
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Update on Local Crime Issues and MPD Response

This top Email is from ANC 5C04 Commissioner John Salatti:

Many thanks, Commander, for the quick response to this uptick in crimes in this area. Commissioner Davenport is right. Overall, as you know, crime is down and most violent crime is down. The neighborhood has seemed quite a bit safer than just a few years ago, much to my surprise given the tight economy. But incidents like the ones below are very unsettling even in the face of declining crime stats. So we all appreciate your quick action. Of course, we will continue our collaborations with you and the Fifth District, which have contributed to the continued overall improvement in safety in and around Bloomingdale.


John T. Salatti

Commissioner, ANC 5C04

(202) 986- 2592

``Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale``

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Greene, Lamar (MPD)> wrote:

We assigned about twenty more officers to the area, they are already making progress on the burglaries and robberies, we hope to make arrest soon! We have noticed the patterns and we are focusing on them!

Commander Lamar D. Greene


From: stuart davenport>

To: Greene, Lamar (MPD); Salatti, John T. (ANC 5C04)>

Sent: Thu Oct 28 19:51:48 2010

Subject: Residents beaten on 2nd street.

Commander Greene-

There has been another rash of crime in the neighborhood and it is getting pretty violent.

See these posts below (attack in a home with a kitchen knife, beatings, muggings).

It is rare, but it is very violent. People are getting comfortable with doing this in our neighborhood - where it has seemed pretty safe and quiet for about a year.

Can we get more of a police presence for an amount of time? Do you currently know of these issues and do you already have a plan in place?

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. We can help get the word out to people if you are looking for anything specific.

-Stuart Davenport

Commissioner 5C-03

202. 549. 6996

1. guests beaten & robbed last night on the 1800 block of 2nd St NW

From a 2nd Street NW resident who was assaulted on this block before:

Last evening around 11pm, my guests, driving in from Baltimore, were just getting of their car, right under the street light opposite my home in the 1800 block of 2nd St NW. A ``person`` walked by them as they were getting out, turned around, hit my female guest in the neck & grabbed her bag, carrying credit cards, jewelry, my house keys etc. Her she fell down, and her husband came to her rescue, and was savagely beaten on the head with something (maybe a bottle) in a paper bag.

Police & ambulance were called - they were taken to the hospital. Tomorrow I will have to get my door locks changed AGAIN !!!! - this is getting very old. He is a Gospel preacher from Michigan, and visits the Churches in this area about every 3 months - very sad.

Update - my guests have now left (were going to stay through weekend) - said that they would think very seriously about visiting me again - At the hospital, they both were given MRI, and he had to have 3 stiches in his head.

2. Home Robbed by Man with a Kitchen Knife

From a 1st and R Street NW resident

House My home at 1st and R, NW was broken into early Friday morning. I have no idea if the thieves were black, white, asian or latino. I do know that they broke in with the use of a large kitchen knife that was left inches from the head of a friend who was sleeping on the couch. There were 5 of us and a dog in the house at the time of the robbery. Nobody woke up and nobody was hurt. Just wanted to give a heads up to all neighbors to keep an eye out for anyone lingering around the neighborhood looking suspicious. Thanks.

3. Man Beaten and Robbed in Bloomingdale

local resident

I was actually robbed Monday, October 25 at night in Bloomingdale by a young black male with a heavy coat. I just wanted to say that I appreciate your honesty in wanting to look out for people who live in the Bloomingdale and the connecting communities of Ledroit Park and Howard University area. After your reading your post I feel comfortable to even admit that it happened. I also would like to say to everyone to please be careful of your surroundings and not let your guard down. And to please report any suspicious activity happening in our community. It`s really important, I wouldn`t anyone to experience being robbed as I did.

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