
Friday, November 05, 2010

want to get plugged into the McMillan Sand Filtration site development discussion?

McMillan Sand Filtration Site Community Meeting #2 – Saturday, 11/6/2010

From Tania Jackson:

McMillan Sand Filtration Site Meeting #2: What We Heard- Design Principles & Approach

Join us for a discussion of the elements that will go into the final design plan, based on the feedback the design team got in Meeting #1 and the Salon Sessions at Big Bear. This is Meeting #2 of a three meeting series and will give you a chance to meet and talk to the design team, get a schedule for future meetings, and learn how to share all of your ideas.

Saturday, November 6, 2010
9 AM to 12 NOON
St. Martin`s Church
1908 North Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(Enter on T
Street NW)

The Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
Councilmember Harry ``Tommy`` Thomas, Jr.
Vision McMillan Partners

Call: Tania Jackson (202) 355- 8998


  1. Hi Tania.

    Q1: When will I find out which parts of the plan for McMillan requires demolishing of any part of its current structure, and why? (This is the question that I was trying to ask on Saturday Nov. 6, and as usual was given run-around answers).

    Thank you.

  2. Hi Tania.

    Q2: Would please a) tell us where the final versions of the four studies (traffic, storm water, historical, and business) that were done and the presentation files that were used to show those studies to MAG can be found, and b) how are the results of those studies used in the planning for McMillan?

    Thank you.

  3. Medhi...

    Right here

  4. Surely enough, there is nothing on the above site ( at the time of this posting.


    Please respond to my above above questions or ask someone who knows the answers to do so. Thank you.


  5. Try just this link

    It's all there!

  6. Barrie,

    Please stop responding. By responding you are giving the illusion that Tania does not need to respond anymore, i.e. more of the tricks that you have been playing on people. Please only respond when you are being asked to respond.


    Please respond to my above questions.

    Thank you.

    Thank you.

  7. Tania,

    Please explain why the links to the study reports and other documents are buried inside restricted area and are not available to the general public.

    Thank you.

  8. Mr. Mansouri,

    You might want to send her an email.

    As for your comments further, I think it's best ot just let you show your own!

  9. The reports are not buried in a restrcited area! Wow the fabrication of wild stories and lies. It's right there for everyone to see! Plain as the daylight!

    People of Bloomingdale...know the real truth which is that the reports are there.

  10. Barrie,

    I don't lie. You think everyone is like you. But that is not the case, not with me at least. I said what I saw. I know it is hard for you to believe or even to understand that fact. All I saw was a place to log in but didn't see anything before that. I didn't log in. But I am assuming I would see the reports after I log in. If that is not the case I will look again.

    Once again, please learn to stop responding and talking when you are not being asked questions.


  11. Mehdi,

    Thanks for finally emailing me off list. I wasn't aware that you were asking questions here as I am not originator of this post (Scott Roberts kindly posted it for me). I did not respond because I didn't know there were questions here for me.

    Please visit the Wikiplanning site for all of the reports. The reports should not be restricted, at all. You are the only person who has reported this problem, however, I will ask the developer to make sure it is unrestricted.

    There is no plan to demolish the site.

  12. Tania,

    I saw your name at the top of the posting.

    Thank you for responding. However, I would greatly appreciate it if you would please respond to the questions completely so I don't have to repeat my questions. Or if you don't have an answer, please tell me who does. Please see the following questions:

    1) Are you saying no part of the McMillan structure will be demolished AT ALL? Meaning the whole structure will be preserved? And that is for sure? Ever? Period? If not, and if any part of the site is going to be demolished, then that is my question: what percentage of the site will be demolished and why? for what reason?

    2) How are the results of the four studies that were done used in the plannings that are being done?

    Thank you for responding directly and fully so we don't have to go back and forth.


  13. Mr. Mansouri,

    You are again out of line. Someone trying to help you because you didn't pay any attention at the last meeting and didn't participate in the sessions and then have these questions and harsh accusations. If you would have logged in you would have seen the whole page. You were told at the meeting all about this, but failed again to listen! Communications is mostly about listening, something that is difficult for you to achieve. Your tone again is outrageous and your words towards me and Ms. Jackson are not called for. I suggest you take your frustrations out in some other constructive way or seek some type of help with you anger! Enough is enough!

