrie could go back to Rhode Island or he could just stay here in the melting pot of DC and fit in perfectly.

    I also have to note my disagreement with Barrie, in that accepting campaign donations seems pretty standard to me and I sincerely don't think it shows a lack of integrity for James Fournier to do so. I think people naturally want to show their support by offering a campaign donation.

    My conscious won't allow me to vote for Barrie simply because of his lack of action and a general unresponsiveness and unwillingness to act as an advocate for residents. I know the McMillan project inspires passion on both sides whether in support of development or in support of parkland.

    I urge all to support James Fournier.

  40. @@LADinDC--thanks for your kind words. I hope that I might change your mind prior to Election Day. "Lack action and a general unresponsiveness and unwillingness to act as an advocate for residents” wondering what issue you are referring to as I was like to hear from residents. If it's McMillan you opinion matters and I would hope you could beat the next Public meeting on oct 16th.

  41. The only sartorial standard I hold politicians to is that I will never vote for a white man who goes around wearing a fedora. Other than that, they are free to cultivate whatever sartorial eccentricities they please.

    That said, I do think that Daneker's tenure on the ANC has not been good for his SMD, nor has it been good for him, and both he and the SMD would be better off with James Fournier.

  42. @ Robin Buck-- Ms. Buck again you are mistaken! To set the record straight…it was your ANC Commissioner that spoke to the HOA of Park Place about how you were not representing their interests but rather yor own. Thus after review, the HOA’s decision to was to remove you. It had nothing to do with VMP whatsoever!

    1. Parkland is great! The site will finally return some land, 8 acres, to residents who have longed to have some park/public/green space open to them on the site. But also you don’t mention the Gage-Eckington Park coming to our ward which is 3 full acres of park space? Where CM Thomas and Graham fought for a year over funding for that. Instead you are asking the city to spend $60-70 million to make McMillan a park…it’s out of reach for any city to fund that. You don’t mention the cost to maintain the site now that we have been carrying for 30 years without any public benefit whatsoever.

    2. McMillan is a DC historic site that got that designation by the efforts of McMillan Park Comm., in 1991 to stop development once again on the site. It’s the same group that has filed a lawsuit to stop the development again.

    3. Yes there is a lot of development slated for DC. But the opportunity for any park space there will only be achieved through some type of public-private development that is realistic, viable and economically sound. Something you group cannot produce.

    4. The site plan is 1/3 park space, 1/3 residential and 1/3 commercial. It will provide affordable housing, integrated independent senior living, workforce housing, retail geared towards need community services, a grocer. We will see the introduction of Stage 3 of the Cable Cars connecting CUA/Brook and to AU/Tenlytown metro as part of the transportation plan. While still maintaining openness to the community, unlike previous developments that are fenced off from the greater community.

    As for your final comment, I have no rubber stamp! I thoughtfully will review the final plan prior to the ANC weighing in on the PUD.. I have asked outside experts to help weight in on this project and have provided that information to residents including your organization. What Ms. Buck doesn’t tell you all is these meetings with MAG and the public are held to see, hear, and comment on the emerging site plans and to help shape what will be on the site in the end. Progress has been made in many areas. But, instead of forging a compromise so that the majority can benefit, Ms. Buck and her group Our McMillan are attempting to stop the development of this site for the 4th time and at a cost to all of us. A lost in housing, park space, job opportunities, senior housing and revenues for the city; what we need is a balanced plan that provides for the residents with amenities they are longing for.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @JustMe--Race and Racism, should never be a factor! What's been good for this SMD has been an honest, blunt and fair representative who doesn't shy away from issues and speaks for the little guy as well as the masses. One who will be on the right side of every issue no matter how unpopular it may be.

  45. In my limited dealings with Barrie Daneker, I found him to be very responsive even if I may not of agreed with him on all points discussed. I also appreciated the fact that he doesn't BS or glad hand me. It is important to take a moment to realize that this man has served our SMD for years now with no pay and is actually willing to continue on. You can say whatever you want about his motivations but it's not a job I would ever sign up for let alone fight to keep. It seems to be pretty clear there is nothing the man can say on this blog that is going to make the commenter's happy or feel differently, but I think it is important to gather all of the facts rather than make rash decisions or make assumptions.

  46. @Adams St Resident-- Thanks for your respectful opinion and thoughts, I could not have stated it any better. Facts are facts, and the truth can sometimes hurt. I'm glad there are residents who appriciate the no "BS or glad hand"; it's how I ride. I will continue to stand up for my community not matter, to be fair and equitable; most of all to be on the right side of every issue no matter how unpopular. Thanks again for your kind words and I hope I can count on your support on Nov 2nd. GET OUT THE VOTE!

  47. @TheCommiss - Sorry to rejoin this debate so late, I was out of town this weekend.

    I don't really have a problem with your vote on the Big Bear, but I really did not find you to be deliberative or thoughtful in how you reached your conclusion. You really seemed to be more interested in sharing your views on how you think the business should be run rather than thinking things over.

