
Friday, February 04, 2011

dog owners: please keep your dogs on leashes

See this message from an Adams Street NW resident:

This is a reminder to neighborhood dog owners to please leash your dogs when using neighborhood sidewalks. This is for the safety of your dog(s), dog owners, other dogs in the neighborhood, and for all residents. I am a dog owner and know the joy of having a well-behaved dog that responds well to verbal commands, but I also know that not everyone is comfortable with dogs, particularly when they are not restrained in any manner by their owners. Also, please note that the District of Columbia has a leash law and you are legally required to leash your pet. Again, please be considerate of others and leash your dogs on neighborhood sidewalks and streets.

1 comment:

  1. Although I have no problem with pet owners, I've been skittish around unleashed dogs since I was attacked (and hospitalized) by one as a child. Your comments are much appreciated.
