
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

issues with 2037 1st Street NW

See this 1/18/2011 message:

I am seeking advice from the neighborhood about the property at 2037 1st Street NW. At night, ALL NIGHT LONG, several nights a week, loud music is played out of the windows, which have no glass. The house is padlocked from the outside and no one responds to knocking or to police. In the morning, the music goes off. Every night it is the same recording playing on a loop. Lionel Ritchie. It`s like living next to a haunted 1980s roller rink. Why would anyone do this? And how can one make it stop? The owner, who is listed in DC tax records as having the same name as a former vice president of the Bloomingdale Civic Association, appears to do just enough to the exterior of the house to keep it from being condemned and to maintain residential tax status. But a glance inside the windows shows a falling-down hellhole. Does anyone have any advice?


  1. I just got off the phone with 311 about this. I asked what to do in case of squatters - of which this seems to be a pretty clear case - and they said to call 911.

  2. I live on V St. and have seen seemingly homeless people enter the house...the times I've been walking by when this happens they act like they don't want to be seen and wait until no one is looking before they enter...I agree something should be done.

  3. Couple of things to do. 1) when it starts tonight, and sounds like it will, call 911 and when you don't or if you don't get any response call again and ask for the supervisor and send off a note to Cathy Lanier. 2)If the house is padlocked from the outside,yet someone has made their way inside then it is a squatter for sure. The house obviously has power you may be able to find out where the power bill is being sent to by calling Pepco. 3)no matter what the owner may try to do the house is vacant and needs to be reported to DCRA as vacant and then they can endure the tax rate of a vacant home. Go to DCRA website and there is a link and a phone number to report a vacant property. They will be able to tell you if it already declared and if not how to report it. 4) If the owner isn't living in the house and he has it "occupied" by someone else then check dc tax assesment records and see if the house if declaring the homestead excemption. If so call dc tax office and report that also. If the owner won't do anything about the loud noise you have to take matters into your own hands.

  4. Maybe it is my odd mind at work, but is it possible that the owner (or someone else) has programmed the music to deter squatters from sleeping there overnight, ATF/Branch Dividian style? It seems odd that it is on a continous loop and begins and ends routinely. I make no comment on the musical taste of the "DJ"...

  5. The owners full name is Patricia Gill Hampton. At one time the home was owned by "Pioneer America" but seems she has some affiliation with them.

  6. I always thought it was vacant, but did see someone sitting on the stairs for the first time yesterday. It is a shame, as it is a beautiful home and as it slowly rots, it loses its original charm...

  7. I called 911 and police were swift. But what could they do? Doors locked. No answer. A match for the property owner resides in the state of Michigan and has not responded to email or phone calls. The property is classified as residential, not vacant. It's a large corner house but is assessed at the property value of some basement apartments.

  8. Hey, here's an idea: leave them the fuck alone and mind your own business?

  9. Maybe because maybe those of us that have jobs and have invested our hard earned money in this neighbborhood actually want to improve it and dont want to deal with this for a start?

  10. That house is a nuisance. I have seen people going around back, presumably, to answer nature's call.

    Its status should be changed to vacant so the owner is paying a much higher tax rate and has some incentive to do something with it.

    One question: Are they playing the Lionel Richie song "All Night Long"? Not that it's much solace, but that would be kind of funny. Maybe it's hipsters trying to be ironic?

  11. Hey jerseyfresh, it became my business on the third sleepless night. Before that I ignored this falling-down house. But thanks for the thoughtful advice.

  12. Is anyone interested in giving me interview about the house? I'm a Georgetown University student pursuing a master in journalism. I have to do a video piece on something interesting. It might even help you get rid of the disturbers. Let me know (preferably I would like to interview at least a few people).
    My email is and cell: 703-944-8401

  13. I sent a note off to DCRA about the house being declared as vacant and I got a note back that they are now going to investigate. We might at least be able to get it declared vacant and it is no small feat for the owner to meet the parameters to have that reversed. This is a start.

  14. so jerseyfresh16....we have just made it our business

  15. I met a neighbor yesterday who told me about the "Lionel Richie House". I started Googling. You will all be happy to hear that now the renovation is almost done, too! If you haven't seen the website it's We will be coming on the market hopefully (fingers crossed) on September 20th (4-8 pm grand opening party - neighbors are more than welcome!).