    I tend to agree with you that BBC could have gotten it's hours worked out before applying and doesn't need to reserve the right to be open until 2am on weekdays. I also see your point that maybe the CR/DR permit choice on their part was wrong. But it didn't seem like those were the things you were really interested in, it seems like you were more interested in grandstanding at the meeting. You bring up those points now, but at the time, you seemed to just want to lecture those of us who might disagree with some of what you're saying.

    I did want to ask you about this:

    1. Parkland is great! The site will finally return some land, 8 acres, to residents who have longed to have some park/public/green space open to them on the site. But also you don’t mention the Gage-Eckington Park coming to our ward which is 3 full acres of park space? Where CM Thomas and Graham fought for a year over funding for that. Instead you are asking the city to spend $60-70 million to make McMillan a park …it’s out of reach for any city to fund that. You don’t mention the cost to maintain the site now that we have been carrying for 30 years without any public benefit whatsoever.

    Under the current plan, how much would the city be contributing, in infrastructure improvements, the deal with giving/leasing EYA the land and the like? My understanding is the city would be helping EYA to the tune of $100+ million, which means it's then not a question of the city not being able to come up with the $50-$60 million to make it a park.

    And, ideally, we'd be able to see what the initial outlay on DC's part is, along with expected amount expected to be recouping through the life of the project.

  48. @Nolan--Thanks for taking a few minutes to read my response. What you may not have been aware of was the many hours within the ANC commission reviewing the details of the application. I hope what may appeared to be on the surface or "seemed"; was in fact really a long thought-out process by many of the commissioners. Thanks for taking the time.

    As for McMillan...I understand the city is considering laying out another $50-60 million on top of the $9.3 million paid to GSA for the land. The anticipated capital expenditures incurred by the District are for the land development and infrastructure needs prior to the construction process. The fiscal model assumes that the District will issue a 20-year bond at an interest rate of 5% to finance these land development and infrastructure costs. The annual payment on this bond is then considered the annual cost of the capital expenditures until the bond is paid off after 20 years. Based on this analysis and assumptions, the redevelopment program will generate $756.6 million in revenues and $243.5 million in expenditures over the 30-year period, for a net of $513 million. Without any development it will be 9.3 million in land acquisition costs with another $50-60 million to transform the site, with no offsetting revenues.

    This information is directly from the analysis provided by a third party for the city and the developer along with the MAG group and DC residents. I hope you find it useful.

  49. Thanks for the response. I would love to dig further into these numbers. Is there anywhere that this report is available to the public? Perhaps online?

  50. My name is James Fournier.

    Most of the comments on this blog and the tone of Barrie Daneker’s responses speak for themselves and reflect why I am running to replace him this November. To keep the conversation focused on my goals for this community, I’d like to emphasize 5 points:

    First, I have twice asked Barrie to debate the issues important to our neighborhood. He has declined.

    Second, I am in fact endorsed by John Salatti. And Tony Norman, Kenyan McDuffie, and others. These are not politicians in the traditional sense, and they certainly do not pride themselves on the number of meetings they attend (though they attend many). Rather, their contributions are measured according to their service to the community. For example, John Salatti, not Barrie Daneker, worked for months to get the special visitor pass program passed. John Salatti, not Barrie Daneker, coordinates and attends regular neighborhood safety walks. John Salatti, not Barrie Daneker, brokered and attended several coordinated meetings between my neighbors and the MPD, including Commander Green, because Barrie Daneker refused to do so. In my personal experience (as well as most of my neighbors), we reach out to John Salatti because Barrie refuses to help, not because John Salatti insisted on supplanting Barrie Daneker. John got results because he cared and worked at it. Barrie Daneker simply refused to help. We don’t need two more years of a leadership vacuum. I certainly have solid mentors to emulate in leaders like John, Kenyan, and Tony – records I would be proud to similarly achieve. If you did not like them, well, then I’d say Barrie is your man come this November.

    Third, it is true. I am not endorsed by CM Thomas. It is also true that unlike Barrie Daneker, I have no relationship with EYA, the developers of the McMillan site. As such, I really do need every donation I can get. Please feel free to contribute at The number of signs soon gracing my neighbors’ yards and businesses will confirm that I am supported by my neighbors, not Barrie’s strange concerns of special interests or the tea party dominating this campaign for change.

    Fourth, I do attend certain civic association meetings. Apparently, I do not always “sign the book.” I am typically the guy with three kids in the back of the room. I will candidly tell you that I find most of those meetings a waste of time. The ANC commissioner’s real job is to meet his neighbors, understand their problems by genuinely listening to them, and solving it. That’s what I have done my entire career, and when the problem is solved, you have a friend. I’ve done that for neighbors since I moved here though I’m not on the ANC. It takes working with a lot of people sometimes. It does not require grandstanding for no apparent purpose at a meeting.

    Fifth, I support a development of McMillan that combines park space, recreational, retail and residential. That has been on my website at since the inception of my efforts. Please check it out and pass along the word. We need a representative genuinely interested in communicating with people in this ANC and who understands that McMillan will impact the lives of everyone in this part of the city, not just those in ANC 5C07. To minimize our neighbors concerns as “special interests” and refuse to hear them panoramically misunderstands the tremendous impact of the McMillan development to on everyone in this area. It also reflects a style of representative government that I simply do not believe in.

