
Saturday, October 16, 2010

James Fournier responds to 10/15/2010 Washington Blade article

Candidate for ANC 5C07 commissioner in the November 2010 primary election James Fournier asked to have this Email thread posted on the blog:

From: James Fournier
Date: October 16, 2010 10:13:00 AM EDT
Subject: Letter to the editors concerning inaccurate facts in ``Gay incumbents face opposition in ANC races``

Oct 15, 2010 05:46:18 PM, james.fournier wrote:


Dear Mr. Chibarro and editorial staff:

The October 14, 2010 electronic edition of the Blade published a piece entitled ``Gay incumbents face opposition in ANC races``.

In the piece, reporter Lou Chibbaro states that:

``In Ward 5, gay incumbent Barrie Daneker, who represents SMD 5C07 in the city`s Bloomingdale neighborhood, is facing a challenge from attorney James Fournier. Fournier states on his campaign website that Daneker didn`t adequately reach out to his constituents over a controversial liquor license application in the district and has not adequately handled a controversial proposal to develop the site of the city`s former water filtration plant near North Capital Street and Michigan Avenue.

Daneker said he has a two-term record of working closely with constituents and soliciting their views on a wide range of issues, including the water filtration site and the liquor license flap. He told members of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club Monday night his outspoken support for the city`s same-sex marriage equality law was controversial in a ward where many residents strongly opposed the law.

Ward 5 Council member Harry Thomas Jr., who angered many of his constituents by voting for the marriage bill, endorsed Daneker`s ANC re-election bid. Thomas won the Democratic nomination for his own seat by winning the primary in September by a comfortable margin despite organized opposition led by same-sex marriage opponents.

Daneker said some of that same opposition may be seeking to oust him from office in the ANC race.

Fournier could not be immediately reached.`` (emphasis added).

I have never been contacted by anyone from the Blade for comment on any story - ever.

Second, I wholly support gay marriage, which the Blade would have known had it bothered to contact me. Third, I grew up in Northern California and lived in Berkeley, San Francisco, New York City and Washington, D.C. and probably have more gay friends than straight ones and have been to my several gay unions over the years – another fact that would have been pointed out had the Blade bothered to contact me.

The Blade also would have known this if it had bothered to read the brief biography posted on my website. Mr. Chibarro inaccurately refers to my website, yet manages not to cite it, not to quote it, and fails to even present the website address.

There is not much of a connection between ones sexuality and whether you are a decent ANC Commissioner (or if there is it escapes me). The issues that people actually care about in SMD 5C07 are listed on my website at and certainly are not limited to the issues referenced in Mr. Chibbaro`s piece.

The Blade`s piece is inaccurate and poor journalism. Commissioner Daneker`s comments reflect a transparently desperate effort for public sympathy three weeks prior to an election after four years of grandstanding and failing to grasp the fundamentals of what it means to be a good ANC Commissioner.

James Fournier


  1. AMEN, James. From several gays up the street. You have our vote. It's time to Oust Daneker...Oust the hypocrite...

  2. North Capitol Street residentSunday, October 17, 2010 6:34:00 AM

    This is the lowest form of politics. Using sexual orientation is the same thing as race-baiting. It is consistent with Barrie's megalomania that he would conspire with the writer and editor of The Blade to take this cheap shot at Mr. Fournier. Thankfully, his charge is SO ridiculous we can see it for what it is, more divisive actions by someone who should be building a community, not playing the politics of personal destruction. I look forward to The Blade's apology, but do not expect one from Mr. Daneker.

  3. Barrie,

    It's not that you may be gay; it's that you are a moron, and a mean-spirited moron at that.

    I don't know anything about James Fournier, but I will vote for him based on John Salatti's endorsement, and my desire to get rid of bad elements in the neighborhood.

  4. Hi All,
    I read something in the Washington Blade online (10/15/2010) that greatly disturbed me. Please take a few minutes to read it for yourselves. It seems as though the Blade quoted the ANC Commisioner of SMD 5C07 as implying that James Fournier is against gay marriage. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My partner (Patrick) and I have known James personally for 5 years, and have never known him to discriminate against the LGBT or any other community. As the Blade has to clear my post before publication, I want to enter it here also.

