
Friday, October 08, 2010

Rustk Tavern Grand Opening Celebration: 10-14-2010

See this message from North Capitol Main Street:

Want to see the nice pretty formatted version of this message?

Rustik Tavern Grand Opening Celebration
An Exciting New Addition to Bloomingdale

Yes, Rustik Tavern at 1st & T Street NW is now Open For Business! Join North Capitol Main Street as we celebrate the Grand Opening on Thursday, 10/14/2010 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

Our small business and Main Street champions -- Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas & At-Large Councilmember Kwame Brown -- will be on hand to congratulate and welcome the newest entrepreneur to the neighborhood and you'll want to thank our councilmembers for supporting commercial revitalization in our community and encourage them to continue!

Owner, Diton Pashaj, has already exceeded expectations for his cool space as tavern and Rustik's fabulous Chef is planning a special buffet featuring paella for just $15.

Rustik, as the newest business to join NCMS, is donating proceeds from the Grand Opening to support NCMS' work -- like the Storefront Improvement Program. So stop by and welcome Rustik to the neighborhood. There will be plenty of room (the patio will be open) the music will be hot and the food will be delish . . .

Please RSVP to The opening is limited to the First 200 - we would love to have you all! Next time we'll make it a block party!

Register to win 2 Washington Redskins versus Philadelphia Eagles Tickets and if you don't win, hey, no problem. . . enjoy your game-night at Rustik Tavern!

North Capitol Main Street is funded by The DC Department of Small and Local Business Development and is an officially recognized DC Main Street Program.


  1. Please try out Rustik if you haven't already. I had the pizza and it was delicious. As of last week happy hour had $3 peronis. The bartender/owner said it might change though.

    Let's hope it sticks around.

  2. Does anyone know if Rustik is actually sending out responses to people who RSVP? I sent an email last week, and have yet to hear anything back. I don't want to show up if I won't be able to get in.