    We can do better.

    James Fournier

  51. Most of the comments on this blog and the tone of Barrie Daneker’s responses reflect why I am running to replace him this November. I would like to emphasize 5 points:

    First, I have twice asked Barrie to debate the issues important to our neighborhood. He has declined.

    Second, I am in fact endorsed by John Salatti. And Tony Norman, Kenyan McDuffie, and others. These are not politicians in the traditional sense, and they certainly do not pride themselves on the number of meetings they attend. Rather, their contributions are measured according to their service to the community. For example, John Salatti, not Barrie Daneker, worked for months to get the special visitor pass program passed. John Salatti, not Barrie Daneker, coordinates and attends regular neighborhood safety walks. John Salatti, not Barrie Daneker, brokered and attended several coordinated meetings between my neighbors and the MPD, including Commander Green, because Barrie Daneker refused to do so. In my personal experience (as well as most of my neighbors), we reach out to John Salatti because Barrie refuses to help, not because John Salatti insisted on supplanting Barrie Daneker. I have solid mentors to emulate in leaders like John, Kenyan, and Tony – records I would be proud to similarly achieve. If you do not like them, well, then I’d say Barrie is your man come this November.

    Third, it is true. I am not endorsed by CM Thomas. It is also true that unlike Barrie Daneker, I have no relationship with EYA, the developers of the McMillan site. As such, I really do need every donation I can get. Please feel free to contribute at The number of signs soon gracing my neighbors’ yards and businesses will confirm that I am supported by my neighbors, not Barrie’s strange concerns of special interests or the tea party dominating this campaign for change.

    Fourth, I do attend certain civic association meetings. Apparently, I do not always “sign the book.” I am typically the guy with three kids in the back of the room. I will candidly tell you that I find most of those meetings a waste of time. The ANC commissioner’s real job is to meet his neighbors, understand their problems by genuinely listening to them, and solving it. I’ve done that for neighbors since I moved here though I’m not on the ANC, and when the problem is solved, you have a friend. It takes working with a lot of people sometimes. It does not require grandstanding for no apparent purpose at a meeting.

    Fifth, I support a development of McMillan that combines park space, recreational, retail and residential. That has been on my website at since the inception of my efforts. Please check it out and pass along the word. We need a representative genuinely interested in communicating with people in this ANC and who understands that McMillan will impact the lives of everyone in this part of the city, not just those in ANC 5C07. To minimize our neighbors concerns as “special interests” and refuse to hear them panoramically misunderstands the tremendous impact of the McMillan development to on everyone in this area. It also reflects a style of representative government that I simply do not believe in.

    We can do better.

    James Fournier

  52. @Nolan-- of course and you should look deeper into them. There are tons of pages...I've reviewed them and had some very pointed questions I posed about all the reports at the last MAG meeting.

    Go to
    Login name = mcmillan
    Password = jkd06t6
    And you will get the reports.

    Thanks for asking and for caring. It's all good information. I only hope others will dig in and read them too!

  53. To Mr. Daneker and all,

    I am asking Mr. Daneker and everyone to please post here EVERY "negative" and "bad" things that you have heard me say, or seen me do or have heard from others that I have done or said (and please mention your source). With this request I am asking for a "fair" trial in the Court of People, which sounds like is what Mr. Daneker is trying to do. If Mr. Daneker does not post everything that he has against me, I ask that he be asked to admit to his wrongfully accusing residents. After all, if I don't get a chance to hear accusations and charges against me and then have a chance to respond, is that justice?

    Please note that in a court the judge (in this case people who read these postings) are not referred to "all those emails that you sent" and "all those words that you said in those meetings" because we don't know how many people who are reading these posts have received my emails or heard what I said. Therefore, please post a complete list of EVERYTHING that you consider was bad and wrong on my part to do or say. Otherwise your claims will be considered baseless and accusatory.

    I look forward to hearing from Mr. Daneker and everyone.


  54. @Mehdi--Thanks for your posting. I believe you have said and done enough on your own that I couldn't possibly add anything more. Let the people decide for themselves from your previous posts (search here on Mehdi) and public actions. Thanks again for your comments and your service on MAG.

  55. Well, Barrie, once again, you are proving that you are just against people and completely at the service of businesses that are supporting you. As always, you NEVER answer to any questions that people ask, but only try to shut EVERY ONE up who asks critical questions from the City and the developers who are supporting you. Here too, I asked you to tell everyone what I said and did that you consider to be wrong, and you don't say it. Why not? If you don't do it, then I ask you to take back your accusations that made against me in your previous postings, because you are not providing any justifications for them. Instead, as always, you try to give people the IMPRESSION that anyone who finds your actions, and some of the actions of the City and developers unacceptable are wrong, without EVER showing exactly what it is that you consider to be wrong. How do you know what you consider being wrong others consider being wrong too? Why don't you tell everyone what it is that YOU consider being wrong and then let others judge for themselves? By not telling everyone what I said/did that you think was wrong, you are saying that just because you think what I did was wrong, then everyone would agree with you that those are wrong. Isn't this the ultimate dictatorship and insult to people's intelligence? Isn't this the ultimate deception? I believe the reason you are not listing what you think I did wrong is that you are afraid that what you consider to be wrong may not seem wrong to others after all, especially after they hear my reasons for what I have said and done. That is the reason, isn't it?