  14. Well, Barrie, first of all I am not angry at anyone. I am just using the appropriate words that describe the people that I am referring to. Just like when you refer to a doctor, you say "Dr. so and so." The same way, someone who commits crime, you call them "Mr. Criminal so and so." And that is all I am doing when I talking with you and other criminals in your gang.

    Secondly, how come you other criminals in your gang, including your masters (i.e. the evil and corrupt businesses that could be spoon-feeding you, the City "officials," the "honorable" CM, etc. etc.) are allowed to be criminals, incompetent, vicious, corrupt, thieves, evil, and much much more, and lie to and deceive people to devastation, but WeThePeople are not allowed to even be angry at you all? Wow! Well, Sir, there are those of us that cannot be fooled by termite people like you (and most others on the MAG) who have caused destruction of DC Government by selling it to corrupt and evil businesses who are pulling your, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Thomas, and a bunch of other criminals' strings.

    Thirdly, this is my last communication with you here. But don't worry. We will see each other again soon.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Mr. Mansouri,

    (WE THE PEOPLE) really it is more like We the crazy nuts with no sense or class!)

    You are out of line again! Calling people the things you do just shows how little you value people and this community. Your accusations and lies are enough! I have withstood these lies, name calling and accusations for the last time. You do realize you are liable for these statements? Or it is that you think you are not in America! This isn't some foreign country you can get away with such acts.
    The people of this community have had just about enough of you, and the time has come to shut the front door! Your actions and verse for the past few years has been both uncalled for and defaming! You use word the words of G.W. Bush, is that something you are proud of? Evil, corrupt, and criminal! Really, Mr. Mansouri, how very dare you if utter those words without some type of standing. It's time you learned the hard way. Your threats and threats of lawsuits is simple bullshit and I'll be calling you and your cronies on all that bullshit very soon! You have stepped out of the line for the very last time here! Time for you and your cronies to pay the piper! Get ready!

  17. Well, Barrie, here I am breaking my own promise that I said I won't respond to you on this blog anymore. But since you seem not to still be clear about some concepts, let's discuss this further. But you do need to start answering my questions and not just saying all the things that you always say to shut people up who object to the crimes of the DC "officials" and staff as I said before. As a start, PLEASE only give a Yes or No answer to the following question so we can continue in a productive manner. Here is the first question:

    Is it OK to call someone who commits a crime a "criminal?" Yes or No?


  18. Dear Mr. Mansouri,

    I have never been afraid to answer any questions whatsoever! As for giving only a yes or no answer! Who the heck do you think you are? Are we in a court? No! So what you get is an honest and straight forward response that you deserve, despite your smug and outrageous tactics!

    Yes, but only if they are convicted of a crime in a court of law. Personally, I would only use the term if someone was convicted of a serious crime, a felony!

    So for you to use such a term with anyone without proof, without a conviction is outrageous! You, Mr. Mansouri, with all your education; elitist and privileged upbringing in Iran, you should know that in fact you are committing a crime because you are defaming people and are libelous for your actions in such cases! Have I made myself clear enough for you to comprehend!

    Some may say that I have been awful on these blogs. I see your point of view; however you must realize that these people who use this media are not dealing with the facts! They are pushing agendas. Mr. Mansouri's agenda is to put an end to the development of McMillan! A resident for a few years wants to stop everything because he knows better than everyone else on the planet, let alone someone who has lived here 30-40 years. Please my fellow DC residents. Let's put an end to this type of tactics and sent a clear message to those who use them! Speak up!

  19. OK, Barrie. I am glad you are finally ANSWERING questions. No. You NEVER did answer any questions that would corner you and your acts in favor of the developers and the City. Everyone know that. I saw that during the time that I was on the MAG. And I saw the same things from the City officials. NEVER answered to any of my simple questions, other than threatening me and trying to shut me up. Just like what you have ALWAYS done. But enough of the past. If you are serious and honest about answering questions, then this is a good start.

    1st. To your point about someone must be convicted so they can be called "criminal." Well, Bush administration did the worst possible things to this nation, and all those people got away with them. They will never be taken to court. Does that mean SOME people, at least, don't compare their actions with what those actions would have been judged by law had they been discussed in court? This is the same as saying Hitler is not a criminal because he never appeared in court. Or such and such governments and groups around the world who terrorize people and send them to their death (including what Bush administration did) are not criminals because there has been no court to convict them. Well, you can claim that as much as you like, but court system, ESPECIALLY those that are designed to protect the powerful and rich, are far, far from being the finite.

