
Friday, November 12, 2010

stolen Raleigh bicycle stolen from 1st St NW back yard

See this message from a 1st Street NW household. Note that there is no image of the bicycle here.

I`m sorry to report that an old friend of mine was stolen from our home at 2106 1st Street NW. My Raleigh road bike was in our back yard inside of a 14 foot high locked gate last Saturday night - and gone on Sunday morning. Although the race cycle is probably not worth much money these days, it helped me through several triathlons and a half Ironman over the past 10 years. I had planned on tuning her up again to loan to a friend who is in need of city transportation. Here is a description: Raleigh racer, Bright yellow and black, aerobars for long rides, toe clips, women`s comfort seat.

The bike is too old to still be on the company website, so I`ve attached a photo that looks pretty close. The logo is the same.

If you see it, or have any information please contact me: juliejarvis @ Thank you!

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