    Here is another example:

    In your signature you are saying: "Prosperity, Progress and Putting People First." Would you please tell us about the following:

    1. What are your definitions for "Prosperity," "Progress," and "Putting People First" where they relate to people (and not developers)? And,

    2. What SPECIFICALLY have you done in the past four years to achieve the above for people?

    I look forward to seeing your responses.


  56. I fell asleep at my desk this morning trying to read all of these blog comments, including the last exchanges between Mehdi and Barrie. The comments on this blog and the tone of these responses reflect why I am running to replace Commissioner Daneker this November. Three weeks of Barrie trying to convince neighbors of what he hasn’t done in four years is no reason to embrace him now.

    To very briefly address things:

    I have twice asked Barrie to debate in person the issues important to our neighborhood and he has declined.

    Unlike Barrie Daneker, I have no relationship with EYA, the developers of the McMillan site. So, I really do need every donation I can get. Please feel free to contribute at

    John Salatti, not Barrie Daneker, worked for months to get the special visitor pass program passed. Salatti coordinates and attends our regular neighborhood safety walks, and he is the one who coordinates the meetings in my neighborhood between my neighbors and the MPD. Commissioner Salatti does this only at our request because Commissioner Daneker has continually refused to do it.

    The ANC commissioner’s job is to meet his neighbors, understand their problems by genuinely listening to them, and by working with them to solve their problems. I’ve done this for neighbors since I moved here though I’m not on the ANC, and when the problem is solved, you have a friend.

    I support a development of McMillan that combines park space, recreational, retail and residential.

    We need a representative who understands that McMillan will impact the lives of everyone in this part of the city, not just those in ANC 5C07. To minimize neighbors’ concerns and to continually refuse to hear these concerns panoramically misunderstands the tremendous impact of the McMillan development to everyone in this area. It also reflects a style of representative government that I simply do not believe in.

    We can do better.

    James Fournier

  57. James,

    Thank you for identifying the problem ('The Commiss') and offering an alternative to his negative, do-nothing, EYA-water-carrying, divisive BS.

    Daneker is refusing to debate? He certainly has enough to say from the safety of his keyboard. Apparently, he would rather berate than debate.

    I tried calling Daneker for help three times in the last three years. Each time, he said he would help then did nothing but give me advice about whom I should call, what I should say, etc. The last time, I called Salatti and he immediately called his contact and solved the problem. It may be unfair to compare the average ANC Commissioner to Salatti, but Daneker never lifted a finger to help and instead seems to spend his time endearing himself to politicians and commercial interests, while attacking his own constituents when they disagree with his agenda.

    I have met James Fournier and he is considerate, thoughtful and sincere. Fournier is a good listener and someone interested in building consensus, not leading attacks on those with whom he may disagree.

    We need better leadership in ANC507.

    I urge my neighbors to meet Fournier and Daneker in person, then decide.

    The choice is obvious.

  58. Dear Anonymous,

    Whether someone is a dandy (or wears scarves) has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

    You doth protest too much.

  59. In response to Mr. Fournier's posting:

    1. Mr. Fournier sent an email, with no details, no proposed format, and no sponsorship by any organization? So my response was “not at this time”. I've been endorsed by many leaders in this community and attend various civic association meetings, leadership meetings, etc. A debate is something I do everyday in with residents of this city and SMD. The people know my record and efforts in the community. They know my efforts as ANC commissioner for the last 4 years, a DCDSC Ex-Offico member and Finance Chair. I have spent 25 years in financial services and affordable housing, a board member of the Gertrude Stein Club, a volunteer for DC Habitat, a volunteer for Rebuilding New Orleans; when after Hurricane Katrina I spent weeks, without pay, on my own dime to help build much needed housing. My support of Strondhold Civic Association, it’s cabaret and yearly block party, in which every child is supplied with back to school items.

    2. I have no relationship whatsoever with EYA, (to correct the gentleman from 5C07, it is VMP who are the development team, a group that consists EYA, a Washington-area developer, Alexander Cos., a development firm nationally renowned for historic preservation projects; MacFarlane Partners, one of the largest African-American-owned real estate investors in the country; the Jair Lynch Cos.; StreetSense; Smoot Construction; Urban Services Systems, local businesses, along with recent addition of EEK helping with developing a site plan.)

    2. I do not accept contributions...PERIOD! In order to maintain transparency and integrity and to ensure voters I represent them. All I ask for is their vote on Nov 2nd. Mr. Fournier is supported by special interests like Our McMillan, and McMillan Park Committee. The opposition and the special interest groups would like to convince you I am supported by the developer, but in fact it's all propaganda. It has been stated before by others, and even WCP mentioned it in an article, and found no foundation to the claim, why because it wasn’t true! I represent the people of 5C07!