    Then let's go to our second question (and yes. Please feel free to provide description as much as you like).

    Question 2: how would you describe crime? Would you also provide a few examples? I know you briefly mentioned "felony" etc. But just to be more clear, would you give us a complete description from your perspective?


    P.S. I suggest you don't mention "foreign countries" in an attempt to associate me with what is going on in Iran (i.e. complete devastation and slaughter of humanity). I gave you my answer to your statement in my previous personal emails (regarding why Iran became what it is today, meaning CIA operations of 1953, then events of 1957 (SAVAK), 1987, etc. etc.). You have already proven that you use any dishonest tactic to shut people up and get what you want. But that is what makes the difference between you and me. I fight for justice, and stand tall. Don't lie, don't deceive, and am not afraid of anyone. I tell the truth, and support those who can't help themselves. And much much more. I have done so all my life. And so have done millions of heros in Iran in their fight against the government that has been pushed down their throat by outside powers so they can control oil, and take other advantage of that nation. Therefore, I suggest you stay away from such comments for you only prove more of your lack of knowledge and character. I am really not trying to "bash" you or anything. I am just responding to what you said in case there are others who read what we write and they believe what you say. I prefer we focus our discussions on the problem at hand: McMillan.

  20. Dear Mr. Mansouri,

    You are so wrong! As for the criminal chat! You are wrong; this is not a global discussion. You have accused everyone who doesn't agree with as being evil, corrupt and criminal. You have done so at the cost of others, you are wrong period!

    As for your second Question about crime, Crime is the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such as legal systems) can ultimately prescribe a conviction. Individual human societies may each define crime and crimes differently. Modern societies generally regard crimes as offences against the public or the state. The label of "crime" and the accompanying social stigma normally confine their scope to those activities seen as injurious to the general population or to the State, including some that cause serious loss or damage to individuals. Those who apply the labels of "crime" or "criminal" intend to assert the hegemony of a dominant population, or to reflect a consensus of condemnation for the identified behavior and to justify any punishments prescribed by the State (in the event that standard processing tries and convicts an accused person of a crime). I hope this educates you a bit more on how and when you use such a term. It’s obvious you are in the minority in your opinion, and that I surely have broken no law! I haven’t been accused (only by your deranged self), tried or convicted. Thus again for the very last time, I suggest your refrain from using this term ever again in reference to me, and kindly as that your print a retraction of your statement publicly.

    Furthermore, Mr. Mansouri you are the one who brings in the global aspects of your argument. Now you want to limit my statements to domestic matters. Surely doesn't seem fair and equitable, but frankly what would you know about that given your behavior and tactics.

    As you are very well aware I have family members who are also Iranian and of Iranian decent. I have shared some of your emails with them; they were appalled by your statements. My cousin actually stated , “You should never dish the US. That no matter what actions took place at the hands of the US; it was for the good of mankind. Surely ot some upper-class Iranian taking advantage of the little people, has little to offer in this argument. Some thing surely you never experienced back in Iran, given your privileged upbringing! My cousin stated “…the US should ship you right back to Iran…for any foreign born US citizen to make the statements he has made and the anti-government propaganda that he has out in the public is quite disturbing!”

  21. Barrie,

    Yes. In your opinion everyone who points out a problem with the government system that is feeding you is wrong. I am trying to point out to some of the major problems in the DC Government, the biggest of which is corruption. If you are not willing to have a mature discussion (i.e. with reasons showing why I am wrong? which part of what I am saying is not true? Or at least ask me what proofs I have for those specific descriptive adjectives that I use?). You have proven your biased views and unfair/dishonest approached to winning discussions (and elections) many times. Nothing productive can ever come out of the time that we are spending. Please let me know if you ever decide to use reason and logic in your discussions (and not trying to label people in any dishonest way that you can because you cannot have a meaningful discussion with them).

    As for your Iranian cousin, would he be so gracious to tell me which "anti government propaganda" that I am making that he finds "disturbing" and why?