    *The implication made by Mr. Daneker that "some of the same sex marriage opponents may be seeking to oust him in the ANC race" is incorrect and dishonest. His only opposition in the SMD 5C07 race is Mr. James Fournier. Mr. Fournier is supportive of all Bloomingdale residents, regardless of their sexuality. More importantly, he is a strong supporter of same sex marriage equality in the District of Columbia. Since my spouse and I of 17 years moved to Bloomingdale from Logan Circle 5 years ago, Mr. Fournier has been one of our most helpful and welcoming neighbors.

    While I am disappointed in Mr. Daneker's inference, I am really disturbed by the Washington Blade's willingness to post and print such erroneous information without a simple fact check by the editorial staff. Did anyone even attempt to reach Mr. Fournier before printing or reporting this misinformation?

    As out, gay men my family has read the Blade since the early 1990's. We did so because of its honest, unbiased and accurate representation of the facts. Sadly, your publication missed the boat this time.*

  5. To all:

    In no way, shape or form did I ever imply that Mr. Fournier has any opinion on the gay marriage issue. PERIOD. The Blade reported only that the issue was hot in Ward 5 and that some voters, as we saw in the primary, would vote against any canidate that was pro "gay marriage". Since I gave a speach on the debate in Ward 5 when the issue was before the council. I did not see the story prior to the printing. As for contacting Mr. Fournier for a response, I cannot tell you about that either. The Blade sells papers, I sell the truth.

  6. @ Mr. Fournier--

    1. The Blade doesn't need to advertise your web site, although you might like that for your campaign, it’s not a good angle to work for support.

    2. Your website mentions nothing of your support for "gay marriage" WOW, because you grew up in CA that makes you supportive of the issue? Remember PROP 8! I mean really, what a freaking liberty!

    3. The Blade accurately made statements, what you and a few reader did was infer that it was a reflection on you! WRONG! It spoke of the issue and not your opinion on it. But again you are quick to put out your propaganda to make it about you. It wasn't in the least about you! It was about the issue and how it could effect this year's election. It's not all about you Mr. Fournier!

  7. Barrie,

    I can only surmise from your poorly written, feverishly contrived responses that you think we in 5-7 are complete idiots.

    How can you say there was no inference that your opponent is against the gay community when you fed this 'reporter' the line that those that oppose gay marriage are supporting James against you?

    Now that you have been caught, you are trying to muddy the waters and say you aren't accusing James of anything.

    You even continue your accusation by suggesting that James is against gay marriage because he is doesn't say he isn't on his web page.

    Why don't you man up and apologize? Maybe you could give us one of those political apologies where you say you didn't INTEND to play the sexual orientation card against our friend James. Or, that you could have tried harder to avoid the appearance of falsely accusing James of working against the gay community.

    I don't need to question James's word when he says he supports the gay community. I and many gays in this neighborhood know him and he has never given us any reason to doubt his word.

    The same cannot be said about you.

  8. @Don Mckinnon--After our in peron conversation last night along with the re-reading of the Blade's article, I'm usre you agree that I in no way suggeted anything! The article again doesn't not mention Mr. Fournier's postion whatsoever. It does state that those that opposed gay marriage may oppose many canidates who supported gay marriage. Read it again! Frankly, I stand behind my statement that Mr. Fournier and the readers above have inferred something that wasn't in the article...PERIOD! Please get it right and don't allow someone to but words in my mouth. It's time we all are a bit more cautious about what is actually said verses what someone infers.

  9. Barrie,

    Couldn't disagree more.

    This isn't a he-said, she-said situation. You have said the reporter didn't err. The reporter wrote:

    "Daneker said some of that same opposition may be seeking to oust him from office in the ANC race."

    The sentence before this sentence reads:

    "Thomas won the Democratic nomination for his own seat by winning the primary in September by a comfortable margin despite organized opposition led by same-sex marriage opponents."

    So, no 'inference' is necessary. While talking to this 'reporter' for the gay newspaper, Barrie Daneker alleged that same-sex marriage opponents are seeking to oust him by supporting his only opponent, James Fournier.

    This makes no sense at all given that James and Barrie are on the same side on this issue. Why would Daneker say opponents of gay marriage are supporting a candidate who disagrees with them? It only makes sense if you are trying to say James opposes gay marriage and is lying about his position.