    3. I agree Mr. Salatti was very helpful in getting visitor parking passes, as were many other commissioners. However it was CM Thomas who made efforts with DOT to get the program expanded to Ward 5, all of Ward 5! Mr. Salatti wasn't the only hero on that effort. I contacted CM Thomas too, and spoke with DOT representatives at the ANC meeting about issues with RRP for residents of N. Capitol St...because they have no RPP, it's an evacuation route, no parking during rush hour, and a snow route; they get tickets on all the remaining side streets because they are all Resident Permit only and RRP’s are only issued to addresses that have RPP on their street.

    4. Mr. Salatti has done many great things in our community and the Safety Walk is one of them. I have joined them on two occasions. However you should know, Mr. Salatti never informed me of his intentions to include 5C07, but instead took him upon himself to include us in his efforts...mind you it's only 3 blocks of the entire SMD of 5C07 on the NW side. Therefore, out of respect for a fellow Commissioner, why would I rain on his parade? I didn’t steal his self promoting thunder. As for meetings with MPD for concerns over various issues I have meet numerous times with many residents and MPD. Mr. Fournier fails to mention several meetings I attended with residents of his street. It's seems his memory and the various emails exchanges (6/8,6/16,6/24,8/12,9/4-2008, 1/15,1/26,8/17,8/18,9/24,10/1,10/4,10/5,10/13—2009 and finally 8/10-2010) we have had over the past 4 years on issues in our SMD. They have slipped his mind, but I haven’t forgotten him or the residents of 5C07

  60. 5. Mr. Fournier tells you nothing of what he has actually done! He attended one meeting with MPD, hosted a meeting with residents at his home over alleys clean up and a few emails in the time he has lived in Bloomingdale. Did he tell you with efforts from the Office of the Mayor, we got DOT, DPW and other agencies to do three cleans up of his alley over the past 4 years. When the alley was repaved behind his home, he along with Mr. Mansouri, were irate that it wasn't redone in brick. Brick is three times the cost of repaving. As most know in this community know, I will not support city funded brick alleys and sidewalks until we have at least an 80% graduation rate. It’s is surely a more important use of our resources especially during these hard economic times.

    6. Mr. Fournier states “We need a representative who understands that McMillan will impact the lives of everyone in this part of the city, not just those in ANC 5C07”. Then he should have run for council or mayor. My interest is in the residents of 5C07 and 5C not the entire city. Others who are impacted have representation in their respective SMD’s. Furthermore, MAG is made up of representatives from around our community; he needs to understand a bit more about MAG and the process.

  61. @TheCommiss - Those login credentials didn't work on my FTP program. Is this the only way to access these documents? Seems like a not very userfriendly way to make this information available.

  62. Barrie, let me say again that being on the ANC isn't good for you. Your behavior and language is not like that of normal people. You are starting to think of yourself as some kind of power broker and policy maker rather than a neighborhood volunteer. I think it would be healthier both for the neighborhood and for you if you found some other personal outlet. Pitching a fit over $25 donations is just another example of the smallness and pettiness of things which you mistakenly talk about as though they (and you) are full of great importance. Seriously: move on. The neighborhood deserves someone with humility and dignity.

  63. Of course, if it were up to me, there would be no ANCs at all, so I just have to look for the candidates that I think will do the least overall damage.

  64. @Nolan--Yes because of the volume of pages and data it was the option that was best to get the information out. If you can send me your email address, I can send you the pdf files Send to Thanks again for your interest.

    @Justme--Just what the special interests want. Let's leave it to the voters of 5C07 and not bloggers from outside our SMD such as yourself.

    @Channing St Resident--without specifics about your various contacts you allege, I cannot provide an adequate response. Furthermore, this blog is mostly not voters in SMD 5C07. I choose to respond anyway because I believe in presenting facts in a no nonsense fashion, straight out! I don't hide behind anyone! As a previous blogged noted, "I also appreciated the fact that he doesn't BS or glad hand me."

    @Medhi--I have attempted over the past few years to speak to you about some of your concerns. However our response and actions towards me, MAG members, the CM, and the Mayor's office have been so out of the norm along with your threat of a lawsuit against all of us, leads me to feel it's better not to respond to your comments any further. Let the voters of SMD 5C07 judge for themselves.

  65. Given that the commissioners that make up ANC 5C makes decisions for lots of things outside the SMD that each member represents, I don't think it's strange at all that folks in neighboring SMDs would weigh in on another SMD candidate.

    I mean, you're making policies regarding the Big Bear (which is not in your SMD), Rustik (which is not in your SMD) and the cleaners at Seaton and First (which is not in your SMD).... so why can't I weigh in on how you voted on those?

    I think the idea of "bloggers from outside [the] SMD" is just trying to create some hysteria around Mr. Daneker's opponents, like it's the USSR governing Poland or something. It's not. WE ALL LIVE WITHIN BLOCKS OF EACH OTHER.

    I may not have a vote in another SMD, but I can sure have an opinion of commissioners whose decisions affect my neighborhood and SMD.

  66. Barrie,

    Thanks for stating your position that you are against brick alleys in your own SMD. At least we can't say that you don't have moments of unfiltered honesty.