    Also, saying that the US and those other two countries did the right thing with the coup of 1953 and the following SAVAK of 1957, etc. etc. that they did in Iran, that is just another indication of depth arrogance, ignorance, and honestly, plain inhumane characteristic of you (and your cousine). Do you have any reason why those actions (that resulted in the Iran as it is today) were for the "good of mankind?" What would US do if another power tries to do a coup here? If that is wrong, why is US and others doing coups in other countries, destroying their democratic system, and bringing them to the stage of hell that they are in today is right and for the good of "mankind?" The only way something like this could be for the good of "mankind" is if you consider yourself and those other ignorant and evil businesses who do those kind of things and/or support them for their own profits the "mankind" and everyone else of anything but "mankind." Please just take a deeper look at your logics.

    Finally, Barrie, I am a "true American" no matter even when I was not in America, and no matter where I may be, and not you and people like you, such as those in the DC Government. Because "America" is a concept with the goal of ultimate justice for all humankind. People like you are the ones that need to be fought against along the way to reach that ultimate goal. Please think about what you are saying and doing to find out what your role is in that regards.


  22. Mr. Mansouri,

    First of all you have no idea what my opinion is, so please don't think that you do, maybe you’re the first mind reader know to man! We are very well ware that you believe half the crap you speak but that doesn't make it true. As for pointing out DC government corruption, that is one thing; but this topic is McMillan, not a general overall discussion on what you call a corrupt government. As for the mature discussion, it has been apparent that you are not capable of one and it has been shown by your actions and comments on this blog and in public. As for labeling people, Mr. Mansouri, I always refrain from such things. Maybe you have forgotten it is you who are labeling people with corrupt, criminal, dishonest, and evil.

    As for my cousin’s comments, maybe you can speak to him about that. But your comment that the US was responsible for all of the hardships of Iran and the Middle East is what turn the tables for him. You see he loves this country and has even serviced to defend this country! He may have found some faults as nothing and no one is perfect, however you have taken the extremist path!

    As for Iran I am not an expert, but I happen to feel that that the reasons for US involvement had a lot more to do with the communists and their oppression and try to stop that potential take off of Iran an another nation falling in the hands of the communists.

    As for a coup here in the US, do you not realize that is exactly how this country was formed. It was a coup of revolutionists who stood up against an oppressive English government to take control and spread freedom for all!

    As for you being a true American I have my doubts, I don't recognize anyone who goes on their own personal rants and raves with anti-government rhetoric to fulfill their own personal goals as being a true American. A True American is a patriot! A true American has the interests of his country first before his own!

    SO, Mr. Mansouri, I suggest you start with some serious soul searching yourself before you start to toss accusations towards others. People who live in glass houses don't throw stones!

  23. Mr. Daneker. Yes. The US did a MAJOR invasion and CRIME in IRAN, not only destroyed that country, but turned it around 180 degrees and made it what it is today—all of that because of OIL and two other reasons, and not out of fear of communists. If communists were the reason, US would have done the same thing in many other countries in that region. BUT DIDN'T. The result of what US did has been devastations of tens of millions of people, torture of worst forms, rapes, and executions (by SAVAK and the current government), and disappearances of millions of people in that country, especially students. And certain people in US and around the world are responsible for ALL of those crimes, and so are you and EVERYONE ELSE who are supporting those actions.
    At the same time, another concept that I have said repeatedly is this: US is not a COUNTRY. It is a symbol, a concept. If US were a country, then it belongs to the First People and not anyone else who came here, massacred them, and called this land their own. Now since that is done and everyone is here, the least anyone who came here afterwards or was born here can do is not to call this place a COUNTRY of their own, but the center of the world, with the whole world being one family, one country. Also, Mr. Daneker, most people came here for freedom, democracy, and justice, AND NOT TO GAIN POWER AND THEN GO BACK AND TAKE THOSE SAME THINGS AWAY FROM OTHER PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD, just like what US did in Iran and several other countries. That mentality belongs to evils, barbarians, and criminals like you. PATRIOTISM is not going around the world and killing people to take their lands and oil, selling weapons, raping their families, and having party around their naked bodies that are either being gang raped or tortured in the middle. After birth of “AMERICA,” at the cost and pain of countless indigenous people and owners of this land, PATRIOTISM became defending justice, humanity, and democracy, and NOT TAKING THEM AWAY from others to benefit some evil businesses, and then coming up with all kinds cowardly lies and deceptions to justify the crimes. Iran was invaded for a number of reasons, NONE of which was communist threat. If that were the case, then why didn't US do coup in any of the other countries around Iran? One of the three reasons that US and UK did the coup in Iran was the oil that Mosadegh had just nationalized to take it away from UK and give it back to people of Iran.
    (end of part 1 of two parts)