    In his comment on this page, Daneker then accuses James of being against gay marriage because his website doesn't say state any position on this issue:

    "2. Your website mentions nothing of your support for "gay marriage" WOW, because you grew up in CA that makes you supportive of the issue? Remember PROP 8! I mean really, what a freaking liberty!"

    How else can this be interpreted but as a way for Barrie to suggest that James is not being truthful when James says, in as straightforward a manner as possible, that he supports gay marriage?

    As I said to you in person last night, an apology to James seems appropriate.

    You can have the last word if you like. This will be my last post on this subject.

  10. Mr. Fournier has started his campaign off extremely negative. He has failed to appear at any ANC meetings in the past four years. Since he achieved ballot access he had not appeared at the last two ANC meetings. It's a shame that he fails to understand the needs of the community, but would rather let special interest groups from outside our SMD influence his options instead of the very people who live here in SMD 5C07. It's in an attempt to push the agenda of the special interest groups who have endorsed him. I have worked hard in this SMD on a variety of issues for the past four years and my record and experience speaks for itself. It's a shame that Mr. Fournier has to resort to these tactics. It's especially sad to see that he operates his law practice in DC without a HOP permit, fails to register his car in DC after 11 years of living in our community. Do we really want a lawyer to represent this community? One who has been involved with the McMillan Park committee's lawsuit against the city? A lawyer who skirts the law to save a few dollars! Character is everything and Mr. Fournier's actions speak for them.

  11. This isn't a he-said, she-said situation. You have said the reporter didn't err. Under the headline “Gay incumbents face opposition in ANC races”, the ‘reporter’ wrote:

    "Daneker said some of that same opposition may be seeking to oust him from office in the ANC race."

    The sentence before this sentence reads:

    "Thomas won the Democratic nomination for his own seat by winning the primary in September by a comfortable margin despite organized opposition led by same-sex marriage opponents."

    So, no 'inference' is necessary. While talking to this 'reporter' for the gay newspaper, Barrie Daneker alleged that same-sex marriage opponents are seeking to oust him by supporting his only opponent, James Fournier.

    This makes no sense at all given that James and Barrie are on the same side on this issue. Why would Daneker say opponents of gay marriage are supporting a candidate who disagrees with them? It only makes sense if you are trying to say James opposes gay marriage and is lying about his position.

    In his comment on this page, Daneker then accuses James of being against gay marriage because his website doesn't say state any position on this issue:

    “2. Your website mentions nothing of your support for "gay marriage" WOW, because you grew up in CA that makes you supportive of the issue? Remember PROP 8! I mean really, what a freaking liberty!”

    How else can this be interpreted but as a way for Barrie to suggest that James is not being truthful when James says, in as straightforward a manner as possible, that he supports gay marriage?

    As I said to you in person last night, an apology to James seems appropriate.

    You can have the last word if you like. This will be my last post on this subject.

  12. oh thank god someone is challenging notoriously batshit crazy commissioner Danneker. Although I don't live in "The Commish's" district I have donated to Mr. Fournier's campaign and look forward to much crazed lunatic ranting on neighborhood blogs when he loses.

  13. Speaking of resorting to tactics.....Desperate much, Mr. Daneker? Can't wait to see how this one turns out.

  14. I'm relatively a new resident (July ‘08) of Bloomingdale and have limited exposure of listening to Commissioner Daneker at ANC meetings and of course reading his blog posts and comments. I'm always just stunned at his immaturity. And basic lack of trying to help improve Bloomingdale by voting against Big Bear and for not wanting the replacement of bricks for the residents on the unit block of Randolph. This is definitely not a man that I believe really knows what is best for my community. I'm definitely voting for James Fournier. Bat shit crazy is a good descriptor for this Commissioner and you can include GiGi Ransom in that group too! These are exactly the type of people that need to be voted out so progress can continue.

  15. Anonymous--

    Welcome to Bloomingdale! You should attend an ANC meeting or better yet a MAG meeting and see how uncivil some of these supporters of Mr. Fournier really are! Did you know that they want to put an eco farm on the site with a chicken coop at the cost of $70 million, would be the most expensive farmland in the world. Listen to their radio broadcasts and various other media outlet recordings.

