
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Capitol Food Mart at 1634 North Capitol St NW applying for an alcohol license

Some unknown person -- MTN1414 at -- who might live in the neighborhood asked to have this message posted:

I went to the Capitol Food Mart at 1634 North Capitol NW this weekend and saw that they have applied for a license to sell alcohol. It seems like there is little upside to another establishment selling alcohol within a block or two of the Florida Avenue intersection. Plus, unlike the liquor stores, the food mart would be able to sell alcohol on Sundays - likely bringing the people who loiter at the Florida Avenue intersection north. Given the recent shootings in the area, I can think of better ways to expand business in the neighborhood. Just wanted to give a heads up and see if others have concerns - I know there are ways to protest the license application. I believe there is a hearing on March 24.


  1. Thanks for posting! The would be terrible, I want to get rid of Sunset and Johnson, there is no room for another store and Sunday is the only day this neighborhood is normal for a change. Here is the website for info on how we can protest the license. The loitering, violence, already heavy traffic area, etc.. will definitely hold up at the hearing if enough residents submit complaints and show up for the hearing to prevent this from being granted!

  2. I would love to fill out a form and attend the hearing. Your link didn't say exactly what form and there are multiple forms on the page your link goes to.

  3. Agreed -- please give us more instructions. We don't need this place selling alcohol.

  4. I went to the site too, I saw the PIF form but they said not to use it for a protest petition,it is confusing, could someone give us more info on how to protest this petition?

  5. Enough is enough with the liquor establishments. We have enouhg of them on that block. As Oprah said in the Color Purple "I said HELL NO"

  6. Looking at this site, it looks like there are several issues to address for a protest:

    First is who can file a protest:
    • Abutting property owner
    • Group of five or more property owners sharing common ground
    • Incorporated citizens association
    • Affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC)
    • DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD)

    As for how to file, it looks like a protest letter must be submitted, along with the Protest Information Form, at least 7 days before the hearing. As for the basis for filing, there appear to be several reasons that would apply to this establishment.

    Protests must be filed in writing and must be received by ABRA prior to the end of the protest period. The written opposition must reference at least one appropriateness standard, including (1) adverse impact on the peace, order, and quiet of the neighborhood; (2) adverse impact on the residential parking and vehicular and pedestrian safety in the neighborhood; (3) adverse impact on real property values; (4) over-concentration of ABC establishments. The letter must be signed by the protestants and include each protestant’s full address. Send or bring the letter of protest to:

    Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration, Adjudication Division
    1250 U Street, NW
    Third Floor
    Washington, DC 20009

    You may fax the letter to (202) 442-9563, or email the letter to If emailed, the protest must be sent as a PDF and must be signed.

    Parties to a Protest hearing must submit a Protest Information Form (PIF) in advance of the hearing.