    I was against pouring asphalt in the alleys, mostly because it took away from any urgency to repair/replace the original brickwork. To say that asphalt is cheaper than bricks is to be shortsighted. Bricks last for decades. The asphalt is already showing signs of wear and plants are already popping through.

    The DC schools aren't a mess due to a lack of funding. The DC schools are among the most expensive in the country.

    Repairing alleys is the least the City could be doing for our SMD. Besides, doesn't 'TheCommiss' know alley refurbishment doesn't come from the school budget?

    I wonder if Fournier would support some of the city's maintenance budget being spent here on our alleys, or does he agree with Barrie that others should get bricks with our tax dollars?

  67. @ Stronghold Resident-- Brick is 3 times more expensive and the mainttance is also expensive. You complain about the plants growning in the cracks, it's even a worse situation with brick. As you are very well aware I have been preaching for previous concrete which is a much better product and allows for strom water to enter the ground and not end up in the combined sewer system where we pay to treat it. It's 2 times the price of Asphault and life of about 25-30 years as opposed to asphault. That's my position form the very start.

    As for the repairs, we have seen work being done in this SMD over the past 4 years, where stronghold had dirt alleys and not have some Asphault and concrete. As for the's all comes from the general fund which then gets divided up based on what the needs are every year. I would think we'd want to fund education, public saftey, etc. long before we put down brick alleys, that's not to say that alleys do need attention, but not brick. Furthermore, the city hasn't spend any if it's dollars in this or last year's budget for brick alleys. For instance, in Lower Bloomingdale Washington Gas paid for those brick alleys, not the city!

    @Nolan--I just want to point out that bloogers complained that we weighed in on BBC and we didn't represent that SMD. So you can't have it both ways is my point! Enouh has been said on BBC, it's in other hands now. As for weighing in on Amax cleaners, I am the Economic Development chair and made statements about the anti-small business petiton put out by Mr. Salatti. The ANC took to action on that because it was a "matter of right" in a commerical zone. As of the Rustic as you know the ANC had no objections nor did residents. So you must admit that we all have to give credit where credit is due, we can't be just one-sided. But then again it's a blog, where you don't see many postive things said in this arena.

  68. Barrie,

    For the past two or close to three years that I have known you, all I have seen from you has been your acts against people, and 100% commitment to developers and the City. For example, out of the dozens and dozens of times when I and a few other MAG members struggled to get answers from the City to our questions regarding the 100% closed and secretive McMillan process, and seeing the contracts that the City has been signing with EYA and other developers in complete secrecy, you ALWAYS took side with the City and EYA/developers and went against us--without ANY EXCEPTIONS. And all the while you continued deceiving people by saying that you are "on people's side." I asked you to define that phrase and show us how you have done it, and never did. And EVERY TIME when I asked you ANY questions, you gave me run-around responses and then clamied that you have answered to my questions (like what you did here on this blog again). As you know, every time you gave me the above response I asked to PLEASE once for all resend me those answers that you say you gave me but you NEVER did. Here, in front of all of our community I am asking, even pleading to you to PLEASE post here to this blog those answers that you keep saying you have sent to me. If you are not going to do that, PLEASE tell us why not? And tell us what can I or anyone do so you would post those answers here?

    Here is another case: you said above that I have threatened you and some MAG members to filing a lawsuit against you. I am now asking you to PLEASE answer to these simple questions:

    1. PLEASE tell us what I told you and everyone about what my reasons for doing the lawsuit are?

    2. What do you think my reasons are for putting myself (and even my family maybe) in such HUGE dangers (that I have seen a dozen of them already) for going "head-to-head" with powerful politicians, officials, and businesses, and take the risk of being labeled with all kinds of "adjectives" by people who don't know me and why I am doing what I am doing, but also by people like you intentionally?

    I look forward to hearing from you about the your responses to the above.



  69. @Mr. Mansouri--You have threatened this lawsuit because you stated we are all crimminals and corrupt. From the very start of your involvement in MAG you have intimated memebers with your tactics and verse so I would think it's speaks for itself. Therefore I need not respond any longer. The public has heard from you and I'm confident that they are very good judges of character.

  70. I will not support city funded brick alleys and sidewalks until we have at least an 80% graduation rate.

    Mr Fournier, here is your campaign platform: Barrie insists that we live in a crumbling ghetto instead of with good quality infrastructure and amenities, while paying the 9.75% marginal income tax rates.

    Barrie, if quality of life improvements to our community mean brick alleys and refraining from throwing a temper tantrum when the BBC applies for a liquor license, that's what you do, not make self-important grand pronouncements about graduation rates that you, as a local neighborhood volunteer have nothing to do with. Normal people do not behave and make pronouncements as you do.

  71. brick sidewalks and alleys are good for strong trees. nature makes students smarter.