    The vote against Big Bear was unanimous; it was due to the lack of proper permitting and zoning issues. I have stated that I believe Big Bear has been an asset to Bloomingdale. Image if the ANC approved the application and these issues didn’t come out. There would be a huge outcry of nepotism towards a fellow commissioner.

    As for the unit block of Randolph St, those bricks were paid for by Washington Gas and not the City. Brick is an expensive product and has huge maintenance costs. I have been a supported of pervious concrete, which is roughly half the cost; allows storm water to enter the ground instead of flowing to lower Bloomingdale to flood homes; and will not cause winter refreeze of melting snow causing slick surfaces. I believe that DC has more pressing needs than investing in expensive, un-green, brick sidewalks. Did you know, when the alley behind Mr. Fournier’s home was repaved in asphalt, he complained profusely because it wasn’t brick? We’re not talking about sidewalks here, but alleys.

    If you support Mr. Fournier and the special interest groups who have endorsed him, you can count on no progress! If you think things are crazy now with the ANC you should have been here 5 years ago when racist, outlandish verse, and totally uncivil meetings were the norm at every single meeting. Chair Bonds and many of the other commissioners have worked hard to change it; only to have a few commissioner work against those changes. It's not an easy job but one that must be done with equitable and fair results.

  16. Barrie you should seriously consider getting professional help.

    You wrote:

    "Did you know that they want to put an eco farm on the site with a chicken coop at the cost of $70 million, would be the most expensive farmland in the world. Listen to their radio broadcasts and various other media outlet recordings."

    Seriously, what the hell are you talking about? Chicken coops? Radio broadcasts?

    I actually suspect James Fournier is a CIA agent who listens in on your thoughts through radio transmitters installed throughout Bloomingdale. I am throwing my support behind him because I am part of a conspiracy to install tracking microchips in ANC 5C07 residents. Those bricks on R Street? Not only are they expensive to maintain, but they are also equipped with thousands of tiny cameras that are monitoring your movements.

    Be afraid. Very afraid.

  17. Anonymonus-- here it is straight from the show. Check it out!

    The largest underground space in DC is the 20 acres of vaults under the McMillan Sand Filtration Site. These could be used for artists studios including glass works using the sand to make bottles for filtered Potomac water, agro-processing such as cheese-making, winery, brewery, mushroom-growing, cafes and boutique shops. The 25 acre green roof would provide the grapes, hops, vegetables, milk, bee-hives, as fresh produce and raw material for processing. Rain-harvesting, solar panels and wind turbines would complete this sustainable approach, while preserving the architectural and historical features

    There are others.....

  18. i think its pretty safe to say we won't see anything happen to mcmillan for another 10 years. maybe some signs

  19. Well this is what this group is pushing. It's the most expensive eco farm in the world! McMillan will see development. It's time we invest in our future. It's a good time while rates are low for the city to finally invest in a balanced site plan with 1/3 park/green space, 1/3 housing, 1/3 office/commercial. It will provide much needed benefits for our community.

  20. The only thing I hate more than the whitey is the gay.

  21. Wow...this blog is hot. At this point, short of voting for Satan, I'd vote for anyone other than Barrie. He's soooooo mean. Fournier get's my vote.

  22. As a prior ANC Commissioner of 5C10 and one who has looked out for the best interests of the Ward 5 community, I endore James as does John Salatti.

    Barrie is so mean spirtied and truly undermines the community with all of his negative antics. Barrie spearheaded the censorship of current ANC Commissioner Ransom and he was unsucessful. Barrie also, started a rant on the Eckington litserve about my comments of him and others not knowing the laws, policies,and regulations that govern the ANC body.

    Barrie has no one's interest at heart but his own. Now, he has CM Thomas endorsing him and our own CM has to clear up his lapse in ethical judgement.

    I encourge all to help James to win this ANC election. Volunteer at the polling site 135 with him.

    Prior ANC Commissioner Gwen Southerland is supporting James as well. We need to change the leadership NOW!!

