
Saturday, January 15, 2011

seeeking referrals for home energy auditors

From a Bloomingdale resident:

I am looking for recommendations for home energy auditors. After December`s cold and a horrifying electric bill, I have to take some action. :)

Any recommendations from neighbors would be much appreciated! Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. DC home owners can get a free energy audit from DDOE. They also post information on how to do an audit of the most common energy loss issues yourself.,a,1209,q,492915.asp
    My 3 tips based on what we have seen make a difference in our house: 1 - insulate your attic. 2 - plug any drafty spots around your windows. Our windows are ok, but where the new replacement windows connects to the original window frames is drafty - we are sealing the drafts with putty we got at Home Depot. It comes in cords and is easy to stuff in the cracks. 3 - have your bricks repointed in the spring.