  72. Barrie,

    You are very correct in quoting me. But once again, Barrie, you assume that just because I said you are corrupt and criminal I am wrong and you are right, and others must agree with you even without having heard my justifications and reasons for what I have said, and wanting to do what I said I am going to do (suing you and a few others on the MAG, etc.). But please accept that this is not how a democratic society is about. Even criminal people are first heard before they are judged. That is obviously something that you don't think anyone except you deserves to have, because you just simply convict me for what I said to you, regardless of what you did and are still doing--which are the reasons why I said what I said. In other words, you think you are allowed to lie to us (people) and deceive us, work for the best interest of developers, NEVER answer our questions, but ALWAYS ALWAYS be a barrier between us and truth, and our democratic rights and justice, and so forth. But no one should dare trying to stop you and point out your actions. If you think I am not accurate in my description of you, then would you please give us your answers to the following:

    1. When did I say you are corrupt and criminal and said I will sue you, and few MAG members and some others? For example, after what event did I say the above? Did I say those things to you the first day after I met you? If not, when did I start saying the above? Could you give us an estimated date or event as my starting date?

    2. Why do you think I said you are "corrupt" and "criminal?" In other words, could you give us your understanding of what my reasons were or could have been for saying the above to you?

    Meanwhile, I want you to know that I greatly appreciate the opportunity of finally being able to speak with you back and forth and hopefully getting answers from you. I am confident that this is an opportunity for both of us to express what we both believe and stand for, and explain why we say and do what we say and do. I am also glad we are doing this conversation this way in front of the community. I would also like to tell you that at the end of our conversations (assuming you will continue with me to the end) I will be just as happy if I find cases in which I made mistakes. As I have said many time before, and I have done it before, I always stand up and admit my mistakes and do my best to learn from them. That, I think, is one of the essence of life that adds to our human quality (beyond just looking like humans on the outside).

    Thanks again for the productive opportunity. I look forward to your answers (as well as a little bit of change in the tactic of assuming that you can be the judge on everyone's behalf).


  73. Mr. Daneker;
    I think you are completely unprofessional in your dealings with the community, and very negative. I intend to campaign against you and encourage all of my neighbors to do the same. Cheryl Wagner

  74. Mr. Daneker,

    If you spent half the time you do posting to this blog actually working for the community instead, perhaps you wouldn't have so many detractors. Just something to think about.

  75. Looks like Mr. Daneker does not see a need to work with the community when he has the backing of the EYA and the City officials.

  76. I have to agree with Nolan on commenting inside and outside of one's SMD.

    Mr. Daneker does not represent my SMD, but that did not stop him from throwing his weight around in mine (5C03, in regards to the BBC debate). So, like you said to Nolan, you can't have it both ways either. I may not be a blogger per se, but I do have an opinion on you, despite whether you represent me, and I will share it here.

    I have numerous times commented on this blog and the others regarding the BBC issue at your lack of professionalism in what you have written. I have found your blog posts to be unbecoming of a neighbor, much less a representative of the ANC. I have suggested that you apologize for several of your comments on these blogs (for example:

    Yet despite my requests for an apology to the community and the repeated comments by others on this blog and elsewhere, you continue down this path of "I am right and the world is wrong." Is this really the type of attitude that 5C07 or any Ward 5 citizen wants?

  77. @Justme--Again you like to misquote...use the whole quote, not just half of it. It's typical of bloggers on here. What I stated is that I support the use of pervious concrete! Get it right!
    @Cheryl Wagner--Sorry you feel that way, but sometimes the truth and the right thing to do is painful!
    @CJ--It's very unfornuate that BBC and Comissioner Salatti created a firestorm around this applicaiton, but if only BBC were in a commerical zone and filed the proper permits are required it would have been approved.

  78. I am politically neutral but am moved to step into this discussion by what I see as a totally unjust depiction of John Salatti’s efforts to assist the residents outside of his commission district. I live on the 100 block of Bryant Street. In the past 2 years when I encountered serious problems with a next door neighbor who flooded my basement and kept a section of the alley behind our properties full of rodent-infested trash, John Salatti was identified by my neighbors on my block and by Alice Waters of the Mayor’s Office as the person who would be most likely to assist me and in both cases this turned out to be true. Frankly, I was not even aware that Mr. Daneker is the commissioner for my block or that he was in a position to be of assistance. Mr Salatti and Ms. Waters copied Mr Danecker on all correspondence between themselves and me re my problems and never once did I hear anything from Mr Danecker. Not one word. In contrast, Mr. Salatti was extraordinarily responsive and followed up consistently until matters were resolved to my assistance. Thus, I for one will continue to seek and welcome Mr. Salatti’s assistance unless and until whoever is the commissioner for my block is more responsive.

  79. @Marget--Was not aware of your issues nor was I copied on the topic. If you would like to forward me that information i would appriecate it. Mr. Salatti although very helpful, often takes it upon himself to handel issues withou even informing the commissioner of the SMD.

  80. Mr. Fournier has started his campaign off extremely negative. He has failed to appear at any ANC meetings in the past four years. Since he achieved ballot access he had not appeared at the last two ANC meetings. It's a shame that he fails to understand the needs of the community, but would rather let special interest groups from outside our SMD influence his options instead of the very people who live here in SMD 5C07. It's in an attempt to push the agenda of the special interest groups who have endorsed him. I have worked hard in this SMD on a variety of issues for the past four years and my record and experience speaks for itself. It's a shame that Mr. Fournier has to resort to these tactics. It's especially sad to see that he operates his law practice in DC without a HOP permit, fails to register his car in DC after 11 years of living in our community. Do we really want a lawyer to represent this community? One who has been involved with the McMillan Park committee's lawsuit against the city? A lawyer who skirts the law to save a few dollars! Character is everything and Mr. Fournier's actions speak for them.