  23. Many in this community know Ms. Smith (yes her real name) has been a terrible ANC Commissioner and done very little in her service to promote the community. She complains about everything and offers no solutions, making her part of the problem. She voted for a statue for $12,000 when she was an ANC Commissioner and no one has ever seen the statue or the $12,000. The current ANC commission has had to send letters and now have gotten the AG, IRS and other officials involved to try to recoup those funds. Ms. Smith also opposed Silas Grant's election, the candidate she encouraged to run and did so in a very distasteful manner.

    She's consistently poked at the ANC for issues dating back over 20 years and she attempts to put that on the heads of the new commissioners. She has been accused of receiving public assistance funds via a disability claim while actually working and running a beauty spa. She protested Commissioner Phillips petitions hence his write in campaign. She has been a terrible leader and voice in this community who has accomplished little other than her attempts to elevate herself instead of her community. When you read these blogs ensure you know the character of those who comment, and Ms. Smith’s character has a lot to be desired! Ask others don’t just listen to my words ask your neighbors about her antics.

    As I have been endorsed by many leaders Cm Thomas, Mark Jones, School Board, Fred Allen DC Union Leader, Anita Bonds Chair of the DCDSC and ANC 5C along with fellow Commissioners Day, Edwards, Farmer-Allen and Grant. I have not been endorsed by special interest groups like my opponent, who are attempting to stop the development of McMillan again. I don't accept contributions to remain transparent. So when you vote, vote for the team that puts “Prosperity, Progress and People” First. Vote Barrie Daneker ANC Commissioner 5C07

  24. As I have been endorsed by many leaders Cm Thomas, Mark Jones, School Board, Fred Allen DC Union Leader, Anita Bonds Chair of the DCDSC and ANC 5C along with fellow Commissioners Day, Edwards, Farmer-Allen and Grant. I have not been endorsed by special interest groups like my opponent, who are attempting to stop the development of McMillan again. I don't accept contributions to remain transparent. So when you vote, vote for the team that puts “Prosperity, Progress and People” First. Vote Barrie Daneker ANC Commissioner 5C07
    As for Ms. Gwen Southerland she opposed an Educational Center for kids in the apartment complex she lives in Franklin Commons. She's pushed her weight around Franklin Commons enough that residents will come out against her endorsement of my opposition. She's been complaining about a crosswalk for years in which DDOT will not put for very valid reasons. She's mad over it! Four requests over the past few years and all have been turned down for the exact same reason! Like I said character is important aspect to consider when taking the advice of someone!

    So when you vote, Vote the endorsed Candidates, vote for the team that puts “Prosperity, Progress and People” First. Vote Barrie Daneker ANC Commissioner 5C07

  25. James Fournier Endorsed by Greater Greater Washington:

    "Another worthy challenger is James Fournier, who is challenging incumbent Barrie Daneker in Stronghold and northern Bloomingdale`s 5C07.

    Daneker has taken a combative and condescending tone on the ANC, which has created more strife over the McMillan development than need be."

  26. Mr. Danneker,

    I just noticed the following post where you said that I was "opposed an educational center in my complex of Franklin Commons." Barrie, that is a blatant lie. I created the center. I worked for months to put the structure, curriculum, budget and the Incorporation documents in place for that center. Your comments are libel and I am requesting that you retract these remarks. Please issue a retraction via this blog. You are dead wrong. I consider this to be libel.

    Please do not take your anger against Mr. Fournier out on me. Please retract this statement.

    Gwen Southerland, President
    Franklin Commons Tenant & Civic Association

  27. As to the crosswalk, yes I have requested for several years to have the crosswalk for the safety of our residents who use Franklin street to use the Metro bus stop. We've had several of our resident hit by speeding cars on that roadway. You were never any help whatsoever. And now you smear my name and my reputation. You did noting to help our community you lazy sob. And you dare to speak negatively of me. I have worked hard in this community of Franklin Commons for over 20 years, I've put in blood, sweat, tears and money. You never contacted me about the notice of the BZA hearing. What I protested was that the placard was so high that no one could read the dates, hence we missed the hearing. Further, a portion of that space for the educational center is mandated by HUD as a meeting space for Section 8 tenants. The tenants have been shut out for several years and as a result they have lost a valuable resource in the complex.

    Shame on you.

    Gwen Southerland, President
    Franklin Commons Tenant & Civic Association