  24. (beginning of part 2 of two parts)

    No, Mr. Daneker. US did wrong to Iran, just as it did to the First Americans that they massacred, raped, and tortured over and over again, or during the slavery time when they put people on stake or threw them into ocean ALIVE, or tide them to the back of horses and cars and dragged them to their death. US did (and republicans still do) similar things to many others, even in this country, STILL. I would like to know what you think your reaction would be if another superpower did the SAME things to US, and to you and your family?
    Mr. Daneker, with all of the above said, I don’t see any of those crimes to have been done at the hands of AMERICA. Because AMERICA didn't do the above. Evil, corrupt, and criminal people such as yourself who lived in America and took advantage of its power for their own personal gains did those crimes. But at the same time there have always been countless other REAL humans in America who have fought those evil people. If it wasn't for those brave HUMANS, the evil, BARBARIANSs (which you probably know the root of the word, i assume?) would have devastated this country and the world even more. Still every now and then those evils, criminals, and monsters like the DC Government and Bush's administration take over and--with the support of other evils like you--do their crimes to the people of this country and the world. That is why those people—and YOU--are the ENEMIES of America. But then there are those who bring Obama to power. And that is the reason why I call this place world's only opportunity for achieving justice for all--someday. My other proofs of victories of justice over evil in this country includes the unthinkable Civil Rights victory and several others. It is that kind of progress that shows to me that times of evils like you, the DC Government, and "Bush" mentality are coming to their end, slowly, but surely. And that is the power of AMERICA, THE CONCEPT! Something that you have proven not to be able to understand.
    Yes. AMERICA is my home and home of all the brave women and men who fight for justice for all, to defeat coward criminals like you. This is not your place, and far from being your "country." This is the land of EVERYONE in the world who fights for justice and against evils like you, the DC Government, and Bush administration. The only enemies of America are people like you and other evils who are hurting the name of America in the world by making it synonymous with devastation, war, torture, SAVAK, rape, execution, and coup to topple a democratically elected government as a punishment for having nationalized oil.
    And yes. US has a looooong way to go to become the TRUE humane system that it must become as the LEADER of justice and humanity in the world. But US is the best and only chance that the world has for those principles to become global. Defending this concept is what I am doing and call it TRUE PATRIOTISM--and not fighting other countries to over throw their democratic government for profit and oil, and then so cowardly and criminally call it "favor to humanity."
    Your time too, Mr. Daneker, will be up soon when you too will be brought to justice in court to stand trial for your support of the crimes of the corrupt and evil DC Government to people, which are becoming more and more documents almost on a daily basis. Just tonight I was at another show-and-tell orchestrated by the “Office of Economic Development for Developers” where the Franklin School was being given away. Same lies, same deceptions, and same recording of the scene by those who are fighting for justice to use in court.
    Mr. Daneker, I have nothing else to say to you. Whatever else you are going to post here, please review the above again and again to find your answers, or show the above to a "human" around you so s/he would explain to you what I said.


  25. Barrie,

    I responded to you in an email that I just sent to you. Feel free to forward that to anyone you like (as you do), post it here or to any other blog/discussion board any where in the world, and such. HOWEVER, whoever you send it to or wherever you post it to, and whatever you do with it you MUST always send/post/show THE WHOLE email.

    As I said in that email, you are have shown to be a criminal, corrupt, and more importantly and evil individual with no human values (such as honesty, fairness, justice for all) and no character. You (along with a number of other people) are being sued for your cooperation with the criminal government of DC.

    Also as I said in my email to you, I have nothing further to tell you.


  26. Mr. Mansouri

    You have been threatening this lawsuit for a year now! So please put up or shut up! I'm ready the lawyers have already been notified and the are waiting to go right after you and your crew! BRING IT ON! Just remember you better have a big war chest! Lawyers cost big buck if they are any good! I've had mine on retainer for ages just waiting to get served! Get ready, look busy, he's coming!