  81. So, I guess Margaret is a liar as well?

  82. Mr. Daneker,

    I have been following discussions on this blog closely. All I have see you do has been empty claims. I have seen others asking you to respond to their questions, post the list of what you have done for the community over the past four years, and you have never done so. Instead, you accuse Mr. Fournier for not having come to the ANC meetings. Mr. Fournier has not been the ANC for the past four years to go to those meetings. But you have been. I see our neighbors have asked you to tell us what you have done for the community by going to those meetings? And you have not answered. I see more than anything, you say what you have done speak for themselves and what Mr. Fournier has done speak for themselves. But I don't see you saying exactly what have you done for the past four years? If Mr. Fournier becomes the next ANC, then we will ask him the same questions. But for now, you are the one who have been given the opportunity for the past four years, but it seems you have nothing to show for it other than constantly saying my work speaks for itself, without saying what it is that you have done. Would you please post a list of what you have done for the community?

  83. Mr. Daneker,

    One thing that stands out more than anything in your responses on this blog is that you seem to believe that everyone is wrong but you!

  84. Mr. Daneker,

    I would like to know more about Mr. Fournier. Would you tell me what you mean by "extremely negatively" in your sentence "Mr. Fournier has started his campaign off extremely negative."?

  85. @ All the anaymous's--

    What have I done. Read the orginal title post to this blog. It outlines many of the things I have done for this community.

    As far as comments that everyone else is wrong...frankly the truth is the truth. I stand on my record. Not no sound bites from people who can to look at a single issue instead of the my entire record.

    As for Mr. Fournier starting off his campaign negatively. Check out the post here and his website. I'd say that was a negative attach. Mr. Fournier started the fire, so I have to defend my record and point out faults of his. It's what he brought on.

  86. Mr. Daneker,

    You repeat referring people to "look here and look there" when they ask you about your records. Would you please list your records all in one place for everyone to see? People are trying to decide who to vote for. And honestly, I am very confused by your responses. I am now starting to wonder why you don't list your work all in once place and continue referring people to other places instead? Could you post here a list of all that you have done for our community for the past four years?

  87. As stated above, I have spoken to the Blade after the article came out, and hopefully they will print a follow up. If I knew Mr. Fournier's position on the issue, I would have said something, but in Mr. Fournier’s response he made some rather odd statements that needed to be pointed out. I have stated here that I believe Mr. Fournier’s stand on the issue, I never doubted or questioned it. What I did question was the inferring he did. I didn't write the article, as you point out correctly. And you are correct…the only option for anti same sex marriage opposition voters would either be Mr. Fournier or a write in. As you know I was very vocal on the issue here in Ward 5. I formerly lived in MA and fought hard for the issue there too! So I am sure to feel the effects of that at the voting booth. Councilman Thomas felt it in the primary, a fact. Special interest groups and opponents railed against him. So the same can be said about Nov 2nd.

  88. Mr. Daneker,

    Is your above posting a response to the question in the posting above it? If not, when you respond, would you make it clear which question you are answering to?

  89. I could if everyone posted who they were. Last post here. Time to meet the real consitutents of 5C07 and not the outsides who post anonymously and live in other areas.

  90. Mr. Daneker,

    I can see what others have been saying about you is true. You don't answer to questions about what you have done during the four years of being an ANC. You just pretend you have answers and you give answers. But it is clear that you don't. You don't answer to questions that are asked from you by seemingly "real constituents of 5C07" on this blog either. I think it is time you stop pretending.

  91. Ananymous 2:21--
    Here is just a sample--
    ……Since My 2 Terms in Office
    All city owned vacant property was put up for auction and rehabilitation in 5C07
    Alleys repaved in a large portion of the SMD—some for the very first time in DC history!
    Tree planting and trimming efforts
    Crime reduction efforts and attendance at meetings with MPD
    Parking enforcement in our single member district
    Helped expedite many DCRA issues
    Helped secure licensing for a new Intergeneration Education Center in Franklin Commons
    Worked with Washington Hospital Center & Children's Hospital on zoning and growth concerns
    Worked with DC Economic Partnership on Ward 5 retail plans
    Attend and volunteer at Ward 5 Democrat meetings
    Attend and volunteer at Ward 5 Leadership meetings
    Attend and volunteer at Ward 5 Economic forums
    Working with Pepco about outages and updates to the grid in our SMD
    Working with DC Water with issues related to First and Bryant St water main break
    Working with DC Water on major distribution pipe replacement at Bryant St. Pump House
    Working with Mark Jones on various school issues
    Testified 2x before city council about financial guidelines for ANC expenditures.....

  92. Barrie,
    You've not been a responsive commissioner, plus you are mean-spirited, we don't want you anymore.